Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Kennerley, Mitchell, 1878-1950
title | Mitchell Kennerley papers, 1912-1944. | repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Miscellaneous papers concerning auctioneering in New York and the Anderson Galleries. Bio / His Notes: Publisher; New York City. Name also appears as Mitchell Kennerley. He published The Forum, 1910-1916 and was president of the Anderson Galleries, New York City, 1916-1929. |
extent | 150 items (on partial microfilm reel) reel N27 (frames 1-255) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Microfilmed 1956 by the Archives of American Art with other art-related papers in the Manuscript Division of the New York Public Library. Location of Original: Originals in the New York Public Library, Manuscript Division. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:28 |
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title | Mitchell Kennerley papers, 1917-1940 (MssCol 1634) | repository | New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division |
description | Collection consists of correspondence, writings, drawings, photographs, memorabilia, and printed matter related to Kennerley and his associates. Correspondence is with writers, artists, gallery owners, auctioneers, book collectors, and photographers. Writings include typescripts of articles and poems by various authors; photographs are of artists and writers; and drawings are by artists. Also, catalogs of art exhibitions and auctions, clippings and memorabilia. Biographical and Historical Note Mitchell Kennerley (1878-1950) was an American publisher and art dealer. He worked for various literary magazines and published several others. From 1916 to 1929 and 1937 to 1939 he was president of the Anderson Galleries. He started the Lexington Avenue Bookshop in New York City and was involved in the Book Collectors Club of America. |
extent | 3 linear feet (10 boxes). |
formats | Correspondence Writings Drawings Photographs Ephemera |
access | Microfilm and copies must be used when available |
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finding aid | Collection guide available in repository and on internet:,1,1,B/l856~b3236609&FF=tmitchell+kennerley+papers&1,1,,1,0/startreferer//search/tMitchell+Kennerley+papers/tmitchell+kennerley+papers/1,1,1,B/frameset&FF=tmitchell+kennerley+papers&1,1,/endreferer/ |
acquisition information | Purchased from Mitchell Kennerley, 1935-41 |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:28 |
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title | Alfred Stieglitz / Georgia O'Keeffe Archive | repository | Yale University Library |
description | The Alfred Stieglitz/Georgia O’Keeffe Archive contains correspondence files, manuscripts, documentary ephemera, photographs, art and realia related to the lives and careers of Alfred Stieglitz and Georgia O’Keeffe, his second wife, and to other members of Stieglitz’s family. The first subgroup, Alfred Stieglitz Papers, consists of material documenting Stieglitz’s life’s work: correspondence with artists, photographers, and writers; manuscripts by Stieglitz and others describing the art movements of the early twentieth century; scrapbooks; an autograph collection; prints of photographs by Stieglitz and other noted photographers; awards given to Stieglitz for his work; several works of art such as four poster portraits by Charles Demuth; and notebooks assembled posthumously to record the contents of Stieglitz’s extensive art collection before it was dispersed following his death. The second subgroup, Georgia O’Keeffe Papers, consists primarily of correspondence from O’Keeffe’s friends and family along with a number of fan letters, subject files, and business correspondence addressing rights and reproductions of O’Keeffe’s works. This subgroup also includes files of documentary ephemera and a number of awards and medals given to O’Keeffe. The third subgroup, Stieglitz Family Papers, consists of correspondence, documentary ephemera, and drawings from Stieglitz family members, principally Alfred’s parents, Edward and Hedwig. Notes: Chiefly in English, many letters in German. Available in other formats: Available on microfilm from Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. Location: BEINECKE (Non-Circulating) Call Number: YCAL MSS 85 |
extent | 168 Linear Feet |
formats | Artworks Correspondence Ephemera Scrapbooks Photographs |
access | Restricted Fragile Papers in Boxes 247-256 may only be consulted with permission of the appropriate curator. Preservation photocopies for reference use have been substituted in the main files. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available online and in repository. |
acquisition information | Alfred Stieglitz Papers: Gift of Georgia O’Keeffe, 1949-53, with subsequent gifts and purchases from various parties, 1953-1980. Georgia O’Keeffe Papers: Bequest of the Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation, 1992, along with several earlier gifts from O’Keeffe. Stieglitz Family Papers: Gift of Flora Stieglitz Straus and Sue Davidson Lowe. Associated material: Stieglitz Family Papers (YCAL MSS 89) Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:34 |
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title | Papers of Mitchell Kennerley, 1923, n.d. | repository | University of Virginia Library |
description | The collection contains nine letters, ca. 1921, expressing Kennerley's love for Helen Freeman, two letters in return, and a copy of an agreement for motion picture rights to The Great Way, a play based on Horace Fish's novel of the same title. Biographical and Historical Notes: American antiquarian bookseller, publisher, and president of Anderson Galleries. |
extent | 12 items. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Summary available. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:34 |
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title | Mitchell Kennerley Papers, 1898-1934. | repository | Vassar College |
