Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Vauxcelles, Louis

titleFonds Vauxcelles
repositoryBibliothèque d’Art et d’Archéologie Jacques Doucet
descriptionContains mss. and press clippings belonging to Louis Vauxcelles.

Louis Vauxcelles (1870-1943), pseudonym of Louis Mayer, was one of the most influential and conservative art critics of the first half of the 20th century. The collection primarily comprises Louis Vauxcelles' articles, materials on art and artists (press clippings, exhibition invitations, and booklets), notes, lecture drafts, correspondence, and personal documents. It includes press clippings of exhibition reviews (mostly Vauxcelles' published articles), exhibition catalogues, invitation cards, photographs of artworks, iconography, and magazines. Working materials feature manuscripts, corrected proofs, and notes.

accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
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updated02/14/2025 10:07:28

titleAchille-Emile-Othon Friesz letters, notes and essays, ca. 1905-1939.
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionFifty-six letters from Friesz to his wife Andree, written while on painting trips as well as in Paris. They provide detailed information about financial affairs, travel plans and work in progress. Several letters discuss Friesz’s exhibitions in the United States (1938), while others express the artist’s anxiety over the political situation in Germany (1934). Ca. thirty letters, many illustrated, are addressed to, among others, Leon Pedron, Andre Salmon, the critic Fritz Vanderpyl, Georges Iackowski, and Louis Vauxcelles.

One detailed letter to "Noel" describes a series of paintings on the theme of aviation. Also included are: An essay about tradition in art in the form of a letter to Jakob Rosenberg; a 2 p. response to an enquete in which he names the major movements in French art and gives their social origins and impacts; a signed statement on theater decoration; two manuscript essays and several pages of notes on painting; a draft of a speech delivered to the Carnegie Foundation entitled "Sur le Fauvisme;" and a photograph of an installation.

Biographical or Historical Notes:
French painter.


Call Number:
extentca. 100 items.
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers.
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record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:47

titleGeorges Rouault letters and manuscripts, ca. 1906-1932, n.d.
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionLetters include those to Louis Vauxcelles, Felix Feneon, Armand Dayot, Gustave Coquiot, Andre Suares and his editor Walter, among others, concerning his religious beliefs, personal and business matters, teachers, exhibitions and work in progress.

Manuscript material includes a sheet of poetry.

Biographical or Historical Notes:
French painter.

Holographs, signed; mss.


Call Number:
extent26 items.
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers.
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record source
acquisition informationProvenance: Some items from the McAlpine collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:47

titleLetters received by Zamaron, 1925-1936.
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionThe letters concern minor police matters in general.

One is a letter of introduction to the painter Lanskoy; others have to do with the sale of paintings.

Correspondents include Charles Camoin, Henri Hayden and Louis Vauxcelles.

Biographical or Historical Notes:
Zamaron worked at the Prefecture de Police; he maintained a private collection of paintings.


Call Number:
extent7 items.
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers.
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record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:47

titleLetters sent to the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1922-1939.
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionCollection contains letters from French critics and writers addressed primarily to Georges Wildenstein and Pierre d’Espezel in their capacity as editors of the Gazette des beaux-arts. The bulk of the letters date from the 1930s and concern articles appearing in the journal and exhibitions held under its auspices.

Correspondents include Frantz Jourdain (1922), Louis Vauxcelles (n.d.), Paul Jamot (1929-1939), Raymond Escholier (1929-1933), Henri Focillon (1932-1933), Felix Feneon (1929-1934), Arsene Alexandre (1932), Andre Salmon (1934) and Ambroise Vollard (1936). Collection also includes two earlier letters, one from Champfleury (1880).

Arranged alphabetically.


Call Number:

extent28 items.
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers.
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acquisition informationProvenance: Some items from the McAlpine collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:47

titlePaul Gauguin letters and writings, 1879-1903.
repositoryThe Getty Research Institute
descriptionCollection consists of letters to Camille Pissarro, Emile Schuffenecker, Emile Bernard and to several other correspondents; letters of Mette Gauguin to Pissarro and Andre Level; and essays and notes written by Gauguin on social, religious and aesthetic issues.

Series I. Letters: This group of sixteen letters written over a twenty year period treats a wide variety of topics ranging from practical and legal matters to issues in contemporary art. Of special interest are letters to Camille Pissarro concerning potential exhibitions and the promotion of Pissarro’s work (1879-1885); to Emile Schuffenecker discussing the sale of paintings and financial concerns (1885-1890); to Emile Bernard describing in detail his plans for an "atelier du Tropique" and commenting on "primitive" life; to Henri Bataille, director of the Journal des Artistes, musing on the "style nouveau" in painting and the decorative arts (1894); and to the French lawyer and newspaper editor Leonce Brault protesting racial injustice in Tahiti. Other correspondents include Ambroise Vollard, George Daniel de Monfried and William Mollard. Collection also includes letters by Gauguin’s wife Mette to Camille Pissarro recommending the painter Mogens Ballin and to the art dealer Andre Level (1914). Also included is a brief letter from Gustave Geffroy to Gauguin.

Series II. Essays and notes: Consists of several sheets of an essay on social issues including the education of children, marriage and prostitution; a draft of a letter proposing a book on art and commenting on the "madness" of Van Gogh; and a fragment of a letter describing technical aspects of his work and characterizing contemporary painting in Paris. Also includes 7 p. of notes containing musings on spiritual matters - the saints, the writings of Paul, the Bible and the parables of Jesus. With two pencil sketches and a note from Louis Vauxcelles verifying the authenticity of the manuscript (1932).
extent24 items.
formatsCorrespondence Notes Writings
accessOpen for use by qualified researchers.
record linkn/a
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:47