Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Marquand, Henry Gurdon, 1819-1902
title | In memoriam Henry Gurdon Marquand, 1902 Feb. 26. |
repository | Princeton University |
description | Scrapbook album containing clippings of Marquand's obituary from various newspapers. Location: Rare Books: Manuscripts Collection (MSS) Call number: C0199 (no. 677) |
extent | 1 v. (24 p.) ; 18 cm. |
formats | Scrapbooks |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | Donor, Fredericka Oldach. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | H.G. Marquand note to Mr. Barton, 1890 May 20. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | H.G. Marquand note to Mr. Barton, 1890 May 20. |
extent | 1 item (on partial microfilm reel) reel D9 (fr. 650) |
formats | Notes |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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acquisition information | Purchased 1956 by funds donated by a Mr. (?) Brayer. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | John Singer Sargent letters, 1887-1922. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | The letters provide limited insight into his later career through letters to commissioned patrons, sitters, and friends and colleagues. Topics covered include works in progress, replies to social invitations, and other general social news. Many of the letters are written to Mrs. Charles Hunter, an English friend and patron who sat for several portraits. Also found are letters from Sargent to friend Edith Blaney, whose husband was landscape artist Dwight Blaney. Additional scattered letters were written to Henry Mills Alden, Lawrence Barrett, Mrs. Baxter, a Mr. Griffith, Sir George Hunter, Mrs. Jackson, Louisa P. Loring, Henry Gurdon Marquand, Mrs. Pick, Mr. Spizer, and unidentified/illegible recepients. There are two photographs of Sargent. Bio / His Notes: Portrait painter; London, England. Born in Florence and educated in Europe. Portrayed members of high society and aristocracy and became one of the most sought after portraitists of his day. |
extent | 0.2 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Collection has been digitized and is available via the Archives of American Art's website. |
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acquisition information | Letters on reel D10 donated by Charles Feinberg, 1956, an active donor and friend of AAA, and purchased from King V. Hostick, an autograph dealer, 1957. Letters on reel 3471 originally lent for microfilming by Charles Feinberg (reel D316), 1967, and subsequently sold at auction and bought by AAA, 1968. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Washington Arch collection, 1872-1925 (bulk 1889-1895). |
repository | New York University |
description | Collection consists of correspondence, letterpress books, programs, invitations, account books, photographs, prints, plans, clippings, subscription lists, invoices, receipts, statements, contracts, agreements, minutes, reports, newspapers, estate inventories, published items, and a manuscript draft relating to Stewart's work on the Washington Arch committee (1872-1925, bulk 1889-1895). Topics covered include administrative matters, fundraising, the design and building of the arch, and some personal papers of Stewart's. Much of the adminstrative records and correspondence concerns subscriptions to fund the arch; the architects, suppliers, and craftsmen; and other committee business. While most of the correspondence is to/from Stewart, other committee officers are also represented including Louis Fitzgerald, Henry G. Marquand, and Richard Gilder. Fundraising records pertain to the financial aspects of subscriptions and fundraising activities to build the arch and its statuary. Several ceremonies revolved around the arch and these are recorded in photographs, memorabilia, and plans. Numerous prints and silver gelatin photographs show both the temporary and permanent arch in various levels of detail. Both a draft and published version of the book The History of the Washington Arch give an overview of the whole project. Articles chiefly from New York newspapers serve as examples of the press coverage given the arch. Also included are personal papers of Stewart relating to his work as an estates manager, local institutions with which he was involved, and social invitations. Notes: Treasurer of the Committee on Erection of the Memorial Arch at Washington Square which was organized to raise money to build a monument to the centennial anniversary of George Washington's inauguration as president of the United States in 1789; the arch was designed by architect Stanford White of McKim, Mead & White. Library Holdings: New-York Historical Society, Mss Collection, New York City--Washington Arch |
extent | 3 linear ft. (7 boxes) |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Photographs Clippings Legal Papers |
