Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Otis, Fessenden N. (Fessenden Nott), 1825-1900

titleAutograph letters signed : Florence, Yokohama, and an unidentified city, to Dr. Baldwin, 1891 June 20, July 10 and Mar. 9, [n.d.].
repositoryPierpont Morgan Library Archives
descriptionThanking him for his past kindness and for the "excellent little paper" on sanitation in Florence Baldwin had written.
extent7 leaves
record link
finding aidn/a
acquisition informationMrs. Stanley Hawks and Mrs. Arthur Bliss Lane; 1968.
updated03/16/2023 10:30:07

titleThe Jay T. Last Collection of Maritime Prints and Ephemera
repositoryThe Huntington Library
descriptionThe Jay T. Last Collection of Maritime Prints and Ephemera contains approximately 1,150 printed items that pertain to travel, shipping, and other maritime-related activities and businesses in the United States primarily dating from the second half of the 19th century. The collection consists of advertising and promotional materials, business records, and illustrations produced for or relevant to steamship companies, sailing vessels, shipping entities, passenger lines, and related businesses and publications.
extentapproximately 1,150 items
accessOpen to qualified researchers by prior application through the Reader Services Department. For more information, contact Reader Services.
record linkn/a
finding aid
acquisition informationThis collection forms part of the Jay T. Last Collection of Graphic Arts and Social History, which was donated to the Huntington Library by Jay T. Last in 2005 as a gift in progress. The bulk of the Maritime Prints and Ephemera was transferred to the Library between 2010 and 2012.
updated03/14/2023 15:15:49