Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Du Vannes, Albert
title | Albert du Vannes photographs, 1896-1950 (bulk 1898-1906). | repository | Archives of American Art |
description | 25 photographs, including several posed portraits, of du Vannes, du Vannes with his wives, with a client, painting in his St. Paul and New York studios, and in his New York art gallery. Also included are four color photos, including one of du Vannes' son, Armand, with paintings by his father, mother, and a portrait of Armand by Benton Scott, and one each of the paintings. A caricature of du Vannes from the St. Paul Dispatch, ca. 1902, captioned "Albert di Giovanni - The Young St. Paul Artist Who Left for New York Yesterday," signed Rhodes, and a brief biography of du Vannes by his son complete the collection. |
extent | 25 photographic prints : some sepia toned; 19 x 24 cm. and smaller. 4 photographic prints : col. ; 10 x 15 cm. |
formats | Photographs |
access | Unmicrofilmed; use requires an appointment and is limited to Washington, D.C. storage facility. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Donated 1990 by Armand du Vannes, Albert du Vannes' son. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:28 |
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