description | Correspondence, contracts, reports, photographs, and printed materials from his work on behalf of writers including Randolph G. Adams, Zoe Atkins, Arnold Bennett, Dorothy Beall Cunningham, Bliss Carman, Max Eastman, Frank Harris, Alfred A. Knopf, D.H. Lawrence, Christopher Morley, and Edna St. Vincent Millay. |
extent | ca. 2 cubic ft. |
formats | Correspondence Legal Papers Photographs Printed Materials |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:34 |
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title | Correspondence to Van Wyck Brooks, 1909-1915. | repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Mixed Material Contained in: Van Wyck Brooks Papers. Folder 1518 Biography/History: Mitchell Kennerley served as the publisher for "Wine of the Puritans," "John Addington Symonds" and "The World of H. G. Wells." Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 650 |
extent | 15 items (16 leaves) |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:34 |
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title | Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1910-1914. | repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Archival/Manuscript Material 4 items (4 leaves). Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 30 |
extent | 4 items (4 leaves). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | The Theodore Dreiser Papers may be examined by researchers in the reading room of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania. Permission to quote from and to publish unpublished materials must be requested in writing from the Curator of Manuscripts. |
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acquisition information | Gifts with some additional purchases, received: 1942 through 1991. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:34 |
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title | James N. Rosenberg papers, 1911-1961. | repository | Archives of American Art |
description | REEL 674: 655 letters; a diary-sketchbook (April 1959, France); notes and writings such as anecdotes and stories; copies of 2 unpublished works; exhibition mailing lists, catalogs and announcements; 15 photographs of Rosenberg's work; pamphlets on Jewish resettlement; and clippings. Among the correspondents are Roland Redmond and others concerning Rosenberg's "Nine Open Letters to the Metropolitan Museum," Mitchell Kennerley, and Lawrence Lebduska. UNMICROFILMED: 1 v., "New Pictures & the New Gallery, 1923," with a forward by Rosenberg. REEL 1817 (fr. 1063-1064): One photograph of Harvard art professor, Paul Sachs, which was previously microfilmed under Photos of Artists II and has subsequently been scanned and returned to the Rosenberg papers. Bio / His Notes: Painter, patron, lawyer; New York, N.Y.; d. 1970. |
extent | 1 linear ft. (on 1 microfilm reel) Unmicrofilmed: 1 v. reels 674, 1817 |
formats | Correspondence Diaries Microfilm Printed Materials Catalogs |
access | Microfilmed portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed volume requires an appointment. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Donated 1960 by James N. Rosenberg. Photograph on reel 1817 microfilmed in 1980 as part of AAA's Photographs of Artists-Collection Two. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:34 |
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title | Correspondence, 1916, n.d., from Lewis Mumford. | repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Archival/Manuscript Material Contained in: Lewis Mumford Papers, ca. 1905-1987. Folder 5806. Summary: Correspondence from Lewis Mumford to Mitchell Kennerley, Forum. Other Contributors: Kennerley, Mitchell, 1878-1950. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 2 |
extent | 2 items (4 l.). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | Letters, 1914-1928, to Lewis Mumford. | repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | Archival/Manuscript Material Contained in: Lewis Mumford Papers, ca. 1905-1987. Folders 1640-1641. Summary: Correspondence to Lewis Mumford from Mitchell Kennerley, Publisher, Bernard Dailey, and John Whedon, Forum (periodical). Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 2 Other Contributors: Dailey, Bernard. Kennerley, Mitchell, 1878-1950. Whedon, John. |
extent | 12 items (12 l.). |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | Arthur Swann (1875-1959) papers and correspondence, [1900-1956], (bulk 1910-1930). | repository | Grolier Club |
description | Letters from booksellers and collectors to Swann concerning his activities in the New York book trade. Also holograph appraisal of the library of J.P. Morgan made in 1915-1916 with the assistance of Joseph Martini (Guiseppe Martini). Collection includes testimonials gathered by Swann in England in 1900 as to his character and ability and two typescripts by him on important sales. Correspondents include Cortlandt Field Bishop, P.J. Foley, and Byrne Hackett of the Brick Row Book Shop. Collection includes undated typescript by Ernest Dawson, "What's wrong with the book trade?" Also three photographs and some clippings relating to Swann's departure from the American Art Association in 1927 and other related topics. Biographical Note: Bookseller and auctioneer, Arthur Swann worked in Liverpool and Leeds before coming to New York City and joining the Anderson Auction Company. From 1913 he was associated with the American Art Association (AAA), where he organized the rare book and manuscript department. After leaving AAA he served briefly as vice president of the Brick Row Book Shop. From 1933 Swann was a vice president of what became the Parke-Bernet Galleries. During his long career he prepared the auction catalogs for many significant sales of rare books and manuscripts in New York City. Swann was a member of the Grolier Club, 1958-1959. |
extent | 2 boxes (.8 linear ft.) |
access | Contact the Grolier Club for access restrictions. |
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finding aid | Unpublished finding aid available through Grolier Club website. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:52 |
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