Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: McIlhenny, Henry P.
title | Henry P. McIlhenny papers, 1817-1988, n.d.;bulk: 1934-1986. | repository | Philadelphia Museum of Art |
description | The Henry P. McIlhenny Papers document the privileged and urbane lifestyle of the man whose tastes and talents earned him a reputation as a distinguished connoisseur of art and antiques, world traveler, host extraordinaire, philanthropist and generous friend. Although Henry McIlhenny (1910-1986) is the primary creator, this collection is very much a family affair, encompassing the art collections initiated by his parents, John D. and Frances P. McIlhenny, which passed, along with the family trust fund, on to McIlhenny and his sister Bernice ("Bonnnie") Wintersteen. Much of the material deals with McIlhenny's activities from the mid-1930s to his final years, with particularly extensive documentation of his art collection and of his homes, the latter of which encompasses his penchant for interior design and his passion for horticulture. Also well documented are his many years of service to and support of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Academy of Music, and the Philadelphia Orchestra. The records of McIlhenny's finances are extensive as well. Invoices and receipts are included throughout the collection and document extraordinary to everyday purchases--from a Cézanne watercolor to a bottle of Old Spice pre-shave lotion, offering a snapshot study of class economics and consumerism. While correspondence and invoices make up the bulk of material, the collection also includes many photographs, clippings, monthly statements and reports, and to a lesser extent, account books, appraisals, catalogs, ephemera, legal documents, drawings and fabric swatches. |
extent | 62.5 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Catalogs Photographs Clippings |
access | The collection is open for research. Certain insurance information, conservation reports, and appraisals are restricted. Personal information deemed to be in the realm of privacy protection also is restricted. Excerpts of restricted material may be made available at the discretion of the Archivist. |
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finding aid | Online Finding Aid |
acquisition information | Gift of George and James Wintersteen, 2004. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:28 |
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title | Oral history interview with Henry Plumer McIlhenny, 1974 Oct. 28 | repository | Archives of American Art |
description | An interview of Henry Plumer McIlhenny conducted by Paul Cummings for the Archives of American Art. McIlhenny speaks about his parent's interest in collecting; his own collecting; studying with Paul Sachs at Harvard; his interest in 19th century art, travels to Europe, purchasing works by Seurat, Degas, Ingres and Chardin; dealers he worked with including Paul Rosenberg and Valentine Dudensing; his tenure as decorative arts curator at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, staff, and exhibitions; the completion of the museum building by the WPA; and commissioning paintings from Franklin Watkins. |
extent | 1 sound tape reel ; 5 in. (56 p. transcript) |
formats | Transcript Sound Recording |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Part of the Archives of American Art Oral History Program, started in 1958 |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:28 |
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title | Martin Birnbaum papers, 1862-1967, bulk 1920-1967 | repository | Archives of American Art |
description | The papers of New York art dealer, critic, and author Martin Birnbaum measure 3.2 linear feet and date from 1862-1967, with the bulk of the material dating from 1920-1967. The papers document Birnbaum's association with the firm of Scott and Fowles, the lives and activities of his friends and colleagues, and his literary work, through biographical material, correspondence, writings and notes, business records, printed material, a scrapbook, scattered artwork, and photographs of Birnbaum, friends and colleagues, and artwork. REELS N698, N698A, and N698B: Correspondence primarily reflecting his association with the firm of Scott & Fowles, but also including details about lives and activities of his correspondents, among them Edward Bruce, Grover Cleveland, Norman Douglas, Rockwell Kent, Paul Manship, Upton Sinclair, Maxfield Parrish, Bernard Berenson, Augustus E. John, Jules Pascin, Carl Van Vechten, Hamilton Easter Field, Mabel Dodge Luhan, Gari Melchers, William Hunt Diederich, Elie Nadelman, Childe Hassam, John Quinn, Charles Ricketts, Nicholas