access | Access: open to qualified researchers at The New-York Historical Society. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in repository. |
acquisition information | Gift of William R. Stewart, 1923-1925. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:35 |
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title | John Ferguson Weir papers, 1838-1957 (inclusive), 1861-1928 (bulk). |
repository | Yale University Library |
description | Correspondence, addresses and writings, papers relating to the Yale School of the Fine Arts, and other papers of John F. Weir, artist, painter and first director of the Yale School of the Fine Arts, serving from 1869-1913. Correspondents include many persons prominent in the art world between 1870 and 1920. There is also much material on the origins and development of art education in this country and at Yale. Location: LSF-Request for Use at Manuscripts and Archives Call Number: MS 550 |
extent | 12 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Writings Notes |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Fiinding aid is available in repository and on Internet. |
acquisition information | Gift of Mrs. James DeWolf Perry, 1939; gift of DeWolf Perry, 1977; transferred from departmental publications, 2002 |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:35 |
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title | Archaeological Institute of America contributors' list 1885. |
repository | Johns Hopkins University |
description | The holographic copy [1885] of the contributors' list is an agreement signed by several people who pledged specific amounts to secure the stability of a new, official journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. The list is titled "Contribution List to the Reserve Fund." It is not dated but it is likely the reserve fund coincided with the publication of the first volume in 1885. It was hoped that $2000.00 would be raised, of which $400.00 per year could be spent. The agreement was signed by John W. McCoy, D.L. (David L.) Bartlett, Allan Marquand, Henry C. Lea, Elisabeth T. King, William E. Dodge, Jr., A.L. (Arthur Lincoln) Frothingham, and H.G. (Henry Gurdin) Marquand. Notes: Related material can be found in the Minutes of the Archaeological Institute of America, Baltimore Society Ms. 326. In the Ferdinand Hamburger, Jr. Archives of The Johns Hopkins University are the records of the Baltimore Society, 1903-1939. The Record Group is 15.070. Archaeological Institute of America Contributors' List Ms. 223, Special Collections, Milton S. Eisenhower Library, The Johns Hopkins University. Permission to publish material from this collection must be requested in writing from the Manuscripts Librarian, Milton S. Eisenhower Library, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. 21218. |
extent | 1 item |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Unpublished register available in the repository. |
acquisition information | Provenance: The provenance of this item is unknown. It was formerly part of Ms. 34. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:35 |
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title | Edward Lee Plumb Papers, 1856-1912 (M0149) |
repository | Stanford University Libraries |
description | Correspondence, cables, notes, extracts, reports, articles, drafts, maps, clippings, and printed material, relating to Mexican history (ca. 1860-80), U.S. diplomatic and commercial relations with Mexico, Cuba, and Spain (1856-ca. 1900), history of Cuba from the insurrection of 1869 to the Spanish-American War, and American railroad promotion and development (ca. 1870-81) in Texas and Mexico. Correspondents include Blas Balcárel, Estanislao Cañedo, George Earl Church, William Rufus Day, Hamilton Fish, John Watson Foster, Henry C. Hall, William Hunter, Benito Juárez, Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada, Richard Cunningham Mc Cormick, James S. Mackie, Henry Gurdon Marquand, Matías Romero, William Henry Seward, Philip Henry Sheridan, and William Tecumseh Sherman. Notes: Born in 1827 in Erie Co., New York, Plumb was a diplomat, railroad promoter, and vice president of the Mexican International Railroad Company. He died in 1912. |
extent | 4 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Notes Clippings Printed Materials |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Unpublished guide with index of correspondents available in Special Collections Reading Room and online. |
acquisition information | Gift of Mrs. Ida Husted Harper, 1915, 1916. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:35 |
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title | Allan Marquand Papers, 1858-1951 (bulk 1878-1950) ©2005 Princeton University Library |
repository | Princeton University |
