Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Kaufman, Louis, 1905-1994

titleLouis Kaufman collection.
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionThe bulk of the collection comprises a valuable archive of correspondence that includes letters to the Kaufmans from many important musical and artistic figures of the 20th century including Samuel Barber, Robert Russell Bennett, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Carlos Chavez, Aaron Copland, David Diamond, Olin Downes, Vladimir Dukelsky (Vernon Duke), Albert Einstein, Gerald Finzi, Morton Gould, Jascha Heifetz, Bernard Herrmann, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Fritz Kreisler, Nicolai Lopatnikoff, Gian Francesco Malipiero, Bohuslav Martinç, Darius Milhaud, Dimitri Mitropolous, Walter Piston, Quincy Porter, Francis Poulenc, Maud Powell, George Rochberg, Miklós Rózsa, Henri Sauguet, Frank Sinatra, Ernst Toch, Alice B. Toklas, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and others. Their collecting and lending activities with a number of important artists, museums, dealers and other venues with whom they dealt are also reflected in the correspondence. In addition, a number of programs and a subject file give an overview of the Kaufman's illustrious performing and collecting career.
extent8.8 linear ft. (21 boxes, ca. 9,000 items)
formatsCorrespondence Printed Materials
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding aid available in the Library of Congress Performing Arts Reading Room and on the Internet.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleLouis and Annette Kaufman papers, 1931-2000.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence, financial papers, and printed materials.

REEL 1119: Correspondence; financial papers relating to house repairs; exhibition announcements, invitations, and other printed material relating to Fernand Leger, Walter Pach, Milton Avery, David Burliuk, and Abraham Walkowitz; and three photographs of Paul Rosenberg, Milton and Sally Avery, Louis and Annette Kaufman at the Rosenberg Gallery during a 1945 Avery exhibition.

REEL 1189: Letters to the Kaufmans from Sally, Milton, and March Avery, David Burliuk, Oskar Kokoschka, Lawrence Lebduska, Jack Levine, and Walter Pach. Also included is a clipping concerning Louis Kaufman's career as a concert violinist, 1976.

ADDITION: Research material on Milton Avery, David Burliuk, and Louis Eilshemius (photocopies of newspaper and magazine articles); Avery exhibition catalogs (1961-2000), including Milton Avery Revisited: Works from the Louis and Annette Kaufman Collection, Syracuse University Art Collection (1999-2000); two magazines, Art Bulletin (1932) and Color and Rhyme (1940); and book, Milton Avery: Prints and Drawings, 1930-1964, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 1966.
extent282 items (on 2 microfilm reels) Addition: 0.4 linear ft., reels 1119 and 1189
formatsCorrespondence Financial Papers Printed Materials Research Files
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy. Addition: Unmicrofilmed; use requires an appointment and is limited to AAA's Washington, D.C. office.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationMaterial on reels 1119 and 1189 was lent for microfilming 1976-1977 by the Kaufmans. In 2002, an additional 0.4 ft. was donated by Annette Kaufman; the donation does not include material previously lent. Location of Original: Reels 1119 and 1189: Originals returned to lenders, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaufman, after microfilming.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleOral history interview with Louis Kaufman, 1985 Feb. 15
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionAn interview of Louis Kaufman conducted by Ruth Howard Cloudman for the Archives of American Art's Mark Rothko and His Times oral history project.

Kaufman, a great friend and patron of Milton Avery, recalls introducing Mark Rothko to Avery. He describes his memories of Rothko, including a discussion of Rothko's knowledge of art history and his interest in the French avant-garde. Much of the interview concerns Milton Avery, including Kaufman's interest in his work as a collector, the group of artists surrounding Avery, and Avery's influence upon Kaufman as a musician. He also recalls visits to Louis Eilshemius.
extentSound recording: 3 cassettes : analog. Transcript: 35 p. (on partial microfilm reel) reel 4937
formatsSound Recording Transcript Microfilm
accessTranscript: Patrons must use microfilm copy.
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acquisition informationThis interview was conducted as part of the Archives of American Art's Mark Rothko and his Times oral history project, with funding provided by the Mark Rothko Foundation. Others interviewed on the project (by various interviewers) include: Sonia Allen, Sally Avery, Ben-Zion, Bernard Braddon, Ernest Briggs, Rhys Caparn, Elaine de Kooning, Herbert Ferber, Esther Gottlieb, Juliette Hays, Sidney Janis, Buffie Johnson, Jacob Kainen, Jack Kufeld, Katharine Kuh, Stanley Kunitz, Joseph Liss, Dorothy Miller, Betty Parsons, Wallace Putnam, Rebecca Reis, Maurice Roth, Sidney Schectman, Aaron Siskind, Joseph Solman, Hedda Sterne, Jack Tworkov, Esteban Vicente and Ed Weinstein. Each has been cataloged separately.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleMilton Avery papers, 1926-1982, bulk 1950-1982
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionAlmost the entire collection consists of records of the Milton Avery Trust (2.4 linear feet) maintained by Avery's wife Sally, who served as a trustee. The remainder consists of Milton Avery's business and personal correspondence (five folders) including letters from friends and fellow artists, including a few from George Duthuit, Louis Eilshemius, Marsden Hartley, Wallace Putnam, Mark Rothko, and others;scattered writings about Avery, price lists, estate records, exhibition announcements and catalogs, and news clippings.

Scrapbooks, a sketchbook, Christmas cards, exhibition catalogs, photographs, and correspondence were loaned between 1968 and 1982 for microfilming by Sally Avery. Loaned material is available for viewing on microfilm reels N68-95, N68-115, N69-63, and 2535, but is not described in the container listing of this finding aid.

Bio / His Notes:
Painter; New York, N.Y. Year of birth always given as 1893; however, both the federal census report of 1900 and February 18, 1892 election district records for the town of Albion indicate that the actual year of birth was 1885.
extent2.8 linear ft.
formatsCorrespondence Business Papers Personal Papers Sketchbooks Exhibition Catalogs
accessThe collection has been digitized and is available online via AAA's website.
record link
record source
finding aidCollection available on-line at
acquisition informationDonated 1968, 1969, and 1982 by Mrs. Milton Avery, widow of Milton Avery, except for portions lent for cataloging.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:34