Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Bliss, Robert Woods, 1875-1962
title | Administrative records of Dumbarton Oaks, 1940-1965 (inclusive). |
repository | Harvard University Archives |
description | Administrative records, consisting primarily of the correspondence of John Thacher, Director of Dumbarton Oaks from 1940-1969, and dealing with collecting issues, personnel and appointments, financial matters and with Dumbarton Oak’s relationship with Harvard University, the Fogg Museum and its faculty, including Edward Waldo Forbes, Paul Sachs and Agnes Mongan. Also included is correspondence with Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss, founders of Dumbarton Oaks. |
extent | 1.5 cubic feet in 4 containers |
formats | Administrative Records Correspondence Financial Records |
access | Access may be restricted. Details available at repository. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in repository. |
acquisition information | Gift of Dumbarton Oaks, received with the papers of Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:30 |
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title | Correspondence between R. W. Bliss and Edward Forbes and Paul Sachs, 1925-1940. |
repository | Harvard University Archives |
description | Location : Harvard Archives [UNAVAILABLE: UNPROCESSED ACCESSION] Title : Harvard University Archives accession 13250 Subject : Bliss, Robert Woods, 1875-1962. Sachs, Paul J. (Paul Joseph), 1878-1965 Forbes, Edward Waldo, 1873-1969. |
extent | UNPROCESSED |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Unprocessed |
acquisition information | Harvard University Archives accession 13250 |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:30 |
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title | [Tozzer, Alfred Marston), 1877-1954, Papers 1900-1980] |
repository | Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology |
description | The Tozzer Papers are organized in two major records groups: The Alfred Marston Tozzer Papers (AMT) and the Margaret Castle Tozzer (MCT) Papers. The material reveals the close connections between AMT’s personal and professional lives and documents his extensive contacts in the academic community and the Boston society in which he lived. Margaret’s papers document both her husband’s professional work and her family’s contributions to Boston’s art and anthropology communities. Location : Peabody Museum [Consult Archivist by appointment Monday-Friday 1-5 p.m.] Biographical and Historical Note Alfred Marston Tozzer was born in Lynn, MA on July 4, 1877 to Samuel Clarence Tozzer, and Caroline Blanchard (Marston) Tozzer. He grew up in Lynn and after graduating from high school attended Harvard College where he received the A.B. in 1900, the A.M. in 1901 and the Ph.D. in 1904, all three degrees in anthropology. On April 10, 1913 he married Margaret Tenney Castle of Honolulu, Hawaii in New York. They had two daughters. The elder, Joanne, died young. The other, now Joan Tozzer Cave grew up to stay in Cambridge. Tozzer conducted his initial anthropological fieldwork in California and New Mexico among the Wintun and Navajo nations during his undergraduate summer in 1900 and 1901, focusing on linguistics. From 1902 to 1905 he held American Fellowship of the Archaeological Institute of America. This enabled Tozzer to spend four winters living with and studying the Lacandones of Mexico and Central America. He won their confidence and was admitted to their religious ceremonies. He published the results of his field work in A Comparative Study of the Mayas and Lacandones (1907). From 1909-1910, Tozzer lead a Peabody Museum expedition to Guatemala. During this expedition, he studied the ruins of Tikal and Nakum. He published material on these sites in 1911 and 1913. Tozzer’s cross-disciplinary training under F.W. Putnam allowed Tozzer to move easily between archaeology and social anthropology. He served as the Director of the International School of Archeology in Mexico City in 1914 and as a result, was in Vera Cruz during the U.S. naval bombardment and its 6-month occupation by the United States Marine Corps. After World War II Tozzer returned to Harvard where he spend the rest of his professional life. He remained professionally active after his retirement, and lectured frequently. He was also a member of the Academic Board and became Secretary and Trustee of Radcliffe College in 1932. Tozzer’s many devoted students went on to become pioneers in anthropology and his colleagues held him in high esteem. When the Peabody Museum’s library was moved to a new facility in 1974, it was dedicated Tozzer Library in honor of his devotion to its collections and his enormous contribution to both Harvard and the field of anthropology in general. Alfred Tozzer died beloved in his personal and professional communities on October 5, 1954. |
extent | 2.5 linear feet (5 boxes) |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Ephemera |
access | Personal (field) correspondence is restricted. See Archivist for details. Letters of recommendation are restricted until 2022. Class lists with student grades are restricted until 2003. Copying is unrestricted with the exception of the aforementioned items and some fragile materials. Tozzer Library is open to all researchers, regardless of academic affiliation. A photo ID must be presented for admittance. Individuals not affiliated with Harvard are permitted up to six free visits per year. a fee is charged for additional visits. |
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finding aid | Unpublished FA available in repository and available in electronic form at |
acquisition information | Accession number #997-5. The Tozzer Papers were deposited in the Peabody Museum Archives by Curator and Professor Emeritus Dr. Stephen Williams on behalf of Joan Tozzer Cave in 1994. The papers were donated to the Peabody Museum in 1997. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:30 |
