Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: N'Namdi, George

titleThe HistoryMakers® Video Oral History Interview with George N'Namdi
repositoryThe HistoryMakers®
descriptionArt gallery owner George N'Namdi (1946 - ) founded with his wife the Nataki Talibah Schoolhouse, an independent school in Detroit that emphasized transcendental meditation and the arts. In 1992, N'Namdi opened the G.R. N'Namdi Gallery in Detroit that later expanded to Chicago and New York. N'Namdi was interviewed by The HistoryMakers® on January 18, 2005 and January 20, 2005, in Detroit, Michigan. This collection is comprised of the original video footage of the interview.
extent9 Betacame SP videocasettes (4:25:52).
accessRestrictions may be applied on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of The HistoryMakers®
record link
acquisition informationInterview footage was recorded by The HistoryMakers®. All rights to the interview have been transferred to The HistoryMakers® by the interview subject through a signed interview release form. Signed interview release forms have been deposited with Jenner & Block, LLP, Chicago.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:55