Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Hone, Philip, 1780-1851

titleRobert S Hone Diary, 1840 Apr. 29-1842 May 31.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionDiary kept by Hone, also containing a chronology of events and records of temperature (Apr. 29, 1840-May 31, 1842). He writes of the activities of the Whig Party, his own views on political and public events, marriages, deaths, events of interest in New York City, shipping news from various ports, social events, entertainments, frequent reference to Charles Handy Russell and his daughter Eliza, whom Hone was to marry, as well as Daniel Fearing, members of the Schermerhorn family, and his father. Captioned "Volume the second." Clippings on weather and New York City's memorial procession on the death of President Harrison affixed inside first and last cover and adjoining pages.

Historical Note:
Merchant, New York City; son of Philip Hone.

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
BV Hone, R.
extent1 v. (ca. 270 p.)
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
bibliographyHone, Philip (1889) ed. by B. Tuckerman, The diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851. New York, Dodd, Mead, and Co.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:28

titleWurts family papers, 1699-1964.
repositoryHagley Museum and Library
descriptionThe Wurts family papers are a collection assembled by John S. Wurts from various ancestors on both the male and female lines. They include family and business correspondence, diaries, estate papers, maps, engineering drawings, and financial papers such as bills and receipts, promissory notes, and accounts. The largest and most important section pertains to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company (1805-1869). These are primarily papers of Maurice Wurts. Primarily correspondence, they also include receipts, bills, accounts, estimates, petitions, journals, pamphlets, newspapers, articles of agreement, deeds, and powers of attorney. The records reveal Wurts's activities in mining and shipping coal, negotiating with New York and Pennsylvania politicians to secure the corporate charters, soliciting investments from New York capitalists, and supervising the construction of the canal. They include records of payments to canal contractors. Another interesting series in the collection is the Vanuxem family papers, including those of James Vanuxem (1778-1837) and Louis C. Vanuxem (1811-1832), consisting of financial and legal papers and correspondence. James Vanuxem (1745-1824) was a Philadelphia shipping merchant and helped establish several insurance companies. His son Louis C. Vanuxem (1788-1832) had several occupations: he was a shipping merchant, he leased grist and saw mills from his father in Morrisville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and he later relocated to Matanzas, Cuba where he took up farming and was a merchant. The papers of Lorenzo A. Sykes, ranging from 1802-1886 include financial papers, correspondence, and diaries and notebooks, some which he kept while working for the Morris Canal and the New Jersey Railroad.

The Theodore F. Wurts Papers (1850-1919) consist primarily of his engineering papers and include drawings, maps, reports, and specifications for his work on railroads, coal mines, New Jersey seashore communities, and his patents for coast protection. A diary of Samuel Grandin Wurts (1800-1803) includes brief notations about his activities on board the USS CONSTELLATION, dispatched to the Mediterranean during the Tripolitan War. Although no members of the Vanuxem or Wurts families were members of the Mermaid Club, the records ended up in the possession of John S. Wurts. The Mermaid Club was a men's literary organization founded in 1877 in Germantown, Philadelphia. The records (1882-1902) include financial papers; correspondence; constitution, by-laws, and resolutions; secretary and committee reports; club histories; lecture and course readings lists; literary papers; and miscellany. The records also include financial papers (invoices and receipts) of St. Michael's Church, Sunday School that was also located in Germantown. Much of the collection consists of family correspondence that illustrates the relationship between family members. These papers also reveal the concerns, amusements, interests, and attitudes of nineteenth century Americans in the professional class.

John Sparhawk Wurts was born in Carbondale, Pa. on June 18, 1876. He worked as an insurance agent, attorney, real estate agent, investment securities broker, was president of the World Association of Daily Vacation Bible Schools, and was a genealogist. He collected these papers because of his interest in his family's history.
extent9 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Estate Papers Diaries Business Papers
accessNo restrictions on use.
record link
record source
finding aidOnline and available in library.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleRembrandt Peale letters and address, 1846-1857.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters and an address of a speech delivered by Peale. Four letters: to General Mercer, March 31, 1824; Charles F. Mayer, September 24, 1828; to Philip Hone, January 24, 1831; and to T. Whittemon, May 6, 1859; and a manuscript copy of Peale's address "Washington and his Portraits" delivered at the New York Historical Society, June 16, 1857. Copied by George Tatham. A letter to Rev. Lemuel G. Olmstead, March 24, 1856, in answer to Olmstead's request for information on a portrait of Joel Barlow painted by Peale's father, Charles Willson Peale.
extent6 items (on 2 partial microfilm reels) reel D9 and 3646
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record source
acquisition informationMaterials on reel 3646 and D9(fr. 851-899) donated by Lawrence Fleischman. Materials reel D9 (fr. 837-850) donated by Charles Feinberg, 1956-1962. Both donors were active supporters and friends of AAA.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

title1814-1852. ALsS : Leslie, Charles Robert, 1794-1859.; Adams, John Quincy,; Flaxman, Maria,, and others.
repositoryRosenbach Museum & Library
descriptionEight letters to friends and fellow artists, in which he pays compliments, sends and receives invitations, gives news of his family, and regrets that he has nothing to contribute to an exhibition.

Also present is a letter of introduction for Philip Hone. Recipients include John Quincy Adams, Maria (Mary Ann) Flaxman, John Wesley Jarvis, and Edwin Landseer.

Anglo-American painter.
extent9 items (18 p.) ; 23 cm. or smaller.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationThe letters to Jarvis and Adams were formerly in the collection of David M. Newbold (sold Henkels, sale 413, 27 March 1928, lot 295). Purchased with the others from Kingston Galleries
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleAllen Nevins Papers, 1912-1992.
repositoryColumbia University Libraries
descriptionApproximately 12,000 letters to Allan Nevins from various correspondents including James Truslow Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Willa Cather, Mrs. Grover Cleveland, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Frost, Newton D. Baker, Archibald MacLeish, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Henry Wallace; notes and typescripts for Nevins' books including Emergence of Lincoln ,

The Ordeal of Democracy , Rockefeller , and History and Historians , with notes by editor Ray A. Billington; miscellaneous transcripts, clippings, newspapers, and photographs. Also, autograph letters and manuscripts by presidents, Civil War figures, financiers, politicians, and authors. There are also the Brand Whitlock World War I Diaries and letters to him by such people as Herbert Hoover, Gen. John J. Pershing, and others.

Biographical/ Historical Note:
American historian and editor.

Preferred Citation
Identification of specific item; Date (if known); Allan Nevins Papers; Box and Folder; Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University Library.

Additional papers relating to ORDEAL OF THE UNION are at the Henry Huntington Library.

Research files and manuscripts relating to his biography of Herbert H. Lehman are in the Lehman Papers, 406 International Affairs.

The books from Prof. Nevins' own library, which were formerly shelved with these papers, have been moved to Stack 15/Cage 21/Range 3.

Lord Bryce letters are on microfilm.

Willa Cather letters are on microfilm.

Royal Cortissoz letters are on microfilm.

Elizabeth Benton Fremont diary is on microfilm.
extent96.5 linear ft. (ca.40,700 items in 207 boxes, 73 volumes & 8 oversize items).
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript Notes Diaries
accessReaders must use microfilm of materials.
record link
record source
acquisition informationGift of Allan Nevins, 1953 & 1954. Bequest of Alan Nevins, 1971. Gift of Anne Nevins Loftis & Meredith Nevins Mayer, 1982. Gift of Meredith Nevins Mayer, 1992.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titlePhilip Hone Diaries, 1826-1851.
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
description Diaries kept by Hone from 1828 to 1851 (the first volume was used as a notebook beginning in 1826, while Hone was mayor, until diary entries start May 1, 1828). Hone, a wealthy, prominent and cultured man, writes of the hundreds of prominent people with whom he came in contact: statesmen, artists, politicians, authors, businessmen, and others.

He records the balls, dinners, and other entertainments he attends; national and local issues of the day; events in New York such as fires, riots, and visits of prominent foreigners; activities of the many cultural and philanthropic organizations which he assisted; his interest in newspapers, art, banks and banking, business conditions, railroads, and theatre; and his close involvement with the Whig Party. The notebook portion of the first volume includes texts of speeches he gave, lists of people "invited to dine", and copies of corresondence.

Historical Note:
Mayor, New York City.

Permission note
This collection is owned by The New-York Historical Society. Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Library Director of The New-York Historical Society, Two West 77th Street, New York, NY 10024.

Microfilm copy available; see under Hone, Philip. Photographic negatives available of selected pages from the diaries; see card catalog for details.

New-York Historical Society

Mss Collection

Call Number
BV Hone, Philip
extent28 v.
accessOpen to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
bibliographyNevins, Allan, ed. Diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1889 (and later editions). The 1927 edition was reprinted in 1970 by Arno Press, New York.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleVisitors' book, 1825
repositoryThe New-York Historical Society
descriptionVisitors' book, 1825, of the Peale's Museum in New York City, containing the signatures of museum patrons, including many prominent New Yorkers of the day, such as De Witt Clinton, David Hosack, Philip Hone, Gulian C. Verplanck, Mordecai M. Noah, and others.

Historical Note
Museum opened in New York City in Sept. 1825 by Reubens Peale; building and collection sold ca. 1837.

New-York Historical Society


Mss Collection

Call Number
BV Peale’s
extent1 v.
formatsVisitor's Book
accessAccess: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34

titleNotes, drafts, and fragments: of James Monroe, 1809- 1830, n.d.
repositoryJames Monroe Museum & Memorial Library
descriptionThe collection contains a draft of a letter in which Monroe is trying to locate copies of published essays by General Harper, 1825?; to Major Clarke arguing that a person should not actively seek office but accept it when proffered, 1809;

notes on claims for compensation from the government, 1825; to William Wirt about claims of Daniel D. Tompkins for compensation for service during the War of 1812, his own financial problems, and Thomas Jefferson, 1827.

Also, drafts of notes on different races and nationalities and on government, n.d.; Monroe responds to John C. Calhoun's concern about the tariff and warns of danger of dismembering the union, 1830; notes on the French discovery and exploration of the Mississippi River, n.d.;

notes on a variety of subjects: trade with England, privacy, U.S. territorial claims, Cumberland Road, U.S. naval forces, n.d. There are fragments of letters from Monroe to John Watson, n.d.; plans for moving his farm, n.d.; comments on the embargo, n.d.; Robert Page to unknown recipient about problems in the Virginia chancery courts, n.d.; and reports on Monroe's health, 1830.

There is a summary of a letter from Monroe about his financial problems from being abroad, 1810; clipping from the Richmond Whig newspaper of a letter addressed to John C. Calhoun signed "Lilburne" accusing Calhoun of ambition to be president, 1826;

extracts from Philip Hone's diary about Monroe's health and celebrations in New York City on the anniversary of the French Revolution, 1830; precis of letter from Monroe and John Quincy Adams to Taou Kwang, Emperor of China, protesting plundering of U.S. ships in Chinese waters, n.d.;

precis of letter from Calhoun to Andrew Jackson recommending Saterlee Clark for a federal appointment, endorsed by Monroe, 1830; precis of letter from Monroe to unknown recipient sending letters and passports for "two young Mr. Tabbs," 1811.

Also, includes copies of illegible letters from Monroe, 1830; and undated draft fragments in English and French.

In the collections of the James Monroe Museum & Memorial Library, Fredericksburg, Va.

Reproduction: photocopies, estracts, and summary.

extent25 items.
formatsNotes Reproductions
finding aidAnnotated list available.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:47