Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Ireland, Leroy, 1889-1970

titleLeroy Ireland research material on George Inness, 1916-2007, bulk 1960-1971.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionArt dealer Leroy Ireland's research material on George Inness measures 2.0 linear feet and dates from 1916 to 2007, with the bulk of the material dating from 1960 to 1971.

The collection documents Ireland's research for his book, "The Works of George Inness: An Illustrated Catalogue Raisonne," through correspondence, research files, and photographs of artwork.

Leroy Ireland's correspondence is with museums, galleries, private collectors, universities, and others regarding paintings by George Inness and works attributed to him.

The bulk of the correspondence dates from 1960 to 1969 during the period that Ireland was working on the catalogue raisonne. Scattered research files include a notebook, notes, and lists of works; photographs, letters, and documents regarding Inness which were received by Mrs. Ireland after Leroy Ireland's death; exhibition catalogs and other printed material. Also found are two copies of letters written by Inness.

Photographs depict paintings by George Inness, paintings attributed to Inness but determined to be fakes, and paintings by other artists.

Bio / His Notes:
Leroy Ireland (1889-1970) was an art historian and painter in Philadelphia, Pa. Leroy Ireland is best know for his work on a catalogue raisonne of the works of George Inness. George Inness (1825-1894) was a landscape painter.

Loc. of Assoc. Material:
In 1975, additional Leroy Ireland research material regarding George Inness was lent by Chapellier Galleries in New York City (reels 992-996) who had acquired the material from Ireland's estate; included are an extensive photograph file of Inness paintings; correspondence; notes on and descriptions of paintings; sales records of Inness's works; ownership records of Inness paintings; information about questionable attributions; exhibition catalogs and miscellany.

Twelve scrapbooks compiled by Ireland were lent by Archer Huntington Art Gallery of the University of Texas at Austin (reels 2824-2825), in 1983, and are currently located at the Fine Arts Library, University of Texas at Austin. These scrapbook contain circa 3,000 photographs of Inness paintings.

Cite as:
Leroy Ireland research material on George Inness, 1916-2007, bulk 1960-1971. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.

Additional forms:
Materials lent for microfilming on reels 992-996 are available at Archives of Americn Art offices and through interlibrary loan.

Materials lent for microfilming on reels 2824-2825 available only at Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and through interlibrary loan.

extent2 linear ft.
formatsResearch Files Correspondence Photographs Notes Notebooks
accessUse of original papers requires an appointment and is limited to the Archives' Washington, D.C., Research Center. Microfilmed materials must be consulted on microfilm. Contact Reference Services for more information.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available.
acquisition informationTwo letters and photographs of artwork were donated in 1963-1964 by Ireland; the remainder of the papers were donated in 1993 by Mrs. Leory Ireland via executor Irene Chapellier Little, and in 2010 by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Penn. who received the collection from John Frisk, a friend of Ireland.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49

titleMilch Gallery records, 1911-1980.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionAlphabetical files, consisting mainly of correspondence, 1911-1962; sales records and stock inventories, 1911-1969; financial records, 1914-1969; printed matter; photographs; and miscellaneous items.

Alphabetical files contain correspondence with clients, galleries, museums, and artists concerning arrangements for exhibitions, sales and consignments, advice to collectors, and routine business matters; also itemized invoices, receipts, catalogs of private collections, estate inventories, printed matter, ms. checklists and other items enclosed with correspondence.
Sales records consist of order forms, receipts, and registers recording the date, name of buyer, and object or service purchased. Inventories are of paintings, prints, frames, and bronzes.

Financial records (not microfilmed), include general ledgers, petty cash books, tax returns, and bills and receipts for goods and services excluding works of art purchased by E. & A. Milch, Inc..

Printed matter includes a scrapbook, 1912-1923, of clippings, catalogs, and invitations relating to exhibitions held at Milch Gallery and artists represented by them; Milch Gallery exhibition catalogs and checklists, 1917-1967, and undated, many priced or otherwise annotated; a complete run of MILCH GALLERY NOTES, an occasional publication, 1918-1928/29; clippings, 1921-1956, and undated; "sculpture files" consisting of clippings, photographs, and printed reproductions arranged by sculptor; reproductions of works of art and publicity for Milch Gallery exhibitions, 1947-1964, and undated.

Miscellaneous printed matter (not produced by Milch Gallery) includes Catalogue of the Mary J. Morgan Collection, 1886, Catalogue of the Charles M. Kurtz Collection, 1910, and Artists Equity Association ball programs, 1950-1951; a scrapbook of clippings and photographs of the work of Walter Philipps; and a scrapbook containing biographical sketch and clippings about Thomas Moran, 1875-1937 (reel N730).

