Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Duveen, Albert

titleAlbert Duveen collection of artists' letters and ephemera, 1808-1910.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters, 1808-1910, written by American artists and collected by Duveen. Also included are miscellaneous items such as Bible records, quotations, pictorial reproductions and a few letters written by European artists.

Included are 28 letters from Albert Bierstadt, the majority of the letters are to Col. Woodworth; 10 from Frederic E. Church; 14 from Frederick S. Church; 25 by Constant Mayer; 11 by Albert Rosenthal; and a few each by Edwin H. Blashfield, James Champney, Timothy Cole, William Gibson, Eliza Greatorex, D. Ridgway Knight, Charles R. Leslie, Emanuel Leutze, Jervis McEntee, Francis Millet, Henry Mosler, William Page, E. D. Palmer, William Partridge, Hiram Powers, Henry Ranger, Peter Rothermel, Ross Turner, Edwin Weeks, Anne Whitney, Worthington Whittredge and others.

Co-Creator: Bierstadt, Albert, 1830-1902
Blashfield, Edwin Howland, 1848-1936
Bosworth, Welles, 1869-1966
Boughton, George Henry, 1834-1905
Bridgman, Frederick Arthur, 1847-1928
Buttre, John Chester, 1821-1893
Champney, James Wells, 1843-1903
Chapman, J. G. (John Gadsby), 1808-1889
Church, Frederic Edwin, 1826-1900
Church, Frederick S. (Frederick Stuart), 1842-1924
Cole, Timothy, 1852-1931
Crane, Bruce, 1857-1937
Cropsey, Jasper Francis, 1823-1900
Ezekiel, Moses Jacob, 1844-1917
Fairman, James, 1826-1904
Fay, Gaston
Fenn, Harry, 1838-1911
Fosdick, J. William, 1858-1937
Fournier, Alexis Jean, 1865-1948
French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
Gibson, W. Hamilton (William Hamilton), 1850-1896
Gould, Thomas Ridgeway, 1818-1881
Greatorex, Eliza Pratt, 1820-1897
Greenough, Horatio, 1805-1852
Gregory, Frank M., b. 1848
Grosvenor, Thelma Cudlipp, b. 1892
Hartley, Jonathan Scott, 1845-1912
Hays, William Jacob, 1830-1875
Heade, Martin Johnson, 1819-1904
Healy, G. P. A. (George Peter Alexander), 1813-1894
Hennessy, William J., 1839-1917
Herrick, Henry Walker, 1824-1906
Herter, Albert, 1871-
Hill, John Henry, 1839-1922
Hillern, Bertha von
Huntley, Samantha Littlefield, b. 1865
Kappes, Alfred, 1850-1894
Kaufmann, Theodor, 1814-1900
Keith, Dora Wheeler, 1856-1940
Kitchell, Joseph Gray, b. 1862
La Farge, John, 1835-1910.
Lambdin, James Reid, 1807-1889
Leslie, Charles Robert, 1794-1859
Leutze, Emanuel, 1816-1868
Lie, Jonas, 1880-1940
Linen, George, 1802-1888
Lippincott, William H. (William Henry), 1849-1920
Lock, Frederick William
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869
Longpre, Paul de, 1855-1911
Low, Will Hicok, 1853-1932
Lumley, Arthur, ca. 1837-1912
Lupton, Thomas Goff, 1791-1873
MacDonald, James Wilson Alexander, 1824-1908
MacMonnies, Mary Fairchild, 1858-1946
Matthews, William, 1822-1896
Mayer, Constant, 1829-1911
Mayer, Frank Blackwell, 1827-1899
McArthur, John, 1823-1890
McCord, George Herbert, 1848-1909
McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney), 1870-1949
McEntee, Jervis, 1828-1891
McKenzie, R. Tait (Robert Tait), 1867-1938
Middleton, Stanley Grant, b. 1852
Mignot, L. R. (Louis Remy), 1831-1870
Miller, Alfred Jacob, 1810-1874
Millet, Francis Davis, 1846-1912
Moran, Edward, 1829-1901
Moran, Peter, 1841-1914
Morgan, Matthew Somerville, 1839-1890
