Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 1809-1884

titleLetterpress copy books [microform], 1891-1928.
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionOutgoing correspondence of Cyrus Hall McCormick, Jr., president of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company (later International Harvester), 1884-1918, and chairman of the board, 1918-1935.

The letters reflect external business conditions including the unsuccessful attempt in 1890 to combine with other companies to form the American Harvester Company; the successful consolidation with the Deering Harvester Company and other companies to form International Harvester; the role of J. P. Morgan and Company in effecting that consolidation; and problems attendant to the government’s subsequent anti-trust suit. Internal operations such as plant expansions, introduction of new lines, and domestic and foreign marketing are also covered. Other topics include McCormick’s personal investments; his service as trustee of Princeton University, 1889-1936; and his role as a member of the government’s special diplomatic mission to Russia (the Root Commission) in 1917.
extent72 reels of microfilm (35mm)
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationMicrofilmed in 1991-1992 with support of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The original records have been destroyed. Forms part of the McCormick Collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleAnita McCormick Blaine Correspondence and papers, 1828-1958
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionCorrespondence and other papers of Blaine, a Chicago philanthropist, consisting of letters, telegrams, and summaries of telephone conversations; reports of committees, boards, and organizations; speeches, essays, and random notes; financial statements and ledgers; clippings; and photographs; concerning her absorbing interests in education, improvement in social and economic conditions, international understanding, and world peace, and her relations with members of the McCormick family and their friends.

The daughter of industrialists/philanthropists Cyrus Hall McCormick and Nettie Fowler McCormick, Anita in 1889 married Emmons Blaine, attorney and son of James G. Blaine. Her husband's death in 1892 left her with one son, Emmons, Jr., born in 1890, whom she enrolled in the laboratory school of Cook County Normal School in 1897. For the next two decades her attention focused chiefly on education and child welfare. Following World War I, Mrs. Blaine's interests expanded to include America's entry into the League of Nations, problems of world peace, and the United Nations. In their treatment of all those interests, her papers are extensive and revealing, demonstrating the depth and breadth of her own involvement both personally and financially. At about the age of thirty Anita Blaine came under the influence of Francis W. Parker and the movement toward a system of progressive education. She conceived of an ideal teacher-training institution under Parker's direction, and the Chicago Institute thus came into being. Her papers contain extensive records relating to this experimental school, including correspondence, minutes of trustee meetings, memoranda of conferences, financial statments, salary schedules, endowment agreements, and negotiations with the University of Chicago when that institution absorbed the Institute to form its School of Education. Mrs. Blaine established the Francis W. Parker elementary school on Chicago's near north side and assisted its first principal, Flora J. Cooke. Her papers demonstrate the extent to which she gave of her own time to insure its success. Between 1905 and 1907 her service as a member of Chicago's Board of Education produced a large file of minutes, reports, recommendations, and correspondence relating to Chicago's public schools.

Although less personally involved, her concern for education expanded to include institutions throughout the country and abroad, as documented in her correspondence. Convinced that inherited wealth was a trust to be used in behalf of others--the papers are replete with letters and drafts of ideas expressing this principle--Anita Blaine did not confine her activities to education. Correspondence, reports, speeches, and proposals reveal that she was simultaneously working with corporations and individuals involved in child welfare and social reform, particularly in Chicago. Through the years her activities created a large file relating to the Chicago City Council and many of its bureaus and committees. The papers contain ample evidence of her readiness to express her views to other persons of influence, and in 1936 she appeared on weekly radio in behalf of the Good Neighbor League, as evidenced by correspondence and clippings. Mrs. Blaine's greatest interest was in finding a means to achieve permanent world peace.

This concern is reflected in the great number of manuscripts in the 1920's and 1930's relating to various organizations which she supported, especially the World Citizens Association, organized in 1938 in her home to research and publicize the need for world co-operation. She served the association as vice-chairman, contributed funds, and co-authored The World at the Crossroads. With the approach of World War II, the papers pertain also to her work on the executive committee of the International Rescue Committee to aid refugees from Fascist countries, and her support of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies. Among other things she helped plan and finance the Pocono Pines (Pennsylvania) Conference to discuss extra-governmental ways to resolve differences between peoples. Out of this came her million-dollar gift to the Foundation for World Government, for which her papers contain the Foundation's correspondence, minutes, speeches, memoranda, agreements, bank statements, records of grants, and audits. Correspondence relating to politics and other matters was carried on with presidents and other noteworthy individuals, and her service with the women's division of the Illinois Political Action Committee led her to become one of the moving forces in creation of the Progressive Party. For the Henry A. Wallace presidential campaign of 1948 a file contains correspondence with Wallace and others, memoranda of meetings in her home, speeches, and records of her large contributions. In addition to these causes that claimed most of her attention, the papers contain a variety of materials relating to many other philanthropies and interests. For instance, she corresponded with James G.K. McClure, Sr., John Timothy Stone, and Andrew C. Zenos of the McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago; Charles Oliver Gray of Tusculum College; Chauncy B. McCormick concerning the Art Institute of Chicago and Polish relief; Fletcher S. Brockman, Sherwood Eddy, and John R. Mott regarding the Young Men's Christian Association and other topics; Harriet Taylor of the Young Women's Christian Association; Dwight L. Moody and Emma Dryer relating to their Bible work; Henry Winters Luce concerning Peking University in China; William Plumer Jacobs of the Thornwell Orphanage in South Carolina; James G.K. McClure, Jr. of the Farmer's Federation of North Carolina; and Henry Van Dyke of Princeton. She received letters and reports from psychiatrists Adolf Meyer and William Alanson White, and cooperated with her brothers in contributing to psychiatric research at Johns Hopkins University.

