Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Bacon, Edward R. (Edward Rathbone), 1846-1915
title | Daniel Scott Lamont papers, 1853-1928 |
repository | Library of Congress |
description | Financier, private secretary to President Grover Cleveland, and secretary of war. Correspondence, letterbooks, copies of telegrams, diaries, drafts of speeches and memoranda, financial papers, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia relating principally to Lamont's role and interest in New York state Democratic politics and to his work as private secretary to President Grover Cleveland and as secretary of war. |
extent | 21,500 items 108 containers 30 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence Manuscript Scrapbooks Clippings Ephemera |
access | The papers of Daniel Scott Lamont are open to research. Researchers are advised to contact the Manuscript Reading Room prior to visiting. Many collections are stored off-site and advance notice is needed to retrieve these items for research use. |
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acquisition information | The papers of Daniel Scott Lamont, financier, personal secretary to President Grover Cleveland, and secretary of war, were given to the Library of Congress in 1929-1960 by Lamont’s heirs, Frances Lamont Robbins, Nancy Boyd Sokoloff, and Mrs. Robert E. Montgomery. Further installments were given, 1960-1974, by Sokoloff, Mrs. Montgomery, William Biederman, and Mrs. James Boyd and her estate. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:53 |
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title | Henry Clay Frick Furnishings Files |
repository | The Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library |
description | The New York residence of Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919), a prominent art collector and industrialist, was designed by Thomas Hastings and completed in 1914. The house, located at One East 70th Street, was opened in December 1935 as a public art gallery, The Frick Collection. Correspondence, telegrams, lists, notes and invoices document the furnishing and interior decoration of the house from 1913 to 1920. |
extent | 0.5 Linear feet (1 box) |
access | These records are open for research under the conditions of The Frick Collection/Frick Art Research Library Archives access policy. Contact the Archives Department for further information. |
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finding aid | Available online. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:54 |
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title | Harvard University Archives Photograph Collection: Portraits |
repository | Harvard University Archives |
description | Photographs of individuals associated with Harvard University: faculty, students, administrators, staff, honorees, and habitués of Harvard Square. For those whose lives pre-date the era of photography, the contents of the folders are often photographic reproductions of other image types, such as etchings, paintings, or drawings. In a few cases, the images themselves may be original etchings or sketches. |
extent | 50 cubic feet 20000 photographs 10000 folders |
access | There are no restrictions on access to this material. Fragile or oversized items may require special handling. |
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acquisition information | The material in this collection was gathered by the University Archives chiefly through gifts. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:54 |
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title | E. R. Bacon |
repository | Boston Public Library |
description | Edward Rathbone Bacon, Esq., "railway king," b. in New York, 1846, d. 1915; Director of Baltimore & Ohio and other railway Companies. |
extent | 1 print : etching ; plate mark 24 x 16 cm |
access | No known restrictions on use. |
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finding aid | n/a |
acquisition information | n/a |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:54 |
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