description | The collection contains the personal papers of Allan Marquand -- including manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, miscellaneous material, and printed matter -- reflecting his career in the art world, especially as an expert and cataloguer of the works of the Robbia family. Included are manuscripts for Decoration of the Ceppo Hospital at Pistoia (1902), Della Robbias in America (1912), "Some Works by Donatello in America" (1913), and Strzygowski and His Theory of Early Christian Art (1910). There is also material dating from his earlier years as a student when his interests were in the field of theology and philosophy, specifically, logic. The papers as a whole contain material for historians of Princetoniana, for there is material both direct and tangential which deals with the life of Marquand the student, founder of the Department of Art and Archaeology, chairman of the department, director of the art museum, and founder of the library that was later named for him. Related material includes the manuscript for "Painting by Hieronymus Bosch in the Princeton Art Museum." Marquand's interests extended into the greater Princeton community, and the collection chronicles the history of the Princeton Battle Monument, culminating in its dedication in 1922. Included in the collection are the papers of Eleanor Cross Marquand, wife of Allan Marquand and an authority in her own right on the identification of plant symbolism in art. Many of the notes, manuscripts, photographs, and slides she used for her articles and speeches can be found here. There are also papers of Marquand's father, Henry Gurdon Marquand, one of the founders and original benefactors of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Biographical Notes Allan Marquand was born on December 10, 1853, the son of Henry Gurdon Marquand, a prominent New York banker who was an original benefactor and co-founder of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Marquand became the salutatorian and president of the Princeton Class of 1874, and studied theology at the Princeton Theological Seminary for three years following graduation. He later received a Ph.D. in philosophy from Johns Hopkins University. During his time at Johns Hopkins, Marquand studied logic and was introduced to “logical machines,” mechanical devices built to follow logical algorithms which are often considered precursors to modern computers. He constructed his own logic machine, on display in Fine Hall library, during his early years as a professor at Princeton. As a professor at Princeton, Marquand founded Princeton's Department of Art and Archaeology. He shares with Charles Eliot Norton of Harvard the distinction of being the first to introduce the serious study of art into the curriculum of the American college. Marquand also became the first director of the Princeton Art Museum and made numerous important gifts to its collection. His own life work was an eight-volume catalogue raisonné of the works of the ateliers of members of the Robbia family, 15th- and 16th-century Florentine sculptors and ceramists. Location: Rare Books: Manuscripts Collection (MSS) Call number: C0269 |
extent | 26.8 linear feet (48 archival boxes, 3 oversize flat boxes, 2 oversize folders) |
formats | Correspondence Writings Manuscript Personal Papers Business Papers |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | In repository and on repository's web site. Finding Aid Published on April 5, 2006, ©2005 Princeton University Library |
acquisition information | Given by Mrs. Douglas Delanoy, daughter of Allan Marquand, over a period of time, from 1952 to 1980. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:35 |
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title | James Abbott McNeill Whistler Collection, 1841-1935 (MWalB00010) |
repository | Brandeis University |
description | The records in this collection were created between the years of 1841 and 1935. Included within this collection are autographs, letters, photographs, sales and exhibition catalogues, magazine articles, portraits, and news clippings. Also included are some reprints of artworks, and original etchings. Many of the news clippings detail events in Whistler's professional life, especially sales of artworks. Biography James A. McNeill Whistler was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, on 11 July, 1834, to Major George Washington Whistler and Anna Matilda McNeill. Although he had employment as an etcher for the US Coast Survey, Whistler moved to Europe in 1855 to pursue a career in the arts. He spent most of his life in London and made many trips to Paris. He painted as a Symbolist, as opposed to his contemporaries, the Impressionists. He had a strong preference for decorative effects, and his work could be considered a precursor to Art Nouveau. Whistler believed Modern Art should be an homage to beauty. Whistler died on July 17, 1903, in London. Born on 8 January, 1836, in