A large gift to the Chinese people in 1943 was followed by notes from Madame Chiang Kai-shek, to whom she presented the fund. Although there is evidence that institutional religion was less important to her than to her mother, the papers show much concern for her own Fourth Presbyterian Church, the ministerial fund, and mission work of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. She also continued to support many of the other causes supported by her parents. In behalf of her many projects she received letters and landscape designs from Warren H. Manning. Included in her correspondence are also letters from Britishers interested in psychic phenomena--Helen V. Alvey, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Oliver Lodge--a subject that increasingly intrigued her in her later years.

The files on Cyrus Bentley and his son, Richard, and those of McCormick Estates and the International Harvester Company provide the most complete record of Mrs. Blaine's financial situation. As her friend and personal attorney, Cyrus Bentley helped manage her business affairs and took an active part in many of the same organizations as she. Letters, clippings, photographs, ledgers, and memoranda concerning her family and personal business show her to have been in close contact with her mother and brothers. Because the activities, finances, and trusteeships of Nettie McCormick and her children Cyrus, Jr., Anita, and Harold were so interlocking, they held many conferences, for most of which minutes are filed. As a trustee for the care and estates of her incompetent sister and brother, Virginia and Stanley, voluminous correspondence was carried on by Anita with their many companions, doctors, and lawyers. In addition to a large number of friends, Mrs. Blaine corresponded with many members of the Adams, Blaine, and McCormick families.
extent393.1 c.f. (939 archives boxes, 16 record center cartons, 9 v., and 1 oversize folder)
formatsCorrespondence Ephemera Clippings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleAugust Jaccaci papers, 1889-1935 (bulk 1904-1914).
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters, mostly concerning Jaccaci's joint editorship with John La Farge of the book, Noteworthy Paintings in American Collections; typescript pages of research material relating to the book and photographs (unmicrofilmed) of works of art. The papers cover the one published volume as well as the unrealized volumes. Also included are photographs of early American wall stencils.

The collection documents Jaccaci's work as an art historian, writer, and editor, primarily during the period he researched, compiled, and published his book, "Noteworthy Paintings in Private American Collections." More than one-half of the collection consists of extensive correspondence to and from many notable artists, collectors, and art historians, including John La Farge, Kenyon Cox, Isabella Stewart Gardner, and Bernard Sickert concerning the research and publication of the book. The papers also house legal files, writings and notes, art collection research files, and photographs of artwork.

Correspondents include art historians, critic, artists, and art collectors, as well as publishers, photographers, printers, and agents. These letters discuss the research of famous American art collections, writing of essays for the book, and the book production and publication. There is extensive correspondence with his co-editor John La Farge, and with his employee Carl Snyder who was working in Europe. Other correspondence is with magazines, art associations, academic institutions, and French service organizations. Also included is a small amount of personal correspondence with friends and colleagues.

Correspondents, many of whom were contributors, include Samuel H. Adams, American Academy in Rome, R. B. Angus, Sir Walter Armstrong, John W. Beatty, Cecilia Beaux, Bernard Berenson, Ernest L. Blumenschein, Wilhelm Bode, Louis De Monvel Boutet, James Britton, George De Forest Brush, Bryson Burroughs, Charles H. Caffin, Alexis Carrel, Mary Cassatt, Willa Cather, John Jay Chapman, Sir Martin Conway, Kenyon Cox, Eyre Crowe, Elsie De Wolfe, William H. Downes, Charles L. Freer, Daniel C. French, Max Friedlander, Roger Fry, Isabella Gardner, Jules Guiffrey, Jay Hambidge, Charles Henry Hart, James J. Hill, Lewis C. Hind, Sir Charles J. Holmes, Elbert Hubbard, James Huneker, Samuel Isham, Thayer Jaccaci, Bettina E. Johnson, John La Farge, Oliver La Farge, Ernest Lawson, Will H. Low, Frank J. Mather, Henry McCarter, Samuel McClure, Francis D. Millet, Paul E. More, George F. Of, Ivan Olinsky, Walter Pach, Ernest Peixotto, Elizabeth Pennell, Michael I. Pupin, Jean F. Raffaelli, Salomon Reinach, Henry Reuterdahl, Corrado Ricci, Jean P. Richter, Gisela M. Richter, Frederic Sherman, Bernhard Sickert, Osvald Siren, Joseph L. Steffens, Ida Tarbell, Anne Taylor, Carl Taylor, Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, Wilhelm Valentiner, John C. Van Dyke, Adolfo Venturi, J. Alden Weir, John F. Weir, William A. White, Helen H. Whitney, and Rufus Zogbaum.

Research material includes information on the following collections: R. B. Angus, George Baker, Charles T. Barney, August Belmont, Chauney J. Blair, Cleveland Burke, A. M. Byers, Thomas M. Davis, G. A. Drummond, William L. Elkins, James W. Ellsworth, Henry Clay Frick, Isabella S. Gardner, J. W. Gates, George Jay Gould, L. C. Hanna, Henry O.Havemeyer, John Hay, James J. Hill, Charles L Hutchinson, Hyers, John J. Johnson, Mr. Lodge, Frank G. Logan, Cyrus Hall and R. Hall McCormick, James H. McFadden, Emerson McMillan, Samuel Mather, Frank G. Morgan, Horace Morison, Ada Brooks Pope, James Ross, Martin A. Ryerson, Albert A. Sprague, Charles W. Taft, Herbert L. Terrell, Edