Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Howard Wise Gallery

titleHoward Wise Gallery records, 1943-1989
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionGallery records including correspondence and exhibition information.

UNMICROFILMED: Records of the Cleveland and New York City offices of the Gallery, including information folders on artists, correspondence with artists, museums, and buyers, plus catalogs, clippings, publicity, and accounts.

REEL N70-77 (frames 397-603): Loaned material includes files on Frederick J. Kiesler, 1968-1969, containing clippings, press releases, price lists, Wise's correspondence with Kiesler, Leonard Pitkowsky and others; biographical notes on Kiesler by Lillian Kiesler; and photos of sculpture by Kiesler. Also included are letters concerning Lillian Kiesler's efforts on behalf of Lenita Manry, a painter who studied and worked under Hans Hofmann, including letters from Hofmann, Philip Davis, and Alvina Treut Burrows.
extent8.4 linear ft. reel N70-77
formatsCorrespondence Catalogs Clippings
accessUse requires an appointment.
record link
record source
acquisition informationIn 1979, the Howard Wise Gallery lent material to the Archives of American Art for microfilming. The rest of the collection was donated by Howard Wise in 1971 and by Barbara Wise, Howard Wise's widow via Dana Kasarsky, Wise's daughter-in-law in 2011.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:28