Dronrijp, Denmark, Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema was an accomplished artist. His father was Pieter Jiltes Tadema, and his mother, Hinke Dirks Brouwer. At a young age, Alma-Tadema was accepted to study art at Antwerp Academy, and by the age of thirty, he was an established painter of ancient and medieval history. In 1870, Alma-Tadema moved to London, where he continued to paint scenes from Roman life. By the 1890s, Alma-Tadema had become a naturalized British citizen and a member of the Royal Academy. Alma-Tadema died in 1912, on the eve of World War I, and his reputation all but disappeared. Sir Edwin Landseer, born in London on the 7th of March, 1803, is known primarily for his animal subjects, with which he imbued a great deal of realism. By the age of 16, his paintings were on display in the Royal Academy. His paintings and bronzes feature heavily throughout museums and homes in England. In the late 19th century, Landseerwas was commissioned to create the bronze lions which are now in Trafalgar Square in London. Landseerdied on 1 October, 1873. |
extent | 6 manuscript boxes |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Clippings Ephemera Reproductions |
access | Access to the collection is in accordance with the policies of Brandeis University Libraries, Robert D. Farber University Archives & Special Collections Department. |
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finding aid | Online and at repostory |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:44 |
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title | Office of the Secretary records, 1870-[ongoing]. |
repository | The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
description | Records comprise correspondence and subject files created by the Secretary and General Counsel, Trustees and several past Directors of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. This material relates to all aspects of Museum operations and administration including: acquisition of artworks through purchase, gift and bequest, exhibitions, building maintenance and construction, relations with City and State agencies, drafting and negotiating contracts, managing litigation, cultural property issues, legal and business affairs, grants and corporate donations. Files documenting the tenures of each Secretary of the Museum are included. In addition, there is substantial original documentation created by: former Directors of the Museum, including Luigi Palma di Cesnola, Caspar Purdon Clarke, Edward Robinson, Herbert E. Winlock; past Trustees, including: John Taylor Johnston, Henry Gurdon Marquand, Robert W. De Forest, and J. Pierpont Morgan; and key curatorial and administrative staff. Biography or History The Metropolitan Museum of Art was founded in 1870 in New York City by a group of businessmen, financiers, artists and collectors. On April 13 of that year the New York State Legislature granted an Act of Incorporation "for the purpose of establishing and maintaining in said City a Museum and Library of Art, of encouraging and developing the Study of the Fine Arts, and the application of Art to manufacture and natural life, of advancing the general knowledge of kindred subjects, and to that end of furnishing popular instruction and recreations." Railroad executive John Taylor Johnston served as the institution’s first President. Luigi Palma di Cesnola was appointed the first Director in 1879. The Office of the Secretary was established concurrently with the founding of the Museum, and is the central repository for official Trustee records, administrative correspondence and legal files of the Museum’s General Counsel. The Secretary is a member of the Museum staff who performs administrative duties under the general direction of the President or as may be assigned by the Chairman or Board of Trustees. The Secretary is responsible for coordinating and recording the proceedings of meetings the Board of Trustees and Trustee committees. The Secretary attends to official correspondence, has custody of and preserves the corporate seal and the archives, and oversees the legal affairs of the Museum. The following have served as Secretary of the Museum: William J. Hoppin (1874-1877), Luigi Palma di Cesnola (1877-1904), Robert W. DeForest (1904-1913), Henry W. Kent (1913-1940), George Lauder Greenway (1941-1942), Dudley T. Easby, Jr. (1945-1969), Ashton Hawkins (1969-1987), Linden Havemeyer Wise (1987-1992), Sharon H. Cott (1992-present). Citation [Title of item], [date], [folder title], Office of the Secretary Records, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives. Note Most materials in English; French, Italian, German and other languages are represented as well. |
extent | 2500 linear feet. |
formats | Correspondence Subject Files Administrative Records Financial Records Legal Papers |
access | Consult Archives staff regarding permission to quote or reproduce. |