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title | George Henry Nettleton papers, 1819-1959 (inclusive). |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | The papers consist of correspondence, subject files, diaries, speeches and writings, and memorabilia chiefly relating to George Henry Nettleton's career as professor of English at Yale, his activities with the Yale Bureau in Paris and the American University Union, and his scholarly research and writings. Bio/History: George Henry Nettleton was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1874, and graduated from Andover Academy and Yale University (B.A. 1896, Ph.D. 1900). He was instructor (1898), assistant professor (1906-1916), and professor (1916-1943) of English, and chairman of the English Department (1921-1931) at Yale. From 1937-1939 he was dean of Yale College. Nettleton served as the director of the Yale Bureau in Paris in 1917, and from 1917-1919 was the director of the American University Union in Europe. In addition to writing works on Restoration and eighteenth century drama, Nettleton edited The Book of the Yale Pageant and Yale in the World War. He died in 1959. Location: LSF-Request for Use at Manuscripts and Archives Call Number: MS 473 |
extent | 18.25 linear feet. |
formats | Correspondence Writings Ephemera |
access | Box 4 of Accession 88-M-50 is closed until processed. |
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finding aid | Unpublished finding aid in repository |
acquisition information | Gift of the estate of George H. Nettleton, 1959; Mary Treat Nettleton Haight, 1987; and George D. Glazer, 1995 |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:30 |
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title | Papers of Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss, ca. 1860-1969 (inclusive), 1900-1967 (bulk). |
repository | Harvard University Archives |
description | This collection contains documents relating to the whole of the Bliss’s lives: their personal and family lives, their philanthropic endeavors, their art collecting, and Robert Woods Bliss’s Foreign Service career. Due to the Bliss’s social standing and activities, the collection includes correspondence with many prominent twentieth-century figures. These include musicians (Nadia Boulanger, Blair Fairchild, Doda Conrad and Samuel Dushkin), political figures and government officials (Gifford Pinchot, Herbert Hoover, Louise, Queen of Sweden, Frank Kellog, William Henry Hunt and Charles Warren), and art critics and art historians (Bernard Berenson, Royall Tyler, William Tyler, Fitz Roy Carrington and Henri Focillon). Biographical and Historical Note Robert Woods Bliss (1875-1962, Harvard AB 1900) and his wife, Mildred Barnes Bliss (1875-1969) were prominent art collectors and the founders of Dumbarton Oaks, an estate which they developed and conveyed in 1940 to Harvard University as the Center for Byzantine Studies, a research center and museum. Robert Woods Bliss served in the U.S. Foreign Service from 1903-1933. He was Minister to Sweden from 1923-1927 and Ambassador to Argentina from 1927-1933. Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.12 [War relief, charities, patronage, 1905-1969 (14 boxes)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.14 [Diplomatic, 1908-1960 (7 boxes, 3 folders)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.16 [Dumbarton Oaks, 1924-1969 (4 boxes, 12 folders)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.32 [Social affairs papers, 1908-1968 (16 boxes)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.36 [Scrapbooks and school papers, 1892-1940 (9 boxes)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.74 [Photographs, ca. 1860-1969 (21 boxes)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.78 [Medals, badges, citations, 1900-1968 (6 boxes, 6 portfolio folders)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.8 [Personal, 1878-1967 (63 boxes, 1 folder)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.82 [Passports and travel documents, 1910-1919, 1953-1965 (1 box)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.86 [World War I memorabilia, ca. 1913-1926 (8 boxes, 2 portfolio folders)] Location : Harvard Archives Harvard Depository HUGFP 76.88 [[Photocopy] Specifications for residence of Robert Woods Bliss, 3101 R Street, Washington, D.C., 1920 (1 folder)] Notes : The Harvard University Archives also holds a collection of correspondence between Mildred Barnes Bliss and her lifelong friend, Royall Tyler. See the Papers of Royall Tyler: Personal Correspondence series (HUGFP 38.6). |
extent | 58.22 cubic feet (174 containers) |
formats | Correspondence Personal papers Photographs |
access | Access may be restricted. Details available at repository. |
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finding aid | Detailed inventory available on paper in the Harvard University Archives or electronically: |
acquisition information | Gift of Dumbarton Oaks. The Papers of Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss came to the Harvard University Archives from Dumbarton Oaks in 1982. They apparently were transferred to Dumbarton Oaks after Mrs. Bliss's death in 1969. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | Census of Objects of Early Christian and Byzantine Art in North America Collection |
repository | Dumbarton Oaks |
description | The collection, begun in 1936 by Mildred and Robert Woods Bliss to provide visual and documentary reference material for the study of objects in their art collection, contains over 11,000 mounted black-and-white photographic prints filed by medium, stylistic and chronological characteristics, and region of origin. The collection was updated in the 1970s and in the mid 1980s. Documentation sheets for each object are located in loose-leaf notebooks and are filed alphabetically by city of present location, collection, and accession number. |
extent | over 11,000 mounted black-and-white photographic prints |
formats | Photographs |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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