Photographs include works of art, the Dodsworth Collection, L. Ricci album of photographs of antique furniture; views of Milch Gallery interior and exterior; portraits of Edward and Albert Milch, artists, and other individuals; group portraits of Ten American Artists, Associated Dealers in American Paintings, and dinners at Salmagundi Club and National Academy of Design. Miscellaneous items include legal documents, 1917-1970, package receipts, 1916-1968, and shipping receipts, 1955-1963.

Among the artists represented in the alphabetical files are: Alice Acheson, Charles L. Adams, Wayman Adams, Charles A. Aiken, Grace Albee, Karl Anderson, Alexander Archipenko, Marianne Appel, John Taylor Arms, Mary Ascher, Faust Azzaretti, Peggy Bacon, Martin Baer, Hugo Ballin, Myron Barlow, Barmore, Charles Barr, Norman Barr, Lionel Barrymore, Gustave Baumann, Reynolds Beal, George Bellows, Frank Benson, George Biddle, Morris Blackburn, Ralph Blakelock, Arnold Blanch, Lucile Blanch, Oscar Bluemner, Ernest Blumenschein, Max Bohm, Aaron Bohrod, Louis Bosa, Hugh Breckenridge, Frederick Bridgman, George Elmer Browne, Edward Bruce, George deForest Brush, Claude Buck, Paul Burlin, George Burr, Howard Russell Butler, A. Stirling Calder, John Carroll, Samuel Chamberlain, Asa Cheffetz, Howard Chandler Christy, Alphaeus P. Cole, William G. Congdon, Bruce Crane, Charles C. Curran, Elliott Daingerfield, Randall Davey, Joseph De Camp, Adelaide De Groot, Adolph Dehn, Louis Paul Dessar, Thomas Wilmer Dewing, William Hunt Diederich, Phil Dike, Ruger Donoho, Guy Pene Du Bois, Charles Duncan, W. Herbert Dunton,
Susan Eakins, Stephen M. Etnier, Jerry Farnsworth, Nicholai Fechin, Beatrice Fenton, James Fitzgerald, J. Montgomery Flagg, David Fredenthal, Daniel Chester French, Emil Fuchs, Sears Gallagher, Emil Ganso, Leon Gaspard, Lillian Genth, Xavier Gonzalez, Marion Greenwood, John Gregory, Wayland Gregory, George Grosz, Samuel Halpert, George O. (Pop) Hart, Sadakichi Hartman, Ernest Haskell, Childe Hassam, Norbert Heerman, Charles L. Heinz, E. Martin Hennings, Robert Henri, Charles Hopkinson, Leroy Ireland, Alice Judson, Max Kalish, A. Raymond Katz, Ethel Katz, Dong Kingman, Leon Kroll, Louis Kronberg, Lawrence Kupferman, Sidney Laufman, Ernest Lawson, R. Hayley Lever, Jonas Lie, Ossip Linde, Will H. Low, Luigi Lucioni, Dan Lutz, Emma Fordyce MacRae, Paul Manship, Gari Melchers, Willard Metcalf (Estate), William Meyerowitz, Ross Moffett, F. Luis Mora, Thomas Moran, Herman Dudley Murphy, J. Francis Murphy, Jerome Myers, Edith Nagler, Karl Oberteuffer, Leonard Ochtman, DeWitt Parshall, Ralph Pearson, Van Dearing Perrine, Hobson Pittman, Ogden M. Pleissner, Joseph Pollet, Nathaniel Pousette- Dart, Mabel Pugh, Edward W. Redfield, William Ritschel, Umberto Romano, Carl Rungius, Chauncey F. Ryder, Margery Ryerson,

Paul Sample, Wells Sawyer, W. Elmer Schofield, Will Shuster, David Shapiro, Joseph Henry Sharp, Millard Sheets, Eugene Speicher, Francis Speight, Maurice Sterne, Albert Sterner, Henry O. Tanner, Abbott H. Thayer, Paul Trebilcock, Dwight Tryon, John H. Twachtman, Walter Ufer, Dorothy Varian, Robert Vonnoh, Heinz Warneke, Franklin C. Watkins, Frederick J. Waugh, J. Alden Weir, John F. Weir, Henry C. White, Harry Wickey, Carleton Wiggins, Irving R. Wiles, Robert Strong Woodward, Stanley Woodward, Andrew Wyeth, Jacques Zucker, and many others.

ADDITION (0.6 ft.): Business correspondence; photographs of the interior of Milch Galleries, June 1959; inventory of documents concerning the Armory Show, with related correspondence, found in the Bush-Holley House; and artists' files consisting of correspondence, clippings, photographs, sales records, and printed matter for: Ralph Blakelock, Aaron Bohrod, Mary Cassatt, Arthur B. Davies, Frank Duveneck, Walt Kuhn, George Luks, Maurice Prendergast, Everett Shinn, John Sloan and John Twachtman.
I. Alphabetical files (mainly correspondence); reels 4410-4435. II. Sales records and inventories; reels 4436-4454. III. Financial records; not microfilmed. IV. Printed matter; reels 4454-4457 and N730. V. Photographs; reels 4457-4458. VI. Miscellaneous; reels 4458-4465; with the exception of Series I., arrangement is chronological

Co-Creator: Acheson, Alice
Adams, Charles L., 19th cent
Adams, Wayman, 1883-1959
Aiken, Charles Avery, 1872-1965
Albee, Grace
Anderson, Karl, 1874-1956
Archipenko, Alexander, 1887-1964
Appel, Marianne, 1913-
Arms, John Taylor, 1887-1953
Ascher, Mary G. (Mary Goldman), b. 1900
Azzaretti, Faust
Bacon, Peggy, 1895-1987
Baer, Martin, 1895-1961
Ballin, Hugo, 1879-1956
Barlow, Myron, 1873-1937
Barmore, Charles
Barr, Charles H.
Barr, Norman, 1908-
Barrymore, Lionel, 1878-1954
Baumann, Gustave, 1881-1971
Beal, Reynolds, 1866-1951
Bellows, George, 1882-1925
Benson, Frank Weston, 1862-1951
Biddle, George, 1885-
Blackburn, Morris, 1902-1979
Blakelock, Ralph Albert, 1847-1919
Blanch, Arnold, 1896-1968
Blanch, Lucile, 1895-1981
Bluemner, Oscar, 1867-1938
Blumenschein, Ernest Leonard, 1874-1960
Bohm, Max, 1868-1923
Bohrod, Aaron
Bosa, Louis, 1905-
Breckenridge, Hugh H. (Hugh Henry), 1870-1937
Bridgman, Frederick Arthur, 1847-1928
Browne, George Elmer, 1871-1946
Bruce, Edward, 1879-1943
Brush, George de Forest, 1855-1941
Buck, Claude, 1890-1974
Burlin, Paul, 1886-1969
Burr, George Elbert, 1859-1939
Butler, Howard Russell, 1856-1934
Calder, Alexander Stirling, 1870-1945
Carroll, John, 1892-1959
Chamberlain, Samuel, 1895-1975
Cheffetz, Asa, 1896-1965
Christy, Howard Chandler, 1873-1952
Cole, Alphaeus Philemon, 1876-1988
Congdon, William, 1912-
Crane, Bruce, 1857-1937
Curran, Charles C. (Charles Courtney), 1861-1942
Daingerfield, Elliott, 1859-1932
Davey, Randall, 1887-1964
DeCamp, Joseph, 1858-1923
De Groot, Adelaide Milton, b. 1876
Dehn, Adolf, 1895-1968
Dessar, Louis Paul, 1867-1952
Dewing, Thomas Wilmer, 1851-1938
Diederich, William Hunt, 1884-1953
Dike, Phil, 1906-1990
Donoho, Gaines Ruger, 1857-1916
Du Bois, Guy Pène, 1884-1958
Duncan, Charles, b. 1892
Eakins, Susan Macdowell
Etnier, Stephen, 1903-1984
Farnsworth, Jerry, 1895-1982
Fechin, Nikolai Ivanovich, 1881-1955
Fenton, Beatrice, 1887-1983
Fitzgerald, James, 1899-1971
Flagg, James Montgomery, 1877-1960
Fredenthal, David, 1914-1958
French, Daniel Chester, 1850-1931
Fuchs, Emil, 1866-1929
Gallagher, Sears, 1869-1955
Ganso, Emil, 1895-1941
Gaspard, Leon, 1882-1964
Genth, Lillian Mathilde, 1876-1953
Gonzalez, Xavier, 1898-1993
Greenwood, Marion, 1909-1970
Gregory, John, 1879-1958
Gregory, Waylande, 1905-1971
Grosz, George, 1893-1959
Halpert, Samuel, 1884-1930
Hart, George Overbury, 1868-1933
Hartmann, Sadakichi, 1867-1944
Haskell, Ernest, 1876-1925
Hassam, Childe, 1859-1935
Heerman, Norbert Leo, b. 1891
Heinz, Charles, 1885-1955
Hennings, E. Martin, 1886-1956
Henri, Robert, 1865-1929
Hopkinson, Charles, 1869-1962
Ireland, Leroy, 1889-1970
Judson, Alice, d. 1948
Kalish, Max, 1891-1945
Katz, A. Raymond (Alexander Raymond), 1895-1974
Kingman, Dong, 1911-
Kroll, Leon, 1884-1974
Kronberg, Louis, 1872-1965
Kupferman, Lawrence, 1909-1982
Laufman, Sidney, 1891-
Lawson, Ernest, 1873-1939
Lever, Hayley, 1876-1958
Lie, Jonas, 1880-1940
Linde, Ossip L.
Low, Will Hicok, 1853-1932
Lucioni, Luigi, 1900-
Lutz, Dan, 1906-
MacRae, Emma Fordyce, 1887-1974
Manship, Paul, 1885-1966
Melchers, Gari, 1860-1932
Metcalf, Willard Leroy, 1858-1925
Meyerowitz, William, 1887-1981
Milch, Albert, 1881-1951
Milch, Edward, 1865-1954
Moffett, Ross
Mora, F. Luis (Francis Luis), 1874-1940
Moran, Thomas, 1837-1926
Murphy, Hermann Dudley, 1867-1945
Murphy, John Francis, 1853-1921
Myers, Jerome, 1867-1940
Nagler, Edith, b. 1890
Oberteuffer, Karl, 1908-
Ochtman, Leonard, 1854-1934
Parshall, DeWitt, 1864-1956
Pearson, Ralph M., 1883-1958
Perrine, Van Dearing, 1868 or 9-1955
Pittman, Hobson, 1900-1972
Pleissner, Ogden M.
Pollet, Joseph, 1897-1979
Pousette-Dart, Nathaniel, 1886-1965
Pugh, Mabel, b. 1891
Redfield, Edward Willis, 1869-1965
Ritschel, William, 1864-1949
Romano, Umberto, 1906-
Rungius, Carl, 1869-1959
Ryder, Chauncey F., 1868-1949
Ryerson, Margery
Sample, Paul, 1896-1974
Sawyer, Wells, 1863-1960
Schofield, Walter Elmer, 1867-1944
Shuster, Will
Shapiro, David, 1916-
Sharp, Joseph Henry, 1859-1953
Sheets, Millard, 1907-
Speicher, Eugene E. (Eugene Edward), 1883-1962
Speight, Francis, 1896-
Sterne, Maurice, 1878-1957
Sterner, Albert, 1863-1946
Tanner, Henry Ossawa, 1859-1937
Thayer, Abbott Handerson, 1849-1921
Trebilcock, Paul, 1902-1981
Tryon, Dwight William, 1849-1925
Twachtman, John Henry, 1853-1902
Ufer, Walter, 1876-1936
Varian, Dorothy, 1895-1987
Vonnoh, Robert William, 1858-1933
Warneke, Heinz (Heinrich), 1895-1983
Watkins, Franklin Chenault, 1894-1972
Waugh, Frederick Judd, 1861-1940
Weir, John F. (John Ferguson), b. 1841
Weir, Julian Alden, 1852-1919
White, Henry Cooke, 1861-1952
Wickey, Harry
Wiggins, Carleton, 1848-1932
Wiles, Irving Ramsay, 1861-1948
Woodward, Robert Strong, 1885-1957
Woodward, Stanley Wingate, b. 1890
Wyeth, Andrew, 1917-
Zucker, Jacques, 1900-
Milch Galleries.
E.& A. Milch, Inc
extent37.75 linear ft. (on 57 microfilm reels) Addition: 0.6 linear ft. reels N730 and 4410-4465
formatsCorrespondence Financial Records Photographs Inventories Scrapbooks
accessMicrofilmed portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment.
record link
record source
finding aidElectronic finding aid available at
acquisition informationDonated 1986 by the Salander-O'Reilly Galleries, who acquired them from Elliott Galleries of New York City. Elliott Galleries purchased the records from the estate of Harold Milch. With the exception of the scrapbook on Thomas Moran (reel N730), the small amount of material which had previously been lent for microfilming by the Milch Galleries (reels D285 and NM1-2), was incorporated and remicrofilmed with the records in 1991 (reels 4410-4465). In 1995, an additional 0.6 ft. of records were donated via Hirschl & Adler Galleries.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:49