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finding aid | npublished index and folder level database; access restricted to Archives staff only. |
acquisition information | Transferred from Office of the Secretary. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | Scrap book, 1903 |
repository | The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
description | Includes newspaper clippings from the New York Sun concerning the sale of the art collection of Henry G. Marquand at the American Art Galleries, New York, dating from Jan. 24, 1903 to Feb. 1, 1903, 2 copies of an announcement ([4] p.) for the sale and its accompanying catalogue, and an illustrated supplement to the New York Tribune for Sunday, Jan. 11, 1903. Location Watson Library Bookcage Call Number N4020.M37 S37 1903 |
extent | 1 v. ; 28 cm |
formats | Scrapbooks |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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acquisition information | Gift of Allan G. Forsyth |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:45 |
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title | Henry Gurdon Marquand Papers, 1852-1903 (bulk, 1868-1903) |
repository | The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
description | New York financier Henry Gurdon Marquand (1819-1902) was a member of the Provisional Committee to establish a museum of art in New York City (1869), an early Trustee of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1871-1902), Treasurer (1883-1889), and its second President 1889-1902). For over three decades Marquand spent his fortune carefully acquiring artwork to decorate his Madison Avenue mansion and to enlarge the Metropolitan’s then modest holdings. The Henry Gurdon Marquand Papers contain correspondence with artists and dealers, receipts, inventories, and notes that document his activity as an art collector and patron of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Biography or History New York financier Henry Gurdon Marquand (1819-1902) was a member of the Provisional Committee to establish a museum of art in New York City (1869), an early Trustee of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1871-1902), Treasurer (1883-1889), and its second President (1889-1902). For over three decades Marquand spent his fortune carefully acquiring artwork to decorate his Madison Avenue mansion and to enlarge the Metropolitan’s then modest holdings. Note Chiefly in English. Some correspondence in German, French and Italian. Location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives Office of the Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel |
extent | 1.083 linear feet (3 standard size boxes, one half-size box) |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Inventories Notes |
access | The collection is open for research. Researchers are required to use transcripts and photocopies (Series II.) for their initial access to the collection. Requests for access to original material will be reviewed by Archives staff on a case by case basis. Use restrictions: Material in individual correspondence files is public domain and may be freely quoted. Copyright restrictions may apply to other items in the collection; consult Archives staff regarding permission to quote or reproduce. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in The Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives and on the Internet. |
acquisition information | The Metropolitan Museum of Art received the bulk of the Henry Gurdon Marquand Papers as a gift from Elizabeth Love Godwin, Marquand’s granddaughter, in 1965. Other papers comprising this collection were transferred from the Office of the Secretary Records during processing, including 60 letters given by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Godwin, Marquand’s grandson. in 1954, 28 letters purchased from Harry T. Friedman (date of purchase unknown), and a letter from John Ruskin. Typed transcripts of the Friedman purchase letters were made by Archivist Patricia Pellegrini in the 1980s. The remainder of typed transcripts in this collection was created by Archives volunteer Karol Pick in 2010-2011. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:46 |
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title | M. Knoedler & Co. records, approximately 1848-1971 |
repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | The records of M. Knoedler & Co. document the business of the prominent American art dealer from the mid-19th century to 1971, when the Knoedler Gallery was acquired by Armand Hammer. The archive traces the development of the once provincial American art market into one of the world's leading art centers and the formation of the private art collections that would ultimately establish many of the nation's leading art museums, such as the Frick Collection and the National Gallery of Art. It brings to the foreground the business side of dealing as artworks shuttled back and forth among Knoedler, fellow dealers, and collectors, documenting developments in art connoisseurship, shifting tastes, the changing role of art in American society, and the essential role of private collectors in the formation of public American art collections. The records provide insight into broader economic, social and cultural histories and the nation's evolving sense of place in the world. The Knoedler Gallery became one of the main suppliers of old master and post-Impressionist paintings in the United States. Financial records of the firm provide crucial provenance information on the large number of artworks in American museums that were sold by the gallery. The archive includes stock books, sales books and commission books; correspondence with collectors, artists, art dealers and other associates; photographs of the artworks sold by the gallery; records from the firm's offices in London, Paris and other cities; exhibition files; framing and restoration records, and records of the firm's Print Department. Selected portions of the archive have been digitized and made available online. Connect to selected digitized portions of the archive. Arranged in 14 series: Series I. Stock books; Series II. Sales books; Series III. Commission books; Series IV. Inventory cards; Series V. Receiving and shipping records; Series VI. Correspondence; Series VII. Photographs; Series VIII. Exhibition files; Series IX. American Department records; Series X. Framing and restoration records; Series XI. Print Department records; Series XII. Other financial records; Series XIII. Library cards, scrapbooks, and research materials; Series XIV. Knoedler family papers Biographical/Historical Note: M. Knoedler & Co. was a successor to the New York branch of Goupil & Co., an extremely dynamic print-publishing house founded in Paris in 1827. Goupil's branches in London, Berlin, Brussels, and The Hague, as well as New York, expanded the firm's market in the sale of reproductive prints. The firm's office in New York was established in 1848. In 1857, Michael Knoedler, an employee of Goupil and a manager for the firm, bought out the interests in the firm's New York branch, conducted the business under his own name, and diversified its activities to include the sale of paintings. Roland Knoedler, Michael's son, took over the firm in 1878 and with Charles Carstairs opened galleries in Paris and London. In 1928, the management of the firm passed to Roland's nephew Charles Henschel, Carman Messmore, Charles Carstairs and Carstairs' son Carroll. In 1956 Henschel died, and E. Coe Kerr and Roland Balaÿ, Michael Knoedler's grandson, took over. In 1971 the firm was sold to businessman and collector Armand Hammer. The gallery closed in November 2011. |
extent | 3042.6 linear feet (5550 boxes, 17 flat file folders). |
formats | Auction Catalogs Business Records Correspondence Financial Records Ephemera |
access | Open for use by qualified researchers, with the following exceptions. Boxes 77, 262-264, 1308-1512, 1969-1974, 3592-3723 are restricted due to fragility. Box 4468 is restricted until 2075. |
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contact information | Contact gallery's archivist |
finding aid | At the Getty Research Institute and over their website. |
acquisition information | Acquired in 2012. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:50 |
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title | Samuel Putnam Avery Papers, [ca. 1850]-1905 |
repository | The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
description | Collection includes Avery's diary referring to his travels in Europe, 1871-1882; a scrapbook of samples of his work; and autographs and sketches sent to Avery from such American and European artist friends as Edouard Detaille, Henri Lefort, W.J. Linton, W.H. Vanderbilt, J.G. Vibert, and J.A.M. Whistler. Catalogs and notes of Avery's works and art collections; editorials and resolutions in memory of Avery, 1905; and letters written to Avery's wife upon his death. Copies of children's books containing his illustrations and printed proof sheets of etchings designed by Avery. Note Some correspondence is in French Location and Call Numbers Watson Library Reference Z42.3A7 M48 v.4 LIB USE ONLY --- Watson Library Reference Z42.3A7 M48 v.5 LIB USE ONLY --- Watson Library Reference Z42.3A7 M48 v.6 LIB USE ONLY --- Watson Library Bookcage MS 06 LIB USE ONLY Watson Library Bookcage MS 07 LIB USE ONLY --- Watson Library Bookcage MS 08 LIB USE ONLY --- Watson Library Bookcage MS 09 LIB USE ONLY --- Watson Library Bookcage MS 10 LIB USE ONLY |
extent | 2 linear ft |
formats | Diaries Scrapbooks Sketches |
access | Contact repository for restrictions |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:50 |
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