K. Roerich, and Charles H. Shannon. REEL 108: Primarily letters received by Birnbaum in New York, and throughout Europe from 1917-1943. Correspondents include Grenville L. Winthrop, Gisela Richter, Stevenson Scott, Paul Manship, Maurice Sterne, Edward Bruce, and Maxfield Parrish, Upton Sinclair, George Bellows, John Gregory, Augustus John, Ivan Mestrovic, Elizabeth Winthrop Miles, Robert McIntyre, Georgia O'Keeffe, Joseph Pennell, John Quinn, Charles Ricketts, William Rothenstein, Albert Rutherston, Pamela Colman Smith, Carl Sprinchorn, Pavel Tchelitchew, Schofield Thayer, T. Zoumpoulakis, and family members. Subject matter includes business concerns, art concerns, travel, and family affairs. REELS 1023-1025: Over 1600 letters received. Correspondents include: Cecelia Beaux, Sven Berg, Gutzon Borglum, Edward Bruce, Lodewyk Bruckman, Beniamino Bufano, Mabel Choate, Stephen C. Clark, Royal Cortissoz, Walter Damrosch, Edmund Davis, Reginald Davis, Louise Dillingham, Edmund Dulac, Anne Goldthwaite, Magnus Gross, Herbert Haseltine, Malvina Hoffman, Jan Hoowij, Benjamin Javits, Rockwell Kent, Lenard Kester, Paul Manship, Elisabeth Marbury, Henry McIlhenny, Gari Melchers, Houghton P. Metcalf, Emily Winthrop Miles, Kate Morse, Georgia O'Keeffe, James Parmelee, Maxfield Parrish, Harold Woodbury Parsons, Jules Pascin, Albin Polasek, Alfred B. Potterton, Edward G. Robinson, J. F. Rock, John D. Rockefeller, Emanuel G. Romano, John Rothenstein, John Singer Sargent, Stevenson Scott, Janet Scudder, Carl Sprinchorn, Maurice Sterne, Albert Sterner, R.A. Walker (Georges Derry), Elsie Weil, Carl N. Werntz, Millicent Werntz, Edith Wetmore, Thornton Wilder, Ellis Wilson, Stanley Wilson, Grenville Lindall Winthrop, and Carl Zigrosser. REELS 1025-1026: Business and financial documents; legal documents, certificates, and passports; writings by Birnbaum and others including a manuscript for Birnbaum's book The Last Romantic, with notes by Upton Sinclair; one scrapbook of clippings, loose clippings regarding Edward Dulac, and other printed material; sketches; bookplates; notes, letters, and printed material relating to Aubrey Beardsley; lists and descriptions of works of art; a notebook of addresses; travel itineraries and maps; and programs. REEL 1027: 287 photographs of Birnbaum, and art related people, including Maurice Sterne, Edward Bruce, Leo Stein and Alfred Potterton at Anticoli Corrado, and Cecilia Beaux, Robert Chanler, Philip de Laszlo, Despiau, Norman Douglas, Lord Duveen, Herbert Haseltine, Augustus John by Arnold Genthe, Paul Manship by De Witt Ward, Gari Melchers, Elie Nadelman, Mrs. Gustave Radeke, William Rothenstein, Stevenson Scott, Clare Sheridan, Albert Sterner, Abraham Walkowitz, Mrs. Leonard Volkman Webb, and Grenville Lindall Winthrop; 82 travel photographs primarily of Greece; and 142 photographs of works of art. UNMICROFILMED: Three tape recordings, two containing information about The Last Romantic, dictated in 1952, and one unidentified. Co-Creator: Beardsley, Aubrey, 1872-1898 Beaux, Cecilia, 1855-1942 Bellows, George, 1882-1925 Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959 Berg, Sven Borglum, Gutzon, 1867-1941 Bruce, Edward, 1879-1943 Bruckman, Lodewyk Bufano, Beniamino, 1898-1970 Chanler, Robert Winthrop, 1872-1930 Choate, Mabel, 1870-1958 Clark, Stephen C. (Stephen Carlton), b. 1882 Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 Cortissoz, Royal, 1869-1948 Damrosch, Walter, 1862-1950 Davis, Reginald De Laszlo, Philip A., 1869-1937 Derry, Georges, 1886- Despiau, Charles, 1874-1946 Diederich, William Hunt, 1884-1953 Dillingham, Louise Douglas, Norman, 1868-1952 Dulac, Edmund, 1882-1953 Duveen, Joseph Duveen, Baron, 1869-1939 Field, Hamilton Easter Genthe, Arnold, 1869-1942 photographer. Goldthwaite, Anne, 1869-1944 Gregory, John, 1879-1958 Gross, Magnus Haseltine, Herbert, 1877-1962 Hassam, Childe, 1859-1935 Hoffman, Malvina, 1887-1966 Hoowij, Jan, 1907- Javits, Benjamin A. (Benjamin Abraham), 1894-1973 John, Augustus, 1878-1961 Kent, Rockwell, 1882-1971 Kester, Lenard, 1917- Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 1879-1962 Manship, Paul, 1885-1966 Marbury, Elisabeth, 1856-1933 McIlhenny, Henry P. McIntyre, Robert G. Melchers, Gari, 1860-1932 Meštrovi?, Ivan, 1883-1962 Metcalf, Houghton P. Miles, Emily Winthrop, 1893-1962 Morse, Kate Nadelman, Elie, 1882-1946 O'Keeffe, Georgia, 1887-1986 Parmelee, James Parrish, Maxfield, 1870-1966 Parsons, Harold Woodbury, 1883-1967 Pascin, Jules, 1885-1930 Pennell, Joseph, 1857-1926 Polasek, Albin, 1879-1965 Potterton, Alfred B. Quinn, John, 1870-1924 Radeke, Eliza G., 1855-1931 Rerikh, Nikolai Konstantinovich, 1874-1947 Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta, 1882-1972 Ricketts, Charles S., 1866-1931 Robinson, Edward G., 1893-1973 Rock, Joseph Francis Charles, 1884-1962 Rockefeller, John D., 1906- Romano, Emanuel, 1897?