Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Glackens, William J., 1870-1938
title | Ira and William Glackens papers, circa 1900-1990 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Primarily the papers of Ira Glackens related to the life and work of his father, William J. Glackens, including correspondence, writings, photographs, printed material, financial material, scrapbooks, an interview (untranscribed), and a card file on paintings. Correspondence consists of 6 letters from William to his wife Edith, 1912, written from Paris while buying paintings for collector Albert C. Barnes; 12 letters from Barnes to William and Edith, 1923-1939; ca. 100 letters to Edith, 1902-1946, including many from her father, and one from Maurice Prendergast, 1923; Ira Glackens' correspondence, 1938-1990, with dealers, collectors, museums, researchers, friends, and family, mainly regarding his father, including letters from "Aunt Laura," (Mrs.Albert C. Barnes), 1955-1956, illustrated letters from his aunt Irene Dimmock Fitzgerald, and a note with a sketch from Walt Kuhn. Writings include Glackens family genealogical writings; writings by Ira, including a 71 p. autobiographical account "The Porpoise Close Behind me, or, a Garden of Cucumbers," and typescripts of speeches; an autobiographical account by Edith, "Life and Antics of the Young Dimocks"; writings by others, including "George Luks and William Glackens in Cuba" by E. John Bullard and a script by Everett Shinn, "Hazel Weston, or, More Sinned Against Than Usual." Printed materials include William Glackens' magazine illustrations, exhibition catalogs and clippings; printed material on Barnes and other artists; books by Ira Glackens, including Pope Joan, Yankee Diva, A Measure of Sliding Sand, and Did Molly Pitcher say That? (only covers and title pages were microfilmed). The scrapbook compiled by Ira contains clippings on his father and himself, 1956-1980. Photographs include an album containing photographs of family, friends, among them Walter Pach and Leon Kroll, and travel, 1925-1926; and photographs of family and art works. The card file compiled by Ira is an index to William Glackens' paintings. Also included is a 78 rpm phonograph recording of a WJZ-radio interview of William on the occasion of winning the Allegheny County Garden Club Prize at the 1936 Carnegie International Exhibition. UNMICROFILMED: 9 exhibition catalogs, 1939-1947, for Annual Loan Exhibitions at 10 West 9th Street, New York, of the work of William Glackens. As well as correspeondence, price lists, inventories and financial material compiled by Ira Glackens regarding the sale or donation of William Glacken's paintings. Co-Creator: Glackens, Edith Barnes, Albert C. (Albert Coombs), 1872-1951 Glackens, William J., 1870-1938 |
extent | 2.3 linear ft. (on 3 microfilm reels) reels 4708-4710 |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Photographs Sound Recording Sketches |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Patrons must use microfilm copy. Use of untranscribed interview of William Glackens requires an appointment. |
acquisition information | Donated in 1987 by Ira Glackens, in 1991 by his estate through Peter L. Chakmakian, executor, and in 2007 by Susan Corn Conway who purchased the material when she moved into the Glacken's home. |
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title | Carl Zigrosser Papers, ca. 1891-1971 |
repository | University of Pennsylvania |
description | The Carl Zigrosser Papers comprise personal and professional records including correspondence, writings, notes, printed material, subject files, photograph album, and diaries relating to Zigrosser's work as an authority on prints and printmaking and his personal relationships with artists. The Papers are particularly rich in correspondence with the major artistic and cultural figures in America during the first half of the twentieth century. Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts Call Number: Ms. Coll. 6 |
extent | 116 boxes |
formats | Correspondence Writings Notes Photographs Printed Materials |
access | In general, the Carl Zigrosser Papers may be examined by qualified researchers in the reading room of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania. Photocopying of Zigrosser materials is at the discretion of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The receipt of photocopies does not grant publication rights without the written permission of the University of Pennsylvania and the literary executors of the authors in question. |
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finding aid | Online and in repository |
acquisition information | Gift, Carl Zigrosser, June 1972. |
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title | Charles FitzGerald scrapbooks, circa 1901-1918 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Six scrapbooks with newspaper clippings from the Evening Sun, The Sun, The New York Times, and other newspapers. Many of the articles, except where noted, were written by Fitzgerald. Miscellaneous letters to Fitzgerald are interleaved within the books and additional loose letters, writings, newspaper clippings and notes are found. Also included are cards that contain an index to several of the scrapbooks. Biographical and Historical Note Art critic, art editor; New York, N.Y. Fitzgerald was active in promoting the "Trash Can School." 3v. 35mm microfilm reel 101 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 6 v. (1.4 linear ft.) (3 v. on partial microfilm reel) |
formats | Scrapbooks Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Donated 1964 by Ira Glackens, Fitzgerald's nephew, and in 2007 by Susan Corn Conway. Glackens was the son of portrait painter William Glackens and Edith Glackens; Edith's sister, Irene Dimock Fitzgerald was married to Charles. Conway purchased the Glackens' house where additional scrapbooks were located. |
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title | Everett Shinn collection, 1877-1959. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | The papers of Everett Shinn measure 3.0 linear feet and date from 1877 to 1958. Found within the papers are biographical material; correspondence with friends and colleagues; personal business records; art work, including two sketchbooks of designs for Belasco's Stuyvesant Theatre; notes and writings, eight scrapbooks, printed material, and numerous photographs of Shinn, his colleagues, and his work. Biographical material includes miscellaneous biographical accounts and a membership certificate from the American Watercolor Society. Correspondence consists of letters from Shinn's friends and colleagues, primarily from author Poultney Bigelow. There are also letters from decorator Elsie De Wolfe, dramatist Clyde Fitch, and artists Charles Dana Gibson, William Glackens, and George Luks whose letters are illustrated. There are scattered letters from A. Stirling Calder, Theodore Dreiser, Robert Henri, Ernest Lawson, Julia Marlowe, Claude Rains, Ruth Warrick, Alexander Woollcott, and Mahonri Young. Personal business records consist of two account books recording art work used in publications and loaned for exhibitions, and miscellaneous invoices. Art work consists of two sketchbooks of designs for the Stuyvesant Theatre murals, miscellaneous drawings by Shinn. Art work by others including H. B. Eddy, James Ben Ali Haggin, Colonel Hegan, Oliver Henfold, George Luks, and Philip Nolan, consist primarily of caricatures. Notes and writings include notes for a book on art, poems, and typescripts by Shinn including "Plush and Cut Glass," a book about George Luks and two original handwritten scripts by Everett Shinn for the plays Hazel Weston and Myrtle Clayton, August 1951. Eight scrapbooks primarily contain clippings. Scrapbook 2 contains clippings, exhibition catalogs, a note from Stuart Benson, an illustrated postcard from Ed, and scattered photographs. Additional printed material is primarily comprised of clippings, but there are also exhibition announcements and catalogs for Shinn, reproductions of art work, booklets, and miscellaneous printed material. Rare programs for plays written by Shinn list cast members including Wilfred Buckland, Edith Glackens, William J. Glackens, James Ben Ali Haggin, Robert Henri, J. E. Laub, Thomas Newell Metcalf, James M. Preston, Florence Scovel Shinn, and John Sloan. Numerous photographs are found within the collection and depict Shinn as a boy, in various Philadelphia newspaper offices, in costume for stage performances, at the easel, and with colleagues including Robert Henri, John Sloan. Photographs of colleagues also include author Poultney Bigelow, decorator Elsie De Wolfe, portrait painter James Ben Ali Haggin, actress Julia Marlowe, and Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts classmates William Glackens and Florence Scovel. There are also photographs of Shinn's residences, exhibition installations, set designs and stagings of plays, murals, and other art work. Bio / His Notes: Everett Shinn (1876-1953) was a painter, stage designer, writer, and newspaper illustrator from New York, N.Y. Shinn was a member of the group, "The Eight." Cite As: Everett Shinn papers, 1877-1958. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Loc. of Assoc. Material: Additional Everett Shinn papers are available at the Helen Farr Sloan Library, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Del. |
extent | 3.0 linear ft. |
formats | Business Papers Personal Papers Correspondence Sketchbooks Photographs |
access | Use of original papers requires an appointment. CLOSED FOR COLLECTION DIGITIZATION |
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finding aid | In the repository and on the repository's Web site. |
acquisition information | The bulk of the Everett Shinn collection was acquired via purchase from art dealer Thurston Thatcher between 1958-1964. Art collector Howard Lipman donated additional material in 1962. Five negatives of Shinn's work were donated in 1969 by Dr. Milton Luria, an acquaintance of Shinn's son, Davidson. The photograph of Everett Shinn, John Sloan, and Robert Henri was donated on an unknown date by an unidentified donor. Two handwritten plays were purchased at auction in 2011 by the Archives of American Art. |
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title | Olaf Brauner letters, 1895-1938. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters to Brauner, mainly from artists invited to participate in exhibitions arranged by Brauner at Cornell University. Prominent correspondents include: Giffford Beal, George Bellows, Frank Benson, Karl Bitter, Edith Burroughs, Emil Carlson, John Carlson, Charles Caffin, Arthur Crisp, Randall Davey, Paul Dougherty, Daniel Garber, Lillian Genth, William Glackens, Childe Hassam, Robert Henri, Charles Hopkinson, Henry Hubbell, John Johansen, William Sargent Kendall; Leon Kroll, Jonas Lie, William Macbeth, William Mason, Gari Melchers, Willard Metcalf, Leonard Ochtman, Bela Lyon Pratt, Maurice Prendergast, A. Phimister Proctor, Edward Redfield, William Ritschel, Walter Sargent, Eugene Speicher, Robert Spencer, D. W. Tryon, C. Howard Walker, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Judd Waugh, and others. Bio / His Notes: Portrait painter, occasional sculptor, and first professor of art at Cornell University. |
extent | 200 items (on 2 microfilm reels). reels 3888-3889 |
formats | Correspondence Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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finding aid | Arranged chronologically. |
acquisition information | The donor, Erling Brauner, is Olaf Brauner's son. |
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title | Esther Baldwin Williams and Esther Williams papers, 1892-1984. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Correspondence; and a photograph album; printed material; clippings; and miscellany of painter Esther Baldwin Williams and her daughter Esther Williams (McKinney). REEL 917 frames 192-240: Photocopies of sixteen letters from Maurice Prendergast, to his friend and patron, Esther (Mrs. Oliver) Baldwin Williams, Boston, 1904-1918. In addition to customary personal and friendly comment, he writes of his loss of hearing in 1905, the "eye strain" which forced him to give up painting that year, sales of his paintings to her, his reaction to French paintings in Paris in 1907, influence of Cézanne on him, details a jury's rejection of a Luks painting in 1904 and its superiority over a Sargent painting which was accepted, exhibitions of his work, mutual friends Charles Prendergast, Arthur B. Davies, William Glackens, and his illness in Venice in 1911. REELS 917-918: Frequent lengthy, descriptive and endearing letters to Williams and her husband, from her daughter, Esther Williams, in Paris. She discusses her painting, her thoughts on various aspects of life, impressions of current events, her daily activities; routine business correspondence with galleries, institutions and associations, e.g. Rockport Art Association (in many cases rough drafts of her replies); letters to Esther Williams from Louis Eilshemius, Furman J. Finck, Leon Kroll, and friends in which they talk about their work, refer to world events (1930's), their daily routines (in some instances her response is in rough draft); clippings; printed material; and miscellany. REEL 921: One family photograph album including ca. 328 photographs of babies, mothers and children, and group photographs, undated. REEL 3975: A biographical account, 1979; 2 diaries, 1892 and 1902; 4 sketchbooks, undated and ca. 1910; an exhibition catalog of portraits by Adelaide Cole Chase; and a book CHARLES ABBOT BALDWIN AND HIS FAMILY by Nadia Williams, 1984. Bio / His Notes: Painters; Rockport, Mass. and New York, N.Y. Esther Baldwin Williams was born Esther Mabel Baldwin, Dec. 11, 1867. She studied painting under Maurice Prendergast and became his friend and patron. Her daughter was married to museum director Roland McKinney (1898-1971). |
extent | 1.4 linear ft. (on 4 microfilm reels) |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Photographs Printed Materials Clippings |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
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acquisition information | Material on reels 917-918 & 921 donated 1974 by Peter McKinney, step-son of Esther Williams (McKinney); material on reel 3975 donated 1985 by Nadia Williams, daughter-in-law of Esther Williams. |
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title | Elizabeth S. Navas papers, 1939-1963. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Correspondence, photographs, clippings, magazines and statements by 20th century artists on their works bought for the Roland P. Murdock Collection of the Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, Kansas, by Navas. Artists represented include: Peggy Bacon, Louis Bouche, William Brice, Charles E. Burchfield, Paul Burlin, Kenneth Callahan, John S. Copley, Russell Cowles, John S. Curry, Stuart Davis, Jose de Creeft, Adolf Dehn, Walt Dehner, Charles Demuth, Arthur Dove, Guy Pene DuBois, Thomas Eakins, William Glackens, Raphael Gleitsmann, George Grosz, John E. Heliker, Winslow Homer, Edward Hopper, Alexander R. James, Jonah Kinigstein, Frederick D. Kirsch, Walt Kuhn, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Gaston Lachaise, James Lechay, John Marin, Reginald Marsh, Henry E. Mattson, Carl Morris, George L. K. Morris, Roy Moyer, Charles Oscar, James Penney, Anne Poor, Henry V. Poor, Albert Pinkham Ryder, Henry E. Schnakenberg, Ben Shahn, Charles Sheeler, John Sloan, Houghton C. Smith, Elizabeth Sparhawk-Jones, Franklin C. Watkins, Max Weber, Clara M. Williamson, Karl Zerbe, and William Zorach |
extent | 0.4 linear ft. (on 1 microfilm reel). reel D251 |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Clippings Artist Files |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Donated 1963 by Elizabeth S. Navas. |
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title | Mary Fanton Roberts papers, 1880-1956. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Biographical material, correspondence, photographs, articles, lists and printed material, reflect Fanton's associations and interests in the arts, primarily in the first quarter of the 20th century. The bulk consists of files containing correspondence, clippings, invitations, and printed material, arranged into three categories: art; dance and theatre; and literary and musical. Among the files/correspondents in the art category are: Elizabeth and John W. Alexander, the Armory Show, George G. Barnard, George Bellows, Gutzon and Mary Borglum, Mrs. Solon H. Borglum, Alfred and Emily Bossom, Mrs. William B. Bracken, Charles Caffin, A. Stirling Calder, Harold & Rhys Caparn, Edward Caswell, Robert W., Mary and Elise Chambers, Robert W. Chanler, Royal Cortissoz, the Craftsmen, Ralph A. Cram, Frank Crowninshield, Randall Davey, Benjamin De Casseres, Edwin and Therese Deming, Frederick Dielman, Paul Dougherty, Daniel C. French, Maurice Fromkes, Arnold Genthe, C. Allan Gilbert, William, Edith & Ira Glackens, Belle da Costa Greene, Ben Ali & Bonnie Haggin, Gardner Hale, Childe Hassam, Robert Henri, Oliver & Peggy Herford, Albert Herter, Eugene Higgins, Edward A. Jewell, Robert E. Jones, Joseph A. Judd, Leon Kroll, Charles R. Lamb, John Lane, Sir John Lavery, Mary Lawton, Florence Levy, Jonas Lie, Will H. Low, George Lynch, Edward Lyons, F. Luis Mora, Jerome & Ethel Myers, Hildegarde H. Oskison, Joseph Pennell, Van Dearing Perrine, James Preston, Howard Pyle, Frederic Remington, W. Goodridge Roberts, Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Nicholas Roerich, Eloise Roorbach, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Everett Shinn, John Sloan, Pamela C. Smith, Eugene Speicher, Alfred Stieglitz, Marie Sterner, Lorado Taft, Ida M. Tarbell, Joseph B. Thomas, the Touchstone, Pierre & Amelie Troubetzkoy, W. Francis Ver Beck, Robert W. & Bessie Potter Vonnoh, Horatio Walker, Mary Hoyt Wiborg, Russel & Mary Wright, and John Butler Yeats. In the Dance and Theater section can be found: Winthrop Ames, John Murray Anderson, Louis K. and Kathryn Anspacher, George P. Baker, Don O. & Elizabeth Becque, Edward L. Bernays, Edward E. Bowes, Irene Castle, Charles D. & Ivah Coburn, Constance Collier, Anna G. & Agnes DeMille, Muriel Draper, Isadora Duncan and relatives, Maxine Elliott, Angna Enters, William & Julie Faversham, Mary Garden, Edna Guy, Cosmo & Julia Hamilton, Walter & Mabel Hampden, Isabel Irving, Otto H. Kahn, Lincoln Kirstein, Eva, Richard, Irma and Julie Le Gallienne, Cecilia Loftus, Tilly Losch, Alfred Lunt, Percy MacKaye, Pilar Morin, Romola Nijinsky, Louis N. Parker, Arthur Row, Mary Shaw, Otis & Cornelia Skinner, Ruth St. Denis, Ellen Terry, Charles H. Towne, and Samuel and Minnie Untermyer. Literary and musical files include: Gertrude Atherton, Bambino, David Bispham, Van Wyck Brooks, Gelett Burgess, Frances H. Burnett, Witter Bynner, Bliss Carman, Irvin S. Cobb, Will L. Comfort, Walter Damrosch, Coningsby Dawson, Mary Desti, Theodore & Helen Dreiser, Max & Eliena Eastman, Havelock Ellis, Edwin Emerson, Teuila Field, Zona Gale, John Galsworthy, Hamlin Garland, Yvette Guilbert, Samuel and Edith Hoffenstein, Fannie Hurst, Joyce Kilmer, Khalil Khayat, S. S. McClure, David & Clara Mannes, John Masefield, Hudson Maxim, Marguerite Namara, Lloyd & Ethel Osbourne, Gifford Pinchot, Mrs. George C. (Kate D. Wiggins) Riggs, Jacob A. Riis, Sir Charles G. D. Roberts, Ernest T. Seton, May Sinclair, Paris Singer, Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson (Fanny Van de Grift), Leopold Stokowski, Austin and Mary Strong, Sara Teasdale, Mary H. Vorse, Rebecca West, Margaret Widdener, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Marguerite Wilkinson, and Stark Young. Notable items among the correspondence are 11 watercolor sketches of Indians and western scenes by Edward Deming to "Aunt Mary & Uncle Bill"; a birthday card to Mary painted by Edward Caswell; and photographs of Isadora Duncan in "Marche Slave," taken by Arnold Genthe, Doris Humphrey in "Variations on a Theme of Handel-Brahms," taken by Edward Moeller (in "Dance" file), and of Frederic Remington taken by Notman Photographic Co., ca. 1900. Other material, arranged separately, includes correspondence with Belle Fanton, Mary's sister; with and about Fanton's husband, the naturalist William C. Roberts; and a group, "Miscellaneous," arranged alphabetically; and photographs, many unidentifed, of people and places, incluging one of John Twachtman with others taken by Gertrude Kasebier, ca. 1910. A few items not appearing on microfilm are four photographs of unidentified male models taken by Nickolas Muray, three photos of Roberts' mother, one tintype of an unidentified woman, eight stereographs of Deadwood, South Dakota, possibly for an article in "Motor Travel," and a pencil sketch of Roberts by John Butler Yeats, 1906. Bio / His Notes: Writer, editor, critic; New York City. Wrote for Herald Tribune, Journal, the Sun, editor for the Craftsman, 1906-1916, the Touchstone, 1917-1921, Arts & Decoration, ca. 1922-1934. Wrote occasionally under the name Giles Edgerton. |
extent | 3.8 linear ft. (on 4 microfilm reels) reels D161-D164 |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Printed Materials Writings Ephemera |
access | Use requires an appointment. |
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acquisition information | Donated by Phoebe DuBois and Violet Organ in 1957. Location of Original: 4 Ira Glackens letters, 1946-1947, reel D162, fr. 971-982: Originals returned to Ira Glackens after filming. |
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title | Wilbur D. Peat papers, 1933-1939 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Correspondence of director Wilbur D. Peat. Many of the letters are from well-known artists of the 1920s and 1930s relating to their contributions to an exhibition of American paintings which Peat was assembling in 1932-1933. [Microfilm title: The Herron Museum of Art] Correspondents include: Dewey Albinson, A. S. Baylinson, Wenona Day Bell, Thomas H. Benton, George Biddle, Peter Blume, Ernest Blumenschein, C. Curry Bohm, Adolphe Borie, George H. Borst, Robert Brackman, Samuel Brecher, Alexander Brook, Charles E. Burchfield, Varaldo J. Carian, Mrs. E. F. Carpenter, John Carroll, Nicolai Cikovsky, Antonio Cirino, Charles Val Clear, Max B. Cohen, John S. Curry, Randall Davey, Charles H. Davis, Edwin Dickinson, Paul Dougherty, Susan M. Eakins, Henry S. Eddy, Virginia B. Evans, Jerry Farnsworth, Ernest Fiene, John K. Fitzpatrick, John F. Folinsbee, Anton P. Fabrick, Charlotte Gailor, Daniel Garber, Robert F. Gilder, William J. Glackens, John R. Grabach, Charles T. Greener, Charles P. Gruppe, Eugene Higgins, Edward Hopper, Bernard A. Hunger, Henry G. Keller, Fanny M. King, Georgina Klitgaard, Leon Kroll, Max Kuehne, Georges La Chance, Luigi Lucioni, Reginald Marsh, Henry E. Mattson, Henry Lee McFee, Miriam McKinnie, Clarence Millet, Ross E. Moffett, Francis Mora, Frederick Mulhaupt, Jerome Myers, Watson Nayland, Warren Newcombe, Waldo Peirce, Van Dearing Perrine, Robert Philipp, Abraham Phillips (Tromka), Majorie Phillips, Paul A. Plaschke, Edward Redfield, Doel Reed, Charles Rosen, Edward B. Rowan, Olive Rush, Chauncey Ryder, Eugene F. Savage, Henry Schnakenberg, Zoltan Sepeshy, Edward Sewall, Leopold Seyffert, Nan Sheets, Simka Simkhovitch, Clyde J. Singer, Judson Smith, Eugene Speicher, Francis Speight, Maurice Sterne, Alfred Stieglitz (letter written on the back of Peat's letter to Georgia O'Keeffe and written for her), Elizabeth O'Neill Verner, Ferdinand E. Warren, Frederick Judd Waugh, Max Weber, Lois Wilcox, Arnold Wiltz, Grant Wood, and Harold Holmes Wrenn. Bio / His Notes: The John Herron Art Institute became the Indianapolis Museum of Art ca. 1969-1970. Peat was director 1929-1965. |
extent | 0.2 linear ft. (on 1 microfilm reel) |
formats | Correspondence Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
record source | Wilbur D. Peat papers, 1933-1939 |
acquisition information | Donated 1962 by the John Herron Museum of Art. |
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title | Marie Sterner and Marie Sterner Gallery papers, 1913-1951. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Exhibition catalogs and announcements; scrapbooks; and correspondence. REEL D294: Scrapbooks containing clippings relating to Sterner's activities and work in her art gallery. REEL 1265: Letters to Sterner from artists and associates, including George Bellows, George Biddle, Charles Burchfield, Stirling Calder, Arthur B. Davies, Elie Nadelman, William Glackens, Marcel Duchamp, Guy Pene du Bois, Everett Shinn, Abbott Thayer, Hedda Sterne, John Sloan, William Zorach, and others. UNMICROFILMED: Exhibition catalogs and announcements of the Marie Sterner Galleries. Bio / His Notes: Art dealer; New York, N.Y. Was instrumental in advancing the cause of American Artists in the early 20th century. Opened her first gallery in 1923. Her gallery was eventually bought by Leonard Clayton. |
extent | 0.7 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 2 reels) reels D294 and 1265 |
formats | Correspondence Exhibition Catalogs Clippings Scrapbooks |
access | Use of unmicrofilmed materials requires an appointment and is limited to Washington, D.C. storage facility. Microfilmed materials must be consulted on microfilm copy |
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acquisition information | Material on reel D294 donated 1967 by Mr. and Mrs Harold Sterner. Material on reel 1265 lent for microfilming 1977 by Steven Straw Co., Inc. of Boston; subsequently sold to Christopher Huntington, who donated them to the Portland Museum of Art. Unmicrofilmed material donated 1982 by Stanley Pasternak. |
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title | A. E. (Albert Eugene) Gallatin papers, 1898-1951. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Papers relating to Gallatin's art collection, the Museum of Living Art, and other museums and activities. REELS 507-508: Mainly correspondence. Letters pertain to the Museum of Living Art at New York University; Gallatin's work on the New York Mayor's Committee on National Defense, including many letters from artists regarding war work, 1918-1919; research for bibliographies; family matters; and business affairs. Correspondents include: Oscar Bluemner, Alexander Calder, Warrington Dawson, Robert Delaunay, Charles Demuth, Charles Freer, Walter Gay, William Glackens, Julio Gonzalez, Childe Hassam, Henry McBride, C. R. W. Nevinson, Ben Nicholson, Maxfield Parrish, Joseph & Elizabeth Pennell, Leonce Rosenberg, William Rothenstein, Allan Wade and Elizabeth Wharton. The Bluemner material includes four letters, a sketch, and a note from Oscar Bluemner to Gallatin. Bluemner writes about the 1932 Whitney Museum show, French and American painters, architecture, and painting. REEL 1293: 3 scrapbooks which include official press releases and clippings of artists about the opening of the Gallery of Living Art at NYU, and its subsequent acquisitions, exhibitions, change of name to Museum of Living Art, and discontinuance of the Museum and transfer to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Also included are reproductions of some of the works found in the collection, reproductions of photos taken by Gallatin of artists whose works are in this collection, a 1935 Gallery of Living Art Bulletin, and clippings and a portion of the Catalog of the Gallery of Living Art. |
extent | 3 microfilm reels. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. 35mm microfilm reels 507-508 and 1293 available for use through interlibrary loan. |
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finding aid | n/a |
acquisition information | Material on reels 507-508 lent for microfilming in 1973; reel 1293 lent by the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Location of Original: Reels 507-508: Originals and microfilm master negative in New York Historical Society, Manuscript Division. Reel 1293: Originals in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. |
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title | Maurice Brazil and Charles Prendergast selected papers, [ca.1865]-1992. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Selected material from the Prendergast Archive, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. Included are: a descriptive list of contents on the microfilm; letters from Maurice to his brother Charles during trips to Paris, 1907, and Venice, 1911-1912, and a draft of a letter to William Glackens about Marsden Hartley, ca. 1908, with transcriptions by the Prendergast Archive; letters to Charles and his wife, Eugenie, 1900-1956, from John Singer Sargent, Van Wyck Brooks, Walter Pach, Ira Glackens, Edith Glackens, and others. Also included are Maurice's address book, ca. 1914-1923?; Charles' diaries of trips to France, 1927 and 1929, containing 3 pencil sketches; Maurice's and Charles' diary and addresses, 1918-1925; and a partial record of the Prendergast/Germaine family history recorded in a Bible and birth and death documents of family members. Miscellany pertaining to Maurice includes a sketch on his Macbeth Gallery exhibition catalog, 1900; an informal translation of an article on Paul Cezanne, ca. 1908; a notebook p. inscribed with his name and address; and a bronze medal awarded for third prize in an American oil painting exhibition at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Miscellany of Charles includes his driver's license, a sketch; notes; and signatures. Also included are a photograph of their painting "The Spirit of the Hunt," inscribed by them to a friend, 1918; printed material collected by them; a list of their books; photographs of Maurice, Charles, family, friends, and of works of art by other artists. Bio / His Notes: Maurice: painter, watercolorist, illustrator and graphic artist; Boston, Mass. and New York, N.Y. Charles: painter, sculptor, craftsman, and framemaker; Boston, Mass., New York, N.Y. and Westport, Conn. Maurice was an Impressionist and early modernist. He painted scenes along the Massachusetts and Maine coasts as well as in Paris, Venice, Rome, and French coastal towns; exhibited with "The Eight" (1908), and was a contributor to the Armory show (1913). Charles achieved prominence as a craftsman and framemaker (1891-1912), and later specialized in painted, gilded, and incised panels of exotic and folk subjects (1912-1948). Location of Original: Originals in the Prendergast Archive and Study Center |
extent | 1 microfilm reel. |
formats | Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Loaned for microfilming in 1992 by the Prendergast Archive and Study Center. Located in the Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Mass., it contains archival materials pertaining to the Prendergasts, donated by Mrs. Charles Prendergast, as well as research materials and files amassed for the publication of MAURICE BRAZIL PRENDERGAST, CHARLES PRENDERGAST: A CATALOG RAISONNE (1990). |
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title | Alice Klauber letters, 1907-1946. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Letters to Alice Klauber from Walter Pach and Robert Henri about art activities; letters to Klauber and Edgar L. Hewett regarding the Panama-California Exposition of 1915-1916 in San Diego; and a few letters from William Zorach, Pierre Matisse and Wayman Adams regarding exhibits at the Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego. All letters are copies. The 19 letters from Pach, 1907-1929, regard arrangements for Klauber to attend the Chase School in Italy (Pach was a manager/instructor), and his travels and work in Italy, Belgium, and Paris. Henri, writing 1912-1918, in 34 letters, discusses Maratta's color system, trips to Ireland, California, and Santa Fe, his health and work. The series concerning the Panama- California Exposition of 1915-1916 comprise mainly letters and telegrams to the art department chair Edgar L. Hewett from artists George Bellows, Arthur B. Davies, William Glackens, Bertram Hartman, Childe Hassam, Henri, Marjorie Organ (Mrs. Robert Henri), George Luks, Ernest Lawson, Maurice Prendergast, Joseph Henry Sharp, and John Sloan regarding their work, and a few to Klauber on her work for the exposition. Bio / His Notes: Painter, curator, San Diego, Calif. Klauber was a member of the Women's Board of the Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1915-1916, in San Diego, working on art exhibitions, actively assisted by Robert Henri and Edgar L. Hewett. Later, she was a curator at the Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego (renamed San Diego Museum of Art in 1978). Reproduction: All letters are photocopies. Location of Original: Originals in the San Diego Museum of Art. |
extent | 0.2 linear ft. (on partial microfilm reel). |
formats | Photocopies Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | The donor, Henry G. Gardiner, was affiliated with the San Diego Fine Arts Gallery. He received the Pach letters from Mrs. Paul Wormser of La Jolla, California. Included with his donation were photocopies of letters to Alfred Mitchell from Mrs. Thomas Eakins which were microfilmed and described separately. Originals are owned by the San Diego Museum of Art. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:39 |
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title | Illustrations by William Glackens and letter from Ira Glackens, 1938. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Eight trial photographs of illustrations by Glackens for the book REMEMBER THE MAINE by Gregory Mason (New York: H. Holt & Co., 1939); and a photocopy of a letter, Dec. 2, 1938, from Glacken's son, Ira, to Ruth Mason, Gregory's wife and agent, discussing the photographs and William's work as a wartime newspaper and magazine illustrator. Also included is a trial photograph of the battleship. Bio / His Notes: Painter, illustrator; New York, N.Y. Born in Philadelphia, PA. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and in Europe. |
extent | 10 items (on partial microfilm reel) |
formats | Microfilm Photographs Correspondence |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Donated by Eliot F. Bartlett, who is the son of Ruth Mason, Gregory Mason's wife, 1973. |
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title | Kraushaar Galleries records, 1877-2006 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | The records of New York City Kraushaar Galleries measure 106.3 linear feet and 0.181 GB and date from 1877 to 2006. Three-fourths of the collection documents the gallery's handling of contemporary American paintings, drawings, and sculpture through correspondence with artists, private collectors, museums, galleries, and other art institutions, interspersed with scattered exhibition catalogs and other materials. Also included are John F. Kraushaar's estate records; artists' files; financial ledgers documenting sales and gallery transactions; consignment and loan records; photographs of artwork; sketchbooks and drawings by James Penney, Louis Bouché, and others; and two scrapbooks. There is a 6.0 linear foot unprocessed addition to this collection donated in 2022 that includes correspondence with artists, galleries, organizations and individuals regarding works of art, filed alphabetically by year. Materials date from circa 1959-1999, with the bulk from 1990-1999. |
extent | 106.3 Linear feet; 0.181 Gigabytes |
formats | Works of Art Financial Records Catalogs Photographs |
access | This collection is open for research. Access to original papers requires an appointment and is limited to the Archives' Washington, D.C. Research Center. A fragile original scrapbook is restricted. Contact Reference Services for more information. |
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finding aid | |
acquisition information | 53.5 linear feet of records were donated to the Archives of American Art by Kraushaar Galleries in three separate accessions in 1959, 1994, and 1996. Katherine Kaplan of Kraushaar Galleries donated an additional 38.4 linear feet in 2008-2009 and an additional 8.4 linear feet in 2012-2017 and 6.0 linear feet in 2022. |
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title | Whitney Museum of American Art artists' files and records, 1914-1966. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | REELS N591-N597: Photographs of the Museum, Juliana Force, Herman Moore; scrapbooks on the Whitney Studio Club, Whitney Studio Galleries and the Museum, 1927-1965. REELS N599-N604: Notebooks of Edwin W. Dickinson; photographs and provenance information for works by Philip Evergood; a catalog of information and some photographs of Chinese ink drawings and other works by Reginald Marsh; and photographs and information on Bernard Reder, Jack Tworkov, Max Weber (portions also microfilmed on reel NY59-8 (fr. 497-658), reel NY59-9 (fr. 1-51), and William Zorach. REELS N604-N609: Exhibition catalogs, 1946-1966, for artists and groups shows at the Museum, including Robert Feke, William Rimmer, Ralph Blakelock, Albert Maurer, Albert Pinkham Ryder, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Thomas Cole, Max Weber, Arshile Gorky, Mark Tobey, John Sloan, Loren MacIver, I. Rice Pereira, George Grosz, Reginald Marsh, Charles Burchfield, Morris Graves, Theodore Roszak, John Marin, Hans Hofmann, Bradley Tomlin, Stuart Davis, Milton Avery, Lee Gatch, Jose De Creeft, Maurice Prendergast, Edward Hopper, Hyman Bloom, Robert E. Jones, Balcomb Greene, Karl Zerbe, Arthur G. Dove, William Zorach, Philip Evergood, Bernard Reder, Herbert Feber, Oliver O'Connor Barrett,Arthur B. Davies, Jose De Rivera, Paul Burlin, Joseph Stella, Jack Tworkov, Ivan Albright, Stuart Davis, Edwin Dickinson, John Quidor, and Niles Spencer. REELS N646-N694: Artists' files on: Oliver O'Connor Barrett,William Baziotes, George Bellows, Thomas Hart Benton, Peter Blume, James Brooks, Patrick Henry Bruce, Charles Burchfield, Paul Burlin, David Burliuk, Paul Cadmus, Mary Cassatt, Thomas Cole, Glenn Coleman, Jon Corbino, John Steuart Curry, Jo Davidson, Arthur B. Davies, Jose DeCreeft, Charles Demuth, Jose De Rivera, Arthur Dove, Guy Pene DuBois, Stuart Davis, Frank Duveneck, Ralph Earl, Eastman Johnson, The Eight, Philip Evergood, Robert Feke, Lyonel Feininger, Ernest Fiene, George Fuller, Lee Gatch, William Glackens, Arshile Gorky, Balcomb Greene, Chaim Gross, George Grosz, William Harnett, Marsden Hartley, Childe Hassam, John Heliker, Robert Henri, Hans Hofmann, George Inness, Leon Kelly, Franz Kline, Karl Knaths, Leon Kroll, Walt Kuhn, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Gaston Lachaise, Robert Laurent, Ernest Lawson, Jack Levine, Seymour Lipton, George B. Luks, Stanton Macdonald-Wright, Loren MacIver, John Marin, Reginald Marsh, Alfred Maurer, K. H. Miller, Robert Motherwell, William Mount, Jerome Myers, Louise Nevelson, Georgia O'Keeffe (portions also microfilmed on reels NY59-13 (fr. 98-115, 406-424, 586-685), reel NY59-14 (entire), and reel NY59-15 (fr. 1-140, 145-153), I. Rice Pereira, Bernard Perlin, Joseph Pollett, Jackson Pollock, Reginald Pollack, Henry V. Poor, Richard Pousette-Dart, Maurice Prendergast, Abraham Rattner, Bernard Reder, Ad Reinhardt, William Rimmer, Larry Rivers, Hugo Robus, Theodore Roszak, Mark Rothko, Concetta Scarvaglione, Henry Schnakenberg, Ben Shahn, John Sloan, David Smith, Eugene Speicher, Theodoros Stamos, Joseph Stella, Maurice Sterne, Mark Tobey, Bradley Tomlin,Trajan, Allen Tucker, John Twachtman, Jack Tworkov, Abraham Walkowitz (also on reel NY/59-15) , Max Weber, James M. Whistler, Gertrude Whitney, Grant Wood, Alexander Wyant, Mahonri Young, and William Zorach. REELS NWH 1-NWH 7: Artist files on Charles Sheeler, Bernard Karfiol, Louis Eilshemius; scatterred records of the Whitney Studio Club and Museum, 1914-1945, including minutes, Oct. 15, 1930, and Whitney Studio ledgers, 1928-1931; catalogs of one-man shows, 1932-1945; catalogs of annual painting exhibitions, 1932-1940, sculpture, watercolor and drawing exhibitions, 1933-1945, and group exhibitions, 1932-1945; and clippings, Oct. 1935-1936. REELS NY59/8 (fr. 256-end)-NY59/10: Files on Max Weber, including biographical material, lists of work, and miscellany. Also found (NY59/8 frames 354-383) are ca.20 letters from Weber to Abraham Walkowitz, 1907-1924. Bio / His Notes: American art museum; New York, N.Y. Founded by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney and formally opened in 1931. Previous to its opening as a museum it was known as the Whitney Studio Club (1914-28) and Whitney Studio Galleries (1928-30). Location of Original: Originals in the Whitney Museum of American Art. |
extent | 78 microfilm reels. |
formats | Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | The Weber files on reels NY59/8-10 were lent for microfilming 1959 by the Whitney Museum of American Art; the remainder was lent 1964-1967; additional material from the Museum was lent at the same time, and subsequently donated, including the papers of Lloyd Goodrich, Juliana Force, Thomas B. Clarke, the American Art Research Council, and Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney; these have each been cataloged separately. Portions of Weber, and O'Keeffe material that was microfilmed in 1959 were refilmed in 1967. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:39 |
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title | Exhibition of paintings by Arthur B. Davies, William J. Glackens, Robert Henri, Ernest Lawson, George Luks, Maurice B. Prendergast, Everett Shinn, John Sloan : February 3 to 15, 1908 / Macbeth Galleries. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Catalog for the exhibition of the Eight; sixty-three works listed. Bio / His Notes: The exhibition of "The Eight" was organized as a rebellion against the practices of the National Academy of Design, which had angered Robert Henri in its refusal to accept non-traditional paintings. The event received a great deal of publicity prior to the opening, resulting in overwhelming attendance and attention by the press. Contained in: Miscellaneous art exhibition catalog collection, 1887-1934 (bulk 1915-1925) |
extent | 18 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. reel 4859 (fr. 441-452) |
formats | Catalogs Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:39 |
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title | Miscellaneous art exhibition catalog collection, 1813-1953, bulk 1915-1925 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Included are the Daniel Gallery catalogs for one person exhibitions of William Zorach, Marguerite Zorach, Paul Burlin, Samuel Halpert, Hayley Lever, Middleton Manigault, Glenn O. Coleman, Charles Demuth, Leon Kroll, Ernest Lawson, Thomas Hart Benton, William J. Glackens, Man Ray, John Noble, Stanton Macdonald-Wright, and Hamilton Easter Field; and two catalogs of group exhibitions, "Annual Exhibition of Water Colors," (undated) and the "Opening Exhibition," 1920-1921. Bio / His Notes: Art gallery at 2 West 47th St., New York, N.Y. Operated by Charles Daniel. Opened Dec. 1913; closed 1932. Additional forms: 35mm microfilm reel 4858 (fr. 830-890) available for use at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan. |
extent | 29 items. reel 4858 (fr. 830-890) |
formats | Exhibition Catalogs Microfilm |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
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finding aid | Finding aid listing exhibition catalog titles is available at AAA offices. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:39 |
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title | Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts records, 1805-1976 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Group of students of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. May have been autographed on the verso by the individuals in the photo. Identification on verso (handwritten): Grace G. Ryder; Florence Scovel; Anna L. Griffith; Elizabeth L. Hunter; Francis Vaux Wilson; William J. Glackens; J.M. Preston; Charles E. Plumb; May 1894, Penna Academy Fine Arts. |
extent | 1 photographic print : b&w ; image 21 x 16 cm. on board 26 x 20 cm. |
formats | Slides |
access | viewable on repository's website. |
record link | n/a |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:39 |
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title | Artist File: Glackens, William J. , 1870-1938 |
repository | National Portrait Gallery Library |
description | Folder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs. |
extent | 1+ folders (check with repository) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Folder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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title | Artist File: Glackens, William J. , 1870-1938 |
repository | Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Library |
description | Folder(s) may include exhibition announcements, newspaper and/or magazine clippings, press releases, brochures, reviews, invitations, illustrations, resumes, artist's statements, exhibition catalogs. |
extent | 1+ folders (check with repository) |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Folder(s) do not circulate. Folder(s) available for use only at the holding library |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:40 |
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