Mosler, Henry, 1841-1920
Mowbray, H. Siddons (Harry Siddons), 1858-1928
Muller, Karl, 1818-1893
Mulvany, John, 1839-1906
O'Connor, Andrew, 1847-1924
Oertel, Johannes Adam Simon, 1823-1909
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903
Opper, Frederick Burr, 1857-1937
Page, Fred B.
Page, William, 1811-1885
Palmer, Erastus Dow, 1817-1904
Palmer, John E.
Palmer, Walter Launt, 1854-1932
Paris, Walter, 1842-1906
Parrish, Randall
Partridge, William Ordway, 1861-1930
Pease, Joseph Ives, 1809-1883
Peixotto, Ernest, b. 1869
Persico, Luigi, 1791-1860
Pfeiffer, Emily, 1827-1890
Pike, William
Powell, W. H. (William Henry), 1823-1879
Powers, Hiram, 1805-1873
Raffaëlli, Jean François, 1850-1924
Ranger, Henry Ward, 1858-1916
Reid, Robert, 1862-1929
Rhead, Louis, 1857-1926
Richards, T. Addison (Thomas Addison), 1820-1900
Ripley, Robert Le Roy, 1893-1949
Robbins, Horace Wolcott, 1842-1904
Robinson, Anna
Robinson, Theodore, 1852-1896
Rogers, John, 1829-1904
Rogers, Randolph, 1825-1892
Rogers, W. A. (William Allen), 1854-1931
Rosenthal, Albert, 1863-1939
Rossiter, Thomas Prichard, 1818-1871
Rothermel, Peter Frederick, 1812-1895
Ruckstuhl, F. W. (Fred Wellington), 1853-1942
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 1848-1907
Sanderson, Charles Wesley, 1838-1905
Sarony, Napoleon, 1821-1896
Satterlee, Walter, 1844-1908
Schoff, Stephen Alonzo, 1818-1904
Scott, Emily Maria Spaford, 1832-1915
Selinger, Jean Paul, 1850-1909
Shattuck, Aaron Draper, 1832-1928
Smillie, George H. (George Henry), 1840-1921
Snell, Henry Bayley, 1858-1943
Sonntag, William Louis, 1822-1900
Sterner, Albert, 1863-1946
Stetson, Charles Walter, 1858-1911
Stewart, Julius L., 1855-1919
Stone, Horatio, 1808-1875
Story, George Henry, 1835-1923
Story, William Wetmore, 1819-1895
Stout, James Varick, 1809-1860
Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888
Taft, Lorado, 1860-1936
Tait, Arthur Fitzwilliam, 1819-1905
Taylor, Henry Fitch, 1853-1925
Thompson, Charles A.
Thompson, Launt, 1833-1894
Thulstrup, Thure de, 1848-1930
Tilton, John Rollin, 1828-1888
Turcas, Jules, 1854-1917
Turner, Charles Yardley, 1850-1918
Turner, Ross, 1847-1915
Valentine, Edward Virginius, 1838-1930
Van Boskerck, Robert Ward, 1855-1932
Van Elten, Kruseman, 1829-1904
Van Laer, Alexander T., 1857-1920
Volk, Douglas, 1856-1935
Volkmar, Charles, 1841-1914
Vos, Hubert, 1855-1935
Walcutt, William, 1819-1882
Walden, Lionel, 1861-1933
Walker, James, 1819-1889
Walter, Thomas Ustick, 1804-1887
Waterman, Marcus A., 1834-1914
Waugh, Ida, d. 1919
Weeks, Edwin Lord
Weir, Harrison, 1824-1906
Weir, Robert Walter, 1803-1889
White, George Harlow, 1817-1887
Whitman, Sarah
Whitney, Anne, 1821-1915
Whittemore, William J., 1860-1955
Whittredge, Worthington, 1820-1910
Wiggins, Carleton, 1848-1932
Wiles, Irving Ramsay, 1861-1948
Williams, George Alfred, 1875-
Wilmarth, Lemuel Everett, 1835-1918
Winterburn, George T.
Worth, Thomas, 1834-1917
Wurst, Alexander, 1837-1876
Yewell, George Henry, 1830-1923
Zilcken, Ph., 1857-1930
Zimmerman, Eugene, 1862-1935

extent 1.0 linear ft.
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record link
record source
acquisition informationPurchased from Albert Duveen in 1956. Duveen purchased most of the letters from dealers in Americana and estate sales.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:28

titleAlbert Duveen art reference files, [ca. 1831-1950].
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionFiles on ca. 150 American artists and art subjects, selected from Duveen's art reference files. Included are photographs of paintings in other collections, auction and exhibition catalogs, miscellaneous publications.
Files include: Francis Alexander, Washington Allston, William H. Bartlett, Ben-Zion, Thomas Birch, Joseph Blackburn, Ralph A. Blakelock, Charles F. Blauvelt, Peter Blume, Emile Branchard, Albertis D. O. Browere, John G. Brown, Jonathan Buddington, James E. Buttersworth, Carra, Dennis M. Carter, Mary Cassatt, George Catlin, Centurion, Paul Cezanne, Moura Chabor, Marc Chagall, T. Chambers, Jean Charlot, Thomas Cole, John Constable, George Cope, John S. Copley, Ralston Crawford, Jasper F. Cropsey, Arthur B. Davies, Charles Despiau, Roland Detre, Thomas R. Dibble, Enrico Donati, William Doriani, Thomas Doughty, Jessie Drew-Bear, Robert S. Duncanson, Dunlap, Asher B. Durand, George H. Durrie,
Frank Duveneck, Evert Duyckinck, Thomas Eakins, Jacob Eichholtz, Louis M. Eilshemius, Charles L. Elliott, Robert Field, Emil Ganso, Pablo Gargallo, Jan Gelb, Paul Gillman, Christian Gullager, George H. Hall, Chester Harding, William M. Harnett, George Harvey, William J. Hays, George P. A. Healy, Edward L. Henry, John Hesselius, Edward Hicks, Thomas Hicks, Holland House, Charles Fevret de Saint-Memin, Winslow Homer, S. A. Hudson, Daniel Huntington, Henry Inman, George Inness, John W, Jarvis, Eastman Johnson, Henrietta Johnston, John Johnston, Hilde B. Kayn, Dikran K. Kelekian, Fitz Hugh Lane, Ernest Lawson, M. F. Lefferts, William R. Leigh, Abraham Lincoln, George B. Luks, Edward G. Malbone, Alfred H. Maurer,
Louis Maurer, McKay, Alfred J. Miller, Louis C. Moeller, Samuel F. B. Morse, John Neagle, Donald Organ, Bass Otis, Walter Pach, Charles W. Peale, James Peale, Rembrandt Peale, William Penn, Enoch W. Perry, F. E. H. Philippoteaux, Charles P. Polk, T. B. Pope, Rufus Porter, William M. Prior, Walter Quirt, William T. Ranney, Reinhardt, Frederic Remington, Louisa Robins, Severin Roesen, Thomas P. Rossiter, Peter F. Rothermel, Charles M. Russell, Edward Savage, William Sawitzky, Nikol Schattenstein, Christian Schussele, D. Serres, James Sharples, Morris Shulman, John Smibert, Sergei Soudeikin, Haim Soutine, Frederick R. Spencer,
Albert Stewart, Robert Street, William J. Strong, Gilbert Stuart, C. (Charles ?) Sullivan, Thomas Sully, Arthur F. Tait, G. Tirrell, John Trumbull, John Vanderlyn, Pieter Vanderlyn, William Von Schlegell, Samuel L. Waldo, Abraham Walkowitz, George Washington, Elbert Weinberg, Julian A. Weir, Thomas B. Welch, Adolph U. Wertmuller, Benjamin West, Anne Whitney, Arnold Wiltz, William E. Winner, S. Wood, and Thomas W. Wood.
The Saint-Memin, Stuart, B. West and Wertmuller files contain material from Albert Rosenthal relating to the above artists.
extentca. 1000 items
formatsSubject Files Photographs Exhibition Catalogs Printed Materials Artist Files
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidMicrofilm inventory available in all AAA offices.
acquisition informationLent for microfilming 1958 by Duveen. A few of the items were subsequently donated.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:28

titleAn art dealer is intrigued by American folk art : lecture, 1961 Mar. 4.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionA lecture, "An Art Dealer is Intrigued by American Folk Art," delivered by Albert Duveen to the American Folklore Society at the New-York Historical Society, New York City.
extent1 sound tape ; 7 in. (16 p. transcript)
formatsSound Recording Transcript
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationDonor is unspecified.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:29