-1984 Rothenstein, John, Sir, 1901- Rothenstein, William, Sir, 1872-1945 Rutherston, Albert Daniel, 1881-1953 Sargent, John Singer, 1856-1925 Scott, Stevenson Scudder, Janet, b. 1873 Shannon, Charles Hazelwood, 1863-1937 Sheridan, Clare, 1885-1970 Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968 Smith, Pamela Colman Sprinchorn, Carl, 1887-1971 Stein, Leo, 1872-1947 Sterne, Maurice, 1878-1957 Sterner, Albert, 1863-1946 Tchelitchew, Pavel, 1898-1957 Thayer, Scofield, b. 1889 Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964 Walkowitz, Abraham, 1880-1965 Ward, De Witt photographer. Webb, Leonard Volkman, Mrs Weil, Elsie Werntz, Carl N. (Carl Newland), 1874-1944 Werntz, Millicent Wetmore, Edith Wilder, Thornton, 1897-1975 Wilson, Ellis, 1899-1977 Wilson, Stanley Winthrop, Grenville Lindall, 1864-1943 Zigrosser, Carl, 1891- Zoumpoulakis, T. Berlin Photographic Company (New York, N.Y.) Fogg Art Museum Scott & Fowles (Firm) |
extent | 4.3 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 9 microfilm reels) reels N698, N698a, N698b, 108, and 1023-1027 |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Photographs Electronic Resource Notes |
access | Use requires an appointment. Microfilmed materials must be consulted on microfilm copy. |
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acquisition information | Donated/lent 1967-1975 by Birnbaum and his great-nephew, Jerome Ziegler. Material reel 108 donated anonymously. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Correspondence with Carl Zigrosser, 1943-1962, n.d. | repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Contained in: Carl Zigrosser Papers, ca. 1891-1971. Folder 1047. Biography/History: Henry McIlhenny was on the board of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 6 |
extent | 7 items (7 leaves). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | In general, the Carl Zigrosser Papers may be examined by qualified researchers in the reading room of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania. Photocopying of Zigrosser materials is at the discretion of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The receipt of photocopies does not grant publication rights without the written permission of the University of Pennsylvania and the literary executors of the authors in question. |
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finding aid | Available in electronic form and in repository. |
acquisition information | Gift June 1972 |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Interview conducted by Oliver Daniel, Apr. 4, 1981 [sound recording]. | repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | McIlhenny discusses Stokowski and Arthur Carles. Contained in: Oliver Daniel Research Collection on Leopold Stokowski. Box 59, CD 241. Biography/History: Philadelphian art collector. Notes: Recorded on Apr. 4, 1981; location unknown. No transcript; date and summary from cassette tape. Original copy: cassette tape 0.23; preservation copy: one 10 1/2 in. reel to reel tape 241; service copy: one compact disk CD 241. Preservation and service copies recorded December 2000. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 382 |
extent | Tape 1 sound cassette |
formats | Sound Recording |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | Found In: Oliver Daniel Research Collection on Leopold Stokowski. Box 59, CD 241. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Correspondence to Eugene Ormandy, 1953-1958. | repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Contained in: Eugene Ormandy Papers. Folder 880. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 91 |
extent | 3 items |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Found In: Eugene Ormandy Papers. Folder 880. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | M. Knoedler & Co. records, approximately 1848-1971 | repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | The records of M. Knoedler & Co. document the business of the prominent American art dealer from the mid-19th century to 1971, when the Knoedler Gallery was acquired by Armand Hammer. The archive traces the development of the once provincial American art market into one of the world's leading art centers and the formation of the private art collections that would ultimately establish many of the nation's leading art museums, such as the Frick Collection and the National Gallery of Art. It brings to the foreground the business side of dealing as artworks shuttled back and forth among Knoedler, fellow dealers, and collectors, documenting developments in art connoisseurship, shifting tastes, the changing role of art in American society, and the essential role of private collectors in the formation of public American art collections. The records provide insight into broader economic, social and cultural histories and the nation's evolving sense of place in the world. The Knoedler Gallery became one of the main suppliers of old master and post-Impressionist paintings in the United States. Financial records of the firm provide crucial provenance information on the large number of artworks in American museums that were sold by the gallery. The archive includes stock books, sales books and commission books; correspondence with collectors, artists, art dealers and other associates; photographs of the artworks sold by the gallery; records from the firm's offices in London, Paris and other cities; exhibition files; framing and restoration records, and records of the firm's Print Department. Selected portions of the archive have been digitized and made available online. Connect to selected digitized portions of the archive. Arranged in 14 series: Series I. Stock books; Series II. Sales books; Series III. Commission books; Series IV. Inventory cards; Series V. Receiving and shipping records; Series VI. Correspondence; Series VII. Photographs; Series VIII. Exhibition files; Series IX. American Department records; Series X. Framing and restoration records; Series XI. Print Department records; Series XII. Other financial records; Series XIII. Library cards, scrapbooks, and research materials; Series XIV. Knoedler family papers Biographical/Historical Note: M. Knoedler & Co. was a successor to the New York branch of Goupil & Co., an extremely dynamic print-publishing house founded in Paris in 1827. Goupil's branches in London, Berlin, Brussels, and The Hague, as well as New York, expanded the firm's market in the sale of reproductive prints. The firm's office in New York was established in 1848. In 1857, Michael Knoedler, an employee of Goupil and a manager for the firm, bought out the interests in the firm's New York branch, conducted the business under his own name, and diversified its activities to include the sale of paintings. Roland Knoedler, Michael's son, took over the firm in 1878 and with Charles Carstairs opened galleries in Paris and London. In 1928, the management of the firm passed to Roland's nephew Charles Henschel, Carman Messmore, Charles Carstairs and Carstairs' son Carroll. In 1956 Henschel died, and E. Coe Kerr and Roland Balaÿ, Michael Knoedler's grandson, took over. In 1971 the firm was sold to businessman and collector Armand Hammer. The gallery closed in November 2011. |
extent | 3042.6 linear feet (5550 boxes, 17 flat file folders). |
formats | Auction Catalogs Business Records Correspondence Financial Records Ephemera |
access | Open for use by qualified researchers, with the following exceptions. Boxes 77, 262-264, 1308-1512, 1969-1974, 3592-3723 are restricted due to fragility. Box 4468 is restricted until 2075. |
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contact information | Contact gallery's archivist |
finding aid | At the Getty Research Institute and over their website. |
acquisition information | Acquired in 2012. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:44 |
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title | The Fototeca Berenson (Villa I Tatti Photo Archives) | repository | Biblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti |
description | The collection contains about 300,000 photographs, many of them collected by Berenson himself from the 1880s until the time of his death in 1959. Many have notes on the back in his handwriting. Many show works of art before restoration, and others show images since destroyed. An important section, "Homeless paintings", contains photographs of works whose current location is unknown. The photographs are almost exclusively black and white in a variety of photographic media, such as albumen, gelatine, or carbon. About 3000 large-format photographs are stored separately. In addition, there is a considerable amount of documentary material in the form of clippings, notes and printed reproductions. The photographs are arranged according to Berenson's original scheme, by school: Florence, Siena, Central Italy, Northern Italy, Lombardy, Venice, Southern Italy. Within each school they are arranged by artist, then by topography, followed by homeless. Paintings and drawings are arranged separately. The main focus of the collection is on Italian painting and drawing from the mid-thirteenth to the mid-sixteenth centuries. This part of the collection