Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Lambdin, James Reid, 1807-1889

titleJames Reid Lambdin collection, 1831-1896.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPamphlets, speeches, transactions, reviews, auction and exhibition catalogs, and other printed materials relating to art and art organizations mainly in the Philadelphia area, but also including New York, Boston, Baltimore, Louisianna, Europe and elsewhere. Among the societies represented are the National Academy of Design, National Art Association, Artists' Fund Society, Philadelphia Museum Company, Northern Society of Painters in Watercolor, American Art Union, Apollo Association, Columbian Society of Artists and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; correspondence between committees of the Artists Fund Society, headed by John Sartain, and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; and charters and by-laws of the Artists Fund Society.

Originals in the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
extent10 v. (ca. 200 items on 6 microfilm reels) reels P38-P41, P52 & P63
formatsMicrofilm Correspondence Exhibition Catalogs Clippings Financial Records
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidA finding aid to the Lambdin pamphlet collection on reels P38-P40 can be found in the appendices of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts finding aid available at all AAA offices
acquisition informationThis collection was compiled by Lambdin and housed at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Lent for microfilming, 1955, by the PAFA.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:28

titleHenry Kirke Brown papers, 1836-1893.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPrimarily correspondence with Brown's wife, Lydia Louise Udall, his nephew, Henry Kirke Bush-Brown, and other family members. Also included are letters from artists George Catlin, George Fuller, Sanford R. Gifford, James Reid Lambdin, Louis Lang, Erastus Dow Palmer, Hiram Powers, Horatio Stone, and others; five news clippings; and miscellaneous notes.
Brown's lengthy letters to his wife reveal his devotion to her and the conflict he felt between his art and his personal life. He discusses his work, including progress on his statue of George Washington, located in Union Square, New York City. Letters to his family from Rome and Florence allude to his awe of Italy's monuments. Also included are letters from Washington, D.C. during Brown's tenure as a member of the U.S. Art Commission in the 1860s.

Bio / His Notes:
Sculptor and portrait painter; born in Leyden, Mass.; died in Newburgh, N.Y.
extent.0 linear ft. (on 2 microfilm reels) reel 2770 and 2771
formatsMicrofilm Correspondence Clippings Ephemera Notes
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record link
record source
acquisition informationDonated 1981 by Dorothy Young, who acquired the papers from her husband, an art dealer.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleAlbert Duveen collection of artists' letters and ephemera, 1808-1910.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters, 1808-1910, written by American artists and collected by Duveen. Also included are miscellaneous items such as Bible records, quotations, pictorial reproductions and a few letters written by European artists.

Included are 28 letters from Albert Bierstadt, the majority of the letters are to Col. Woodworth; 10 from Frederic E. Church; 14 from Frederick S. Church; 25 by Constant Mayer; 11 by Albert Rosenthal; and a few each by Edwin H. Blashfield, James Champney, Timothy Cole, William Gibson, Eliza Greatorex, D. Ridgway Knight, Charles R. Leslie, Emanuel Leutze, Jervis McEntee, Francis Millet, Henry Mosler, William Page, E. D. Palmer, William Partridge, Hiram Powers, Henry Ranger, Peter Rothermel, Ross Turner, Edwin Weeks, Anne Whitney, Worthington Whittredge and others.

Co-Creator: Bierstadt, Albert, 1830-1902
Blashfield, Edwin Howland, 1848-1936
Bosworth, Welles, 1869-1966
Boughton, George Henry, 1834-1905
Bridgman, Frederick Arthur, 1847-1928
Buttre, John Chester, 1821-1893
Champney, James Wells, 1843-1903
Chapman, J. G. (John Gadsby), 1808-1889
Church, Frederic Edwin, 1826-1900
Church, Frederick S. (Frederick Stuart), 1842-1924
Cole, Timothy, 1852-1931
Crane, Bruce, 1857-1937
Cropsey, Jasper Francis, 1823-1900
Ezekiel, Moses Jacob, 1844-1917
Fairman, James, 1826-1904
Fay, Gaston
Fenn, Harry, 1838-1911
Fosdick, J. William, 1858-1937
Fournier, Alexis Jean, 1865-1948
French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
Gibson, W. Hamilton (William Hamilton), 1850-1896
Gould, Thomas Ridgeway, 1818-1881
Greatorex, Eliza Pratt, 1820-1897
Greenough, Horatio, 1805-1852
Gregory, Frank M., b. 1848
Grosvenor, Thelma Cudlipp, b. 1892
Hartley, Jonathan Scott, 1845-1912
Hays, William Jacob, 1830-1875
Heade, Martin Johnson, 1819-1904
Healy, G. P. A. (George Peter Alexander), 1813-1894
Hennessy, William J., 1839-1917
Herrick, Henry Walker, 1824-1906
Herter, Albert, 1871-
Hill, John Henry, 1839-1922
Hillern, Bertha von
Huntley, Samantha Littlefield, b. 1865
Kappes, Alfred, 1850-1894
Kaufmann, Theodor, 1814-1900
Keith, Dora Wheeler, 1856-1940
Kitchell, Joseph Gray, b. 1862
La Farge, John, 1835-1910.
Lambdin, James Reid, 1807-1889
Leslie, Charles Robert, 1794-1859
Leutze, Emanuel, 1816-1868
Lie, Jonas, 1880-1940
Linen, George, 1802-1888
Lippincott, William H. (William Henry), 1849-1920
Lock, Frederick William
Longacre, James Barton, 1794-1869
Longpre, Paul de, 1855-1911
Low, Will Hicok, 1853-1932
Lumley, Arthur, ca. 1837-1912
Lupton, Thomas Goff, 1791-1873
MacDonald, James Wilson Alexander, 1824-1908
MacMonnies, Mary Fairchild, 1858-1946
Matthews, William, 1822-1896
Mayer, Constant, 1829-1911
Mayer, Frank Blackwell, 1827-1899
McArthur, John, 1823-1890
McCord, George Herbert, 1848-1909
McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney), 1870-1949
McEntee, Jervis, 1828-1891
McKenzie, R. Tait (Robert Tait), 1867-1938
Middleton, Stanley Grant, b. 1852
Mignot, L. R. (Louis Remy), 1831-1870
Miller, Alfred Jacob, 1810-1874
Millet, Francis Davis, 1846-1912
Moran, Edward, 1829-1901
Moran, Peter, 1841-1914
Morgan, Matthew Somerville, 1839-1890
Mosler, Henry, 1841-1920
Mowbray, H. Siddons (Harry Siddons), 1858-1928
Muller, Karl, 1818-1893
Mulvany, John, 1839-1906
O'Connor, Andrew, 1847-1924
Oertel, Johannes Adam Simon, 1823-1909
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903
Opper, Frederick Burr, 1857-1937
Page, Fred B.
Page, William, 1811-1885
Palmer, Erastus Dow, 1817-1904
Palmer, John E.
Palmer, Walter Launt, 1854-1932
Paris, Walter, 1842-1906
Parrish, Randall
Partridge, William Ordway, 1861-1930
Pease, Joseph Ives, 1809-1883
Peixotto, Ernest, b. 1869
Persico, Luigi, 1791-1860
Pfeiffer, Emily, 1827-1890
Pike, William
Powell, W. H. (William Henry), 1823-1879
Powers, Hiram, 1805-1873
Raffaëlli, Jean François, 1850-1924
Ranger, Henry Ward, 1858-1916
Reid, Robert, 1862-1929
Rhead, Louis, 1857-1926
Richards, T. Addison (Thomas Addison), 1820-1900
Ripley, Robert Le Roy, 1893-1949
Robbins, Horace Wolcott, 1842-1904
Robinson, Anna
Robinson, Theodore, 1852-1896
Rogers, John, 1829-1904
Rogers, Randolph, 1825-1892
Rogers, W. A. (William Allen), 1854-1931
Rosenthal, Albert, 1863-1939
Rossiter, Thomas Prichard, 1818-1871
Rothermel, Peter Frederick, 1812-1895
Ruckstuhl, F. W. (Fred Wellington), 1853-1942
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 1848-1907
Sanderson, Charles Wesley, 1838-1905
Sarony, Napoleon, 1821-1896
Satterlee, Walter, 1844-1908
Schoff, Stephen Alonzo, 1818-1904
Scott, Emily Maria Spaford, 1832-1915
Selinger, Jean Paul, 1850-1909
Shattuck, Aaron Draper, 1832-1928
Smillie, George H. (George Henry), 1840-1921
Snell, Henry Bayley, 1858-1943
Sonntag, William Louis, 1822-1900
Sterner, Albert, 1863-1946
Stetson, Charles Walter, 1858-1911
Stewart, Julius L., 1855-1919
Stone, Horatio, 1808-1875
Story, George Henry, 1835-1923
Story, William Wetmore, 1819-1895
Stout, James Varick, 1809-1860
Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888
Taft, Lorado, 1860-1936
Tait, Arthur Fitzwilliam, 1819-1905
Taylor, Henry Fitch, 1853-1925
Thompson, Charles A.
Thompson, Launt, 1833-1894
Thulstrup, Thure de, 1848-1930
Tilton, John Rollin, 1828-1888
Turcas, Jules, 1854-1917
Turner, Charles Yardley, 1850-1918
Turner, Ross, 1847-1915
Valentine, Edward Virginius, 1838-1930
Van Boskerck, Robert Ward, 1855-1932
Van Elten, Kruseman, 1829-1904
Van Laer, Alexander T., 1857-1920
Volk, Douglas, 1856-1935
Volkmar, Charles, 1841-1914
Vos, Hubert, 1855-1935
Walcutt, William, 1819-1882
Walden, Lionel, 1861-1933
Walker, James, 1819-1889
Walter, Thomas Ustick, 1804-1887
Waterman, Marcus A., 1834-1914
Waugh, Ida, d. 1919
Weeks, Edwin Lord
Weir, Harrison, 1824-1906
Weir, Robert Walter, 1803-1889
White, George Harlow, 1817-1887
Whitman, Sarah
Whitney, Anne, 1821-1915
Whittemore, William J., 1860-1955
Whittredge, Worthington, 1820-1910
Wiggins, Carleton, 1848-1932
Wiles, Irving Ramsay, 1861-1948
Williams, George Alfred, 1875-
Wilmarth, Lemuel Everett, 1835-1918
Winterburn, George T.
Worth, Thomas, 1834-1917
Wurst, Alexander, 1837-1876
Yewell, George Henry, 1830-1923
Zilcken, Ph., 1857-1930
Zimmerman, Eugene, 1862-1935

extent 1.0 linear ft.
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record link
record source
acquisition informationPurchased from Albert Duveen in 1956. Duveen purchased most of the letters from dealers in Americana and estate sales.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleWeitzel letter collection, 1863-1931.
repositoryAmerican Art Archives
descriptionA letter to Robert W. de Forest of New York City from Elinor L. P. Lyon of Norwalk, Conn., stating her interest in the "Eagle picture" and making an offer to buy it (reel 2803); and two letters to James Reid Lambdin from Samuel Putnam Avery, discussing paintings, frames, dealers, etc. (reel 3091).
extent3 items (on 2 partial microfilm reels) reels 2803 and 3091
formatsCorrespondence Microfilm
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record source
acquisition informationThese letters were originally catalogued under the names of their recipients.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleMary, Xanthus, and Russell Smith family papers, 1826-1954.
repositoryAmerican Art Archives
descriptionFamily papers of Mary (1842-1878), Xanthus (1839-1929), and Russell (1812-1896) Smith.

REELS 2035-2040: Family correspondence; 27 volumes of writings and journals, 1826-ca. 1920, about art, science, European trips, personal thoughts, poetry, and Xanthus's service aboard the U.S.S. Wabash, Port Royal, South Carolina; unpublished autobiographies of Russell and Xanthus; a printed biography of Russell's daughter, Mary; sketches and sketchbooks; 10 volumes of cash books; travel receipts, and financial papers; lists of works of art scrapbooks; exhibition material; clippings; personal documents; memorabilia; and ephemera.

Among the correspondents are: Susan B. Anthony, Edwin T. Booth, Jay Cooke, George Henry Corliss, Louisa Lane Drew, George Lambdin, James Reid Lambdin, John Neagle, Rembrandt Peale, William Trost Richards, Peter F. Rothermel, John Sartain, Samuel Sartain, Owen Wister, and Sarah B. Wister.

REEL 2062: Photographs of the Smith family; and miscellaneous photographs. Photographers include Xanthus Smith, Clemon's Gallery, Philadelphia, Root's Gallery, Philadelphia, and Van Loan & Ennis' Gallery, Philadelphia.

UNMICROFILMED: Daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, and 17 glass negatives of the Smith family.

Bio / His Notes:
Family of artists; Philadelphia, Pa. area. Painters, Mary and Xanthus Smith, were the children of Russell Smith, a scenic and panoramic landscape painter.

Additional forms:
35mm microfilm reels 2035-2040 and 2062 available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
extent4.5 linear ft. (on 7 microfilm reels) reels 2035-2040 and 2062
formatsMicrofilm Correspondence Writings Photographs Deguerreotype
accessMicrofilmed material must be consulted on microfilm. Use of microfilmed material requires an appointment.
record source
acquisition informationDonated 1978-1979 by Franklin R. Smith, a descendant of Smith.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleLibrary Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photograph collection, [ca. 1850]-1890.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPhotographs of 19th century artists, including Thomas Sully, Rembrandt Peale, Frederick de Bourg Richards, Edward Moran, John Moran, William Trost Richards, Edmund Darch Lewis, George Bacon Wood, Isaac Williams, James Reid Lambdin, Samuel Bell Waugh, Peter Frederick Rothermel, the Sartain family, the Sartain home, John Sartain, Samuel Sartain, William Sartain, Emily Sartain, Thomas Buchanan Read, Thomas Eakins's motion studies, the Pennsylvania State Capitol, group portraits of women from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the Artists Fund Society, James S. Earle and Son, and the Fine Art Gallery at the Great Sanitary Fair.

Bio / His Notes:
Archive repository; Philadelphia, Pa.
extent0.2 linear ft. (on partial microfilm reel) reel 3919
formatsMicrofilm Photographs
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
finding aidFinding aid on microfilm.
acquisition informationMicrofilmed in 1986 as part of AAA's Philadelphia Arts Documentation Project. Photographs were compiled from various collections of the Print Dept. of the Library Company of Philadelphia. Location of Original: Originals in the Library Company of Philadelphia, Print Department.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleJoseph Sill selected diaries, 1832-1854.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCa. 850 pages of selected art related excerpts from Sill's diaries. The diaries date from 1832 to 1854 and document his own painting activities, his association with the Artists and Amateurs Association, Artists' Fund Society, and Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

He gives his reactions to the work of other artists as seen in exhibitions in Philadelphia and New York, especially at the National Academy of Design, as well as in private collections. He writes about panoramas shown in Philadelphia, purchases of works of art for himself and others, commissions to artists to paint pictures for him, etc.

In particular he writes frequently of his friend, the collector and patron Edward L. Carey, and of Carey's collection. He often mentions John Sartain, James R. Lambdin, Peter F. Rothermel, Daniel Huntington, Thomas Sully, William H. Furness, Emanuel Leutze, George L. Saunders, Samuel B. Waugh, Paul Weber, William J. Hubard, Monachesi, and John Neagle. He tells of the founding and subsequent activities of the Art-Union of Philadelphia; the sale of Joshua Shaw's paintings and his misfortunes; the work and ill natured personality of William Page; meeting with and a drawing and description of John J. Audubon; a controversy between Robert W. Weir and Samuel F. B. Morse about who will paint the Mayflower Compact; V. G. Audubon's efforts to get subscribers for his father's book; and Bowen's lithographic shop.
He characterizes Edward Watmough and William E. Winner.

Bio / His Notes:
Collector, amateur painter; Philadelphia, Pa.
extent2 partial microfilm reels. reels P29-P30
formatsMicrofilm Diaries
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationMicrofilmed for the Archives of American Art in 1955 by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Diaries donated to the Society by Edward Madiera. Location of Original: Originals in Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Joseph Sill diaries, Mss. collection # 600.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:38

titleArtist File: Lambdin, James Reid, 1807-1889
repositoryNational Portrait Gallery Library
descriptionFolder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs.
extentcontact repository for further details
formatsArtist Files Ephemera
accessFolder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:40

titleThe James R. Lambdin Pamphlet Collection, 1813–59 (10 volumes)
repositoryPennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
descriptionJames R. Lambdin (1807–1889) was a portrait painter who served on the Pennsylvania Academy board from 1845 to 1864. This collection consists of 240 items bound in ten volumes. It includes American exhibition catalogues, essays, addresses, charters and bylaws of art organizations, descriptions of famous works of art, and guides to private collections. There is also a small number of auction catalogues.

The volumes are assembled in essentially random order and are filmed on Archives of American Art reels P38–P41, with a list of titles in the 1990 AAA guide.
extent10 volumes
formatsEphemera Catalogs Writings Administrative Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidAlphabetical and chronological card file indexes are available at the Archives.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:43