Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Saarinen, Eero, 1910-1961

titleAline and Eero Saarinen papers, 1906-1977
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionPersonal papers of Aline and Eero Saarinen, and Aline Saarinen papers relating to her unpublished biography of architect Stanford White, her published book The Proud Possessors, and her work as an NBC Television correspondent. Papers relating to Stanford White and to Proud Possessors contain primary source material gathered by Saarinen during her research on White and collectors Edward Wales Root and John Quinn.

REELS 2074-76, and 2064 (photos): Biographical material; Eero Saarinen's sketches, notes and letters; correspondence between Aline and Eero; Aline Saarinen's correspondence, including letters from John McAndrews, Clifford Odets, Robert Osborne, Frank Lloyd Wright, Joseph Louchheim, and her children; awards; files on her involvement with the Fine Arts Commission, Yale University, and the Design Advisory Committee of the Federal Aviation Agency; speeches, articles on art and architecture; television scripts; clippings and printed material; notes; and photographs and slides of the Saarinens (2 copyprints are also microfilmed on reel 1817 fr. 1054-1058), Charles Alan, and other family members, friends, works of art, and architecture.

REELS 2069-2072 and 2084 (photos): Research material, 1903-1960, relating to Saarinen's book The Proud Possessors (1958). Included are notes, manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, and printed material on art collectors Dr. Albert C. Barnes, Dr. Claribel and Etta Cone, Katherine Sophie Dreier, Charles Lang Freer, Isabella Stewart Gardner, Thomas Gilcrease, Peggy Guggenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Havemeyer, Joseph Hirshhorn, R. Sturgis Ingersoll, John G. Johnson, J. Pierpont Morgan, Mrs. Potter Palmer, John Quinn, the Rockefeller family, Edward Wales Root, Gertrude, Leo, Michael and Sarah Stein, and Electra Havemeyer Webb. Among the correspondents is Bernard Berenson.

The material on Edward Root contains letters to Saarinen from Grace Cogswell Root; correspondence between Root and his father Elihu, 1903-1936; one or more letters to Root, 1909-1936, from Charles Culver, Robert De Forest, Frederick James Gregg, Ernest Lawson, George Luks, Duncan Phillips, and Grace Root; copies of 2 letters to Edward Christiana, 1949; a catalog for a Root memorial exhibition, 1957; Saarinen's notes; and a photograph of Root, one of his home, and photographs of works of art in his collection. Copyrpints also available.

Material on John Quinn includes correspondence between Saarinen and Jeanne Robert Foster; letters to Foster from Quinn and his sister, Julia Anderson; a copy of a letter to Foster from William B. Yeats and a drawing of Quinn possibly by Yeats; material relating to Roger Casement; and photographs of Quinn and Foster, and Quinn with Constantin Brancusi, Picasso and Mme. Picasso, Henri Pierre Roche, and Erik Satie.

REELS 2072-2073 and 2064 (photos): Research material for Saarinen's unpublished biography of Stanford White. Included are: notes, drafts; correspondence with her publisher, scholars, friends and relatives of White, architects, and others; printed material, 1896-1968; McKim, Mead and White memoranda and correspondence, 1887-1906, much of it with Whitelaw Reid; a letter from Charles Lang Freer, 1900; contracts; architectural descriptions and copies of blueprints; a record book; and miscellaneous letters and documents. Letters from White's father, Richard Grant White, to his daughter-in-law Bessie, Bessie White's reminiscenses of Stanford, and her scrapbook on the Washington Centennial and White's Washington Arch are also included.

Photographs include over 300, 1878-ca. 1970, of White, his wife; his father and mother; Evelyn Nesbit; his clients, Anne, Louise and Robert Cheney; and 280 photographs of buildings and residences designed by White or McKim, Mead and White, many photographed by Wayne Andrews.

UNMICROFILMED: Primarily papers kept by Aline Saarinen while a NBC television correspondent reporting on mainly art related topics. Included are correspondence, printed material, notes, scripts, clippings, kinescope motion picture film, including "Eyes Opening", transferred to VHS, and photographs. Also included are printed material on Eero Saarinen, and photographs of his work.

ADDITION: Notebooks containing Aline Saarinen's notes on architecture, art collectors and Stanford White; printed material; Saarinen's journal, 1928-1932; a guest book; photographs; scripts for Venus in Venice (1964), The American Image and other writings. Three phonograph recordings (33 1/3) of a discussion on opera between Eero Saarinen, Professor H. Ingham Ashworth and Professor Leslie Martin on the Australian Braodcasting Commission, January 29, 1957 are not available for research use.

extent13.5 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 10 reels)
formatsCorrespondence Notes Sketches Photographs Clippings
accessCollection is being processed and digitized, and is closed to researchers. Access is to microfilmed material only. NBC TV material: Authorization to quote from scripts or film prepared for television must be cleared for rights with: NBC Studios, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y.
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record source
acquisition informationDonated in 1973 by the Aline Saarinen estate via Charles Alan, art dealer and brother of Saarinen. The NBC TV material was donated 1974 by NBC Studios. Additional material donated 1991 by the Parrish Art Museum, who had received it from Aline Saarinen.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:32

titleMuseum of Modern Art exhibition correspondence concerning Eero Saarinen, 1958-1959.
repositoryThe Museum of Modern Art
descriptionCorrespondence with Eero Saarinen and Associates regarding "Architecture and Imagery - Four New Buildings," in which Saarinen's design for the TWA building was exhibited, 1959. Correspondents include Saarinen and his wife, Aline, Arthur Drexler and Wilder Green of MOMA, and William H. Gardner, on Saarinen's staff.
extent12 items (on partial microfilm reel)
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationArthur Drexler, Director of MOMA's Department of Architecture and Design, donated these papers, 1971.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:32

titleEero Saarinen collection, 1880-2004 (inclusive), 1938-1969 (bulk).
repositoryYale University Library
descriptionThe Eero Saarinen collection includes drawings, photographs, correspondence, writings, clippings, and audio-visual material relating to Saarinen's professional work as an architect, as well as a small amount of personal material created by himself and his wife, Aline Saarinen. A small amount of material in this collection documents the work of his father, architect Eliel Saarinen.

This collection is arranged in five series: Personal Papers, Professional Papers, Office Records, Project Records, and Audio-Visual Materials. The bulk of the collection is contained in the Project records series, which includes drawings, photographs, specifications, and other documentation of the projects that Saarinen and his firm designed. Personal papers contain documentation of Saarinen's childhood and personal relationships, as well as his travels.

Associated material:
Additional papers, including sketches and sketchbooks, are available in the Print Room, Yale Art Gallery.

Location: LSF-Request for Use at Manuscripts and Archives
*Temporarily Shelved at SML, Manuscripts and Archives
extent76.25 linear ft., 384 tubes of drawings.
formatsDrawings Photographs Personal Papers Business Records Correspondence
accessOriginal audiotape, videotape, and motion picture films, as well as preservation masters and duplicating masters, may not be played. Researchers needing to consult the original materials should consult the reference archivist for policies governing reproduction for access.
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record source
finding aidOnline and in repository
acquisition informationGift of Aline Saarinen, 1971; Robert Scobey and the firm of Cooper, Dunham, Clark, Griffin & Moran, 1982; Peter C. Papademetriou, 1987; Brackley Shaw, 1988; Charles Dibbell, 1992; Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates, 2003-2005; Robert A. M. Stern, 2004; Gerald D. Hines School of Architecture, University of Houston, 2004; Oliver Lundquist, 2004; Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, 2006.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:32

titleFlorence Knoll Bassett papers, 1932-2000.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionThe papers of architect and designer Florence Knoll Bassett include biographical material, correspondence, drawings, sketches, and designs, printed material, photographs, subject files, letters, and awards. They selectively document Knoll Bassett's education, her career at Knoll Associates from the 1940s until her resignation in 1965, and also her projects and notoriety after leaving Knoll.

Biographical material consists of a portfolio compiled by Knoll Bassett to "briefly chart the direction of my life from 1932 onward," containing copies of designs from all periods of her career, copies of letters and photographs of significant individuals throughout her life, and accompanying text. [Note: The originals of some of the documents are found in the Subject Files and Letters series]. An additional portfolio contains articles from various art and design publications, newspapers, and encyclopedias, 1946-1999 about Knoll Bassett's career.

Drawings, sketches, and designs, 1932-1984, are contained in 2 portfolios, and include original and copies of drawings, sketches, plans, and miscellany, such as 2 greeting cards designed by Hans and Florence Knoll, as well as copies of printed matter and photographs of projects. Included are the original drawing for her first house design done at the Kingswood School, 1932, copies of sketches by others, including Hans Knoll and Andy Warhol, and sketches by Knoll Bassett of a cruise in the Greek Islands, 1967. The last portfolio, compiled in 1999, contains photographs of Knoll Bassett with clients and colleagues, 1956-1960s, including Eero Saarinen, and magazine and newspaper clippings, 1950s-1997.

The Subject Files series, ca. 1930s-1999, contains original and copies of notes, letters, drawings, sketches, plans, photographic material relating to Knoll Bassett's education at Kingswood and Cranbrook (including a photograph of Rachel de Wolfe Raseman, 1936 and photos of Eliel and Eero Saarinen and Carl Milles, and illustrated letters from Eero Saarinen); residential projects in Florida, New York City and Vermont; furniture designs, Knoll Graphics, Knoll Textiles, exhibitions, showrooms in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Paris, and Milan, and the bulk relating to projects undertaken by the Knoll for CBS headquarters, Look Publications, H.J. Heinz, the Connecticut General Life Insurance building, and the First National Bank of Miami.

The Letters series contains letters selected by Knoll Bassett to document significant events throughout her life and career. Correspondents include Peter Blake, Leslie Cheek, Jr., Charles Eames, Lisa Fonssagrives-Penn, John Helm, Indira Gandhi, Katharine Graham, Philip Johnson, Walter C. Knoll, Carl Milles, R. Craig Miller, Isamu Noguchi, Nancy Reagan, Nelson Rockefeller, Loja and Eliel Saarinen, Maeve Slavin, Frank Stanton, and others.

Awards series, 1954-1999,, includes awards and honorary degrees, and related correspondence, printed material, and notes. Among the awards presented to Knoll Bassett were the Gold Medal for Industrial Design (1961) from the AIA, and the Total Design Award (1977) by the American Society of Interior Designers.
extent2.5 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Drawings Photographs Sketches Ephemera
accessUse requires an appointment at our Washington, D.C. office.
record source
finding aidOnline and in repository
acquisition informationDonated 2000 by Florence Knoll Bassett.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:32

titleTheodore Roszak papers 1928-1981.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence, printed material, photographs, sketches, writings, financial material and interviews.
REEL N69-54: Scrapbooks; exhibition catalogs, articles and clippings from the London Eagle; biographical data; and writings, including THE ARTS AND THE UNIVERSITY: A SYMPOSIUM.

REEL N69-66: Correspondence, Christmas cards and telegrams; exhibition catalogs and publications; photographs of art work and projects; and references to Roszak in Whitney Museum publications.
REEL N69-81: Correspondence; talks and taped interviews; notes; press releases and statements.

REEL 2134-2136: Correspondence with museums, art organizations and Alfred Barr, Lloyd Goodrich, Pierre Matisse, Eero and Aline Saarinen, David Smith and Frederick Sweet; subject files containing correspondence, printed material, sketches, blueprints (not microfilmed) and financial material for the U.S. Embassy in London and the J. F. Kennedy memorial grave; biographical material; writings, speeches and interviews; exhibition catalogs, announcements and clippings; and photographs of Roszak and his sculpture.

UNMICROFILMED: An exhibition catalog of Roszak's drawings, 1981; 16 photographs and negatives of works by Alexander Calder, Julio Gonzalez, Richard Lippold, Ezio Martinelli, and David Smith; and a negative of David Smith's studio.

Bio / His Notes:
Sculptor, painter, designer, decorator, lithographer, teacher, craftsperson; New York City. Born in Poland. Died in 1981. Studied at the National Academy of Design. Member of American Artists Congress. Teacher at Laboratory School of Industrial Design, N.Y.

extent2.7 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 6 reels)
formatsMicrofilm Drawings Financial Records Correspondence Writings
accessMicrofilmed portion must be consulted on microfilm. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment and is limited to the Washington, D.C. storage facility
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationMaterial on reels N69-54, N69-66 & N69-81 lent for microfilming by Theodore Roszak, 1969. Material on reels 2134-2136 donated by Roszak, 1980. Unmicrofilmed material donated by Sara Jane Roszak, Theodore's daughter, 1983.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:32

titleArtist file: Saarinen, Eero, 1910-1961; miscellaneous uncataloged material.
repositoryThe Museum of Modern Art
descriptionThe folder may include announcements, clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, small exhibition catalogs, and other ephemeral material.

MoMA Queens Artist Files

Call Number
extent1 folder
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:39

titleIndiana architectural collection, 1955.
repositoryUniversity of Texas, Austin
descriptionThe Indiana Architectural collection consists of approximately 30 sheets of rolled drawings of an unidentified Indiana residence by Eero Saarinen & Associates, with Alexander H. Girard of Santa Fe, NM.

Preferred Citation
Indiana Architectural collection, the Alexander Architectural Archive, the General Libraries, the University of Texas at Austin
extent30 rolled drawings
accessAccess is by appointment only to any serious scholar. Rolled materials must be flattened before viewing. A three-day advance notice is required to flatten rolled materials. Portions of this collection are not processed and may not be accessible.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:43