continues to be developed through the acquisition of new materials and through photographic campaigns. Later periods are also represented but in smaller scale, without systematic updating. There is also material on medieval painting, arranged topographically; manuscript illumination, arranged according to present location; archeology; Byzantine art and architecture, arranged both by artist and by location; and non-Italian art, arranged by country. Finally a section of 8000 photographs is devoted to the art of the Far East, India and Islam. In addition to the original Berenson nucleus, collections of prints, glass plates, negatives and transparencies have entered the Fototeca. These include the collections of Emilio Marcucci (nineteenth-century projects for the completion of various Florentine monuments), George Kaftal (representations of saints in Italian painting of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries), Henry Clifford (painting thirtheenth to seventeenth centuries), Giorgio Castelfranco (Italian art thirteenth to twentieth centuries), Giannino Marchig (restoration), Frederick Hartt (Michelangelo, Giulio Romano), Giuseppe Marchini (Italian art and stained glass), and Craig H. Smyth (Renaissance painting and drawing). There is a small collection of micropublications and microfiche (162,386 frames): L=index photographique de l'art en France (95,648); Sotheby's Pictorial Archive - Old Master Paintings (45,472); Christie's Pictorial Archive Italian School (9,898); Christie's Pictorial Archive - New York 1977-95 Old Master Paintings & Drawings (11,368). The microfilm of the Bartsch Corpus comprises about 42,000 frames. Notes Most photographers not identified. |
extent | 300,000 + photographs |
formats | Photographs Reproductions Microfilm Artist Files |
access | Contact Ilaria Della Monica the archivist at the Berenson Library for restrictions and appointments. |
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finding aid | Currently, there is no catalog of the photographs at Villa I Tatti. In some cases, Artist Files, can be found school (i.e. Venetian, Lombard, Northern Italy, Central Italy, etc. . .) and some are cataloged in Harvard's online catalog, HOLLIS. |
acquisition information | Originally formed by Bernard Berenson the Library continues to add to the file. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:44 |
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title | Henri Gabriel Marceau Director Records, 1955-1964 | repository | Philadelphia Museum of Art |
description | Henri Gabriel Marceau, an internationally known scholar, art historian and architect, was the Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art from 1955 to 1964. Prior to that appointment, he served nearly thirty years at the museum in a curatorial capacity and beginning in 1937 as well as Associate Director. Marceau's Records consist mainly of correspondence with individuals, corporations, museums and universities, as well as subjects, and they are arranged chronologically by calendar years. Museums are filed under M (for Museum) and then by name for the larger Museums and, alphabetically by individual name for the smaller ones. There are several folders on the installation of the Japanese Tea House and the Kramrisch Collection of Sculpture (1955), as well as a file of condolences for Fiske Kimball in 1955 and 1956. There is a small Object File. |
extent | 56.5 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence |
access | The collection is open for research. |
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finding aid | Available online |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:48 |
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title | Evan H. Turner Records, 1964-1978 | repository | Philadelphia Museum of Art |
description | Evan H. Turner (born 1927), an art historian and scholar, was the Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA) from 1964 to 1978, leading the Museum through a period of significant growth and transformation. He created new art departments for American and 20th Century Art, and the innovative Department of Urban Outreach (DUO) to promote art across the City of Philadelphia. These progressive activities were matched by a groundbreaking exhibition in 1973, the Marcel Duchamp retrospective, which drew upon significant scholarship and assembled virtually the entire oeuvre of one of the most important artists represented in the Museum. In 1975, Turner led the Museum in a major construction project to install a new climate control system in the building, and in 1976, he helped plan the United States’ Bicentennial and the PMA’s Centennial celebrations. Turner was an