Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Zabriskie Gallery

titleZabriskie Gallery records, 1905-2011
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionRecords of the New York and Paris galleries of Zabriskie Gallery, including alphabetical artists' files containing correspondence with artists, galleries and collectors, photographs of artists and their work, inventories, resumes, exhibition catalogs, press releases, and clippings.

Also found are exhibition files; artists account statements; administrative files, including signed guest books; Zabriskie transaction records; sales books; price lists; correspondence between the Paris and New York galleries and correspondence of both galleries with artists, dealers, clients, and other galleries. Among the many artists represented are Alexander Archipenko, Saul Baizerman, Lynda Benglis, William Christenberry, Ralston Crawford, Stuart Davis, Mary Frank, Marsden Hartley, William King, Louis Lozowick, B.J.O. Nordfeldt, Aaron Siskind, Kenneth Snelson, George Sugarman, Athena Tacha, Jack Tworkov, Vaclav Vytlacil, Christopher Wilmarth and Adja Yunkers.

Addition: Records of the New York and Paris galleries, including files from Switzerland and Germany. Also found are blueprints and line drawings by Richard Stankiewicz, with copies of designs and information relating to Stankiewicz's sculpture and studio building, (ca. 0.2 linear ft).
extent49 linear ft. Addition: 3.5 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Inventories Photographs Financial Records Gallery Records
accessUse requires an appointment.
record link
record source
acquisition informationThe Zabriskie Gallery records were donated to the Archives of American Art in seven installments by Virginia Zabriskie between 1992-2011.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:28