Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Passedoit Gallery (New York, N.Y.)

titlePassedoit Gallery records, 1941-1958.
repositoryArchives of American Art
description50 exhibition catalogs arranged alphabetically by artists, A-W for individual shows, and arranged chronologically for group shows; and exhibition announcements.
extent0.2 linear ft. (on partial microfilm reel) reel D359
formatsExhibition Catalogs
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record link
record source
acquisition informationDonated 1968 by Georgette Passedoit.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:28

titleBror Julius Olsson (B.J.O.) Nordfeldt papers, 1909-1989
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionBiographical material, correspondence, business records, writings and notes, printed material, scrapbooks, and photographs document Nordfeldt's career as a painter and instructor, and his widow's involvement after his death in exhibitions, biographies, and sales of his work. Biographical material includes a biographical sketch by Stanton L. Catlin, several letters from Nordfeldt's first wife Margaret to his second wife, Emily, and his nephew, Leonard Olson, in response to requests for biographical information, and biographical documents; correspondence of Emily and B.J.O., 1909-1959, with museum directors, gallery owners, patrons, artists, friends, universities, and others, mainly regarding the sale and exhibitions of his paintings and his teaching positions; artists' statements; exhibition catalogs; photographs of Nordfeldt; an excerpt from The Man on the Hilltop, by Arthur Davison Ficke; 5 sketchbooks; 3 scrapbooks; and an extensive catalog of Nordfeldt's paintings compiled by Emily, containing photographs and descriptive information.

Among the correspondents are Dewey Albinson, Watson Bidwell, Gina Knee Brook, Victor Candell, Howard N. Cook, Edward L. Davison, Howard Devree, William Dickerson, Constance Forsyth, Harriet Hanley of Harriet Hanley Gallery, Raymond Jonson, William Lester, A. Hyatt Mayor, Georgette Passedoit of the Passedoit Gallery, his student Roberta Shelton, Homer Saint-Gaudens, and Hudson D. Walker. Some of the letters are illustrated. Resumes; correspondence, undated, 1923-1979, includes excerpts of letters from Nordfeldt to Constance Forsyth, 1942-1943 and Emily Abbott Nordfeldt, 1944; Emily Abbott Nordfeldt's correspondence with art collectors, art dealers, galleries and museums regarding exhibitions, gifts and sales of Nordfeldt's work; with Nordfeldt's biographers F. Van Deren Coke and J. Douglas Hale; and with the University of Minnesota, University Gallery, 1970-1972 regarding a Nordfeldt exhibition and the Nordfeldt Fund established by Emily; receipts and other business records; 1944-1979; writings and notes by Emily, ca.1930-1950, and others including the preface by Sheldon Cheney for Nordfeldt, the Painter by Coke, 1972; a transcript of an interview with Raymond Jonson by Coke; printed material, including clippings, 1912-1984, exhibition catalogs, posters and announcements, undated, 1915-1991, notably a catalog of Nordfeldt's etchings shown at the Arthur H. Hahlo & Co. with an introduction by Robert W. Bruere, 1915; reproductions of graphic work for The Outlook and Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1910; miscellaneous printed material; a scrapbook of clippings and printed material, 1971-1980; photographs of Nordfeldt, undated 1910-1955, of the Santa Fe Players' production of "Grumpy," 1921; 3 photo albums of works of art, ca. 1930-1940; 10 seconds of motion picture film; and 2 sketches by Nordfeldt.

Bio / His Notes:
Painter, etcher, block printer, engraver, lithographer, watercolorist, teacher; Santa Fe, N.M. and Lambertville, N.J. Born in Tullstorp, Scania, Sweden, and came to the United States in 1891. Taught at the Minneapolis School of Art and the University of Texas. Moved to Lambertville, N.J. in 1937 from Santa Fe, N.M.

Additional forms:
35mm microfilm reel D166-D167 available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
extent3.5 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 2 reels)
formatsCorrespondence Business Papers Writings Scrapbooks Printed Materials
accessMicrofilmed portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment and is limited to Washington, D.C. storage facility.
record source
acquisition informationMaterial on reels D166-D167 lent for microfilming 1963 by Emily Abbott Nordfeldt, Bror's widow. In 1991 her estate donated additional material as well as portions of the previously microfilmed material. Material previously lent but NOT subsequently donated includes portions of the biographical material; several letters; artists' statements; a few personal photographs; the 5 sketchbooks; items from the scrapbooks; and the catalog of paintings. (The collection file contains a list of specific reel and frame numbers.) Location of Original: Reels D166-D167: sketchbooks, catalog, and other items not donated: Location of originals unknown.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleHoughton Cranford Smith papers, 1890-1991.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionThe bulk of the collection consists of eight scrapbooks containing letters, photographs, sketches, printed material, and ephemera compiled and annotated by Smith's daughter Florence Cranford Smith Shepard.

Also included are the manuscript, notes, and final version of Smith's memoir, "The Provincetown I Remember", published posthumously in 1991; exhibition catalogs and announcements; several clippings; a class notebook (not microfilmed); an address book ca. 1920s/1930s; nude figure studies; a color photograph of Smith; and a print (not microfilmed) by Oscar Gieberich. The scrapbooks are titled as follows: Biographical Materials (v.1); Letters from France, 1914 (v.1, pt. 2); Letters from Chile, 1916-1920 (v. 1, pt. 3); Letters from Spain and France, 1926-1933 (v.2); The Exhibition Years, 1940-1954 (v.3); Letters and Printed Material, 1957-posthumous (v.4); Charts and Notes on Color, undated (v.5); and Class Sketches and Notes, undated (v.6). The letters, photographs, and printed materials contained in the scrapbooks document Smith's career in Provincetown, including descriptions of classes with Charles W. Hawthorne and George Elmer Browne, and later with Amedée Ozenfant, experiences in the American Southwest, France, Spain, Chile, and other South American countries. Depicted in the photographs are Smith, his family, and friends, among them Browne, Oliver Chaffee, Jack Rivers, and Tod Lindenmuth. The scrapbook relates to color theory and includes a treatise by E. Ambrose Webster, Smith's notes, and color charts.

Included in the scrapbook "The Exhibition Years", 1940-1954 are correspondence with the Passedoit Gallery, Homer Saint-Gaudens of the Carnegie Institute, and other galleries, reviews, letters of congratulations, and printed materials.

Landscape painter; Provincetown, Mass., Taos, N.M., Paris, France, and Chile
extent2.4 linear ft. (on 2 microfilm reels)
formatsMicrofilm Scrapbooks Correspondence Photographs Ephemera
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record source
finding aidUnpublished finding aid, partially prepared by the donor, is available at AAA offices.
acquisition informationDonated by Florence Cranford Smith Shepard, daughter of Houghton Cranford Smith, 1993-1994. Funding for the processing and microfilming of the collection was provided by the Laura Cranford Smith Art Trust.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37

titleJosé de Creeft papers, 1871-2004, bulk 1910-1990
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionBiographical data; membership files; award certificates; letters; correspondence files; business records; an interview transcript; sketches; notes; writings; subject files; project files; exhibition files; scrapbooks; printed material; photographs and photograph albums.

Biographical material and documents; artists' statements; a typescript of an interview conducted by Jules Campos; letters concerning exhibitions and involvement in art organizations, 1959-1963; letters and photographs concerning projects ALICE IN WONDERLAND, 1957, THE PICADOR, and the STONE MOUNTAIN CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL competition, 1961-1962; exhibition catalogs, 1949-1962; typescript of de Creeft's essay "Roosty Was My Friend", 1957; a scrapbook on De Creeft compiled by Rosamund Frost; a scrapbook of clippings, 1927-1942; photographs of de Creeft in his studio and with friends including Alexander Calder, 1936-1951; and 3 photograph albums of family members and of works.

Travel and emigration documents, 1916-1939; award certificates, 1944-1963; letters, 1911-1972, from friends, students, and colleagues, including Ramon Aspillaga, Alexander Calder (invitation: Calder's Circus 12/15/36), Joseph Escudar, and Gil Gomez; letters, 1922-1972, concerning De Creeft's teaching career, membership in art organizations, exhibitions, and business with dealers and galleries, including The Contemporaries, Galeria Sudamericana, and the Passedoit Gallery; notes; sketches; clippings, 1932-1971; and exhibition announcements and catalogs, 1929-1970;

Also included are photographs, 1915-1971, of: de Creeft, his family, and his works, de Creeft with friends in Paris, 1915; de Creeft and his wife Lorrie Goulet with Raphael Soyer, posing with Soyer's portrait of them; of Gertrude Lawrence (3), 1932; art juries, 1949-1964, which include Chaim Gross, Jacques Lipchitz, Theodore Roszak, and William Zorach; and of students, friends, and faculties of Black Mountain College, Art Students League, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, and the Norton School of Art, including Joseph Albers, Alexander Calder, Julio De Diego, Walter Gropius, J. B. Neumann, and Abraham Rattner. Passports, 1939-1963; letters concerning awards, 1954-1975; files containing letters, cards, and printed material on membership in various art-related organizations, 1931-1977; letters, 1908-1982, from friends and colleagues, including Alexander Calder, Hunt Diederich, and Jacques Lipchitz; financial material, including price lists and receipts, 1909-1966; address books; an engagement calendar containing very brief annotations by de Creeft's first wife Alice Robertson Carr, 1932; lists of works, 1946-1972; drafts for THE SCULPTURE OF JOSE DE CREEFT by Jules Campos, 1968-1971;

miscellaneous notes and writings, 1924-1957; subject files containing letters and printed material concerning the New School for Social Research, 1936-1964, Norton Gallery and School of Art, 1940-1963, Black Mountain College, 1945-1970, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, 1948-1958, and the Art Students League, 1959-1980; project files contain contracts, letters, photographs, and blueprints for projects including POET, 1951, STONE MOUNTAIN CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL, 1961-1963, and ALICE IN WONDERLAND; 3 exhibition files, 1952-1975, containing letters, receipts, and printed material; clippings, 1922-1981; a galley proof for "Statement on Sculpture" by de Creeft, 1972; exhibition announcements and catalogs, 1929-1979; and photographs, 1930-1967 of de Creeft with family and friends and of works of art.

Sculptor; New York, N.Y. Died 1982.
extent5 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 5 reels)
formatsSubject Files Correspondence Writings Photographs Interview
accessMicrofilmed portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available at AAA offices
acquisition informationThe José de Creeft papers were first lent for microfilming by the artist in 1963 and 1972. Lorrie Goulet, José de Creeft's widow, donated most of this material along with additional items in 1985 and 2009.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:37