active member of a number of professional organizations, as well as a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. The Evan H. Turner records document Turner’s tenure as Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA) from 1934 to 1978 (bulk: 1964-1978). A mix of correspondence, inter-office memoranda, reports, minutes and other records provide ample evidence of Turner’s leading position in the Museum’s growth and transformation during that time, as well as exhibition and event planning, and the daily operations of the Museum. The collection also documents Turner’s work with professional organizations, his efforts to help the City plan the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations, and his professorship at the University of Pennsylvania. |
extent | 146 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence Memoranda Reports |
access | This collection is open for research use. |
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finding aid | Available as a PACSCL finding aid on the Penn Libraries Web site. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:48 |
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title | Anne d'Harnoncourt Records, 1973-2008, n.d. | repository | Philadelphia Museum of Art |
description | The Anne d'Harnoncourt Records correspond to the quarter of a century that Anne d'Harnoncourt (1943-2008) served as the George D. Widener Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA), assuming the additional responsibilities of Chief Executive Officer in 1997. During her tenure, d'Harnoncourt led the Museum through milestones that transformed its collections, exhibitions, curatorial and educational missions, and physical environment. The records she compiled during that time provide the framework for those transformations and underscore the attention to detail, encyclopedic intellect and interests, community commitment and contagious enthusiasm for the arts that characterized d'Harnoncourt's styles of leadership and life. D'Harnoncourt maintained most of her files in large groups of alphabetically arranged names and subjects. Her exhibition records, however, were kept separate, implying an affinity for a subject she learned well during her earlier curatorial years. Other topics for which she held on to her records for extended time periods were the artist Marcel Duchamp, the Museum's Board of Trustees, and a few major projects concerning PMA and other institutions. Documentation consists primarily of correspondence, notes, press clippings, ephemera, reference materials, reports and draft writings. Photographs, phone logs, appointment calendars, floor plans and other drawings are also included. |
extent | 206 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence Clippings Writings Reports Legal Papers |
access | The collection is open for research as follows. Records created before 1997 are open, with exceptions noted at the subseries or folder level. Folders containing some items requiring further restriction are noted as "permanently restricted in part" or "restricted in part." Access to the latter is at the discretion of the archivist. All press clippings, photographs, and transcripts of remarks and lectures are open for research. Records created after 1996 will be subject to a 15-year closure calculated on the last year of designated date spans. Accordingly, 1997-1999 records will become available Jan. 1, 2015; 2000-2003 on Jan. 1, 2019; and 2004-2008 on Jan. 1, 2024. |
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finding aid | Available online |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:48 |
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title | Jean Sutherland Boggs Records, 1979-1982 | repository | Philadelphia Museum of Art |
description | Boggs, a Degas scholar, came from the post of the Director of the National Gallery of Canada to become the Director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. She was here from March 1979 to June 30, 1982. She left to become Chairman of the Canada Museums Constructiion Corporation in Ottawa. The Jean Sutherland Boggs Records consist of general correspondence, and Museum subjects, arranged by fiscal years. |
extent | 35 linear feet |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Collection is open for research |
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finding aid | Available online |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:48 |
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title | M. Knoedler & Co. records, approximately 1848-1971 | repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | The records of M. Knoedler & Co. document the business of the prominent American art dealer from the mid-19th century to 1971, when the Knoedler Gallery was acquired by Armand Hammer. The archive traces the development of the once provincial American art market into one of the world's leading art centers and the formation of the private art collections that would ultimately establish many of the nation's leading art museums, such as the Frick Collection and the National Gallery of Art. It brings to the foreground the business side of dealing as artworks shuttled back and forth among Knoedler, fellow dealers, and collectors, documenting developments in art connoisseurship, shifting tastes, the changing role of art in American society, and the essential role of private collectors in the formation of public American art collections. The records provide insight into broader economic, social and cultural histories and the nation's evolving sense of place in the world. The Knoedler Gallery became one of the main suppliers of old master and post-Impressionist paintings in the United States. Financial records of the firm provide crucial provenance information on the large number of artworks in American museums that were sold by the gallery. The archive includes stock books, sales books and commission books; correspondence with collectors, artists, art dealers and other associates; photographs of the artworks sold by the gallery; records from the firm's offices in London, Paris and other cities; exhibition files; framing and restoration records, and records of the firm's Print Department. Selected portions of the archive have been digitized and made available online. Connect to selected digitized portions of the archive. Arranged in 14 series: Series I. Stock books; Series II. Sales books; Series III. Commission books; Series IV. Inventory cards; Series V. Receiving and shipping records; Series VI. Correspondence; Series VII. Photographs; Series VIII. Exhibition files; Series IX. American Department records; Series X. Framing and restoration records; Series XI. Print Department records; Series XII. Other financial records; Series XIII. Library cards, scrapbooks, and research materials; Series XIV. Knoedler family papers Biographical/Historical Note: M. Knoedler & Co. was a successor to the New York branch of Goupil & Co., an extremely dynamic print-publishing house founded in Paris in 1827. Goupil's branches in London, Berlin, Brussels, and The Hague, as well as New York, expanded the firm's market in the sale of reproductive prints. The firm's office in New York was established in 1848. In 1857, Michael Knoedler, an employee of Goupil and a manager for the firm, bought out the interests in the firm's New York branch, conducted the business under his own name, and diversified its activities to include the sale of paintings. Roland Knoedler, Michael's son, took over the firm in 1878 and with Charles Carstairs opened galleries in Paris and London. In 1928, the management of the firm passed to Roland's nephew Charles Henschel, Carman Messmore, Charles Carstairs and Carstairs' son Carroll. In 1956 Henschel died, and E. Coe Kerr and Roland Balaÿ, Michael Knoedler's grandson, took over. In 1971 the firm was sold to businessman and collector Armand Hammer. The gallery closed in November 2011. |
extent | 3042.6 linear feet (5550 boxes, 17 flat file folders). |
formats | Auction Catalogs Business Records Correspondence Financial Records Ephemera |
access | Open for use by qualified researchers, with the following exceptions. Boxes 77, 262-264, 1308-1512, 1969-1974, 3592-3723 are restricted due to fragility. Box 4468 is restricted until 2075. |
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contact information | Contact gallery's archivist |
finding aid | At the Getty Research Institute and over their website. |
acquisition information | Acquired in 2012. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:50 |
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title | Rosenberg & Stiebel Archive - Subject Files | repository | The Frick Collection and Frick Art Research Library |
description | 1946-1987 Subject file from the Rosenberg & Stiebel, Inc. records. Files may include correspondence, invoices, statements, agreements, photographs, and printed material. |
extent | 1 folder |
access | These records are open for research under the conditions of The Frick Collection Archives access policy. Material related to transactions after 1969 is subject to restrictions. Contact the Archives Department for further information at |
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finding aid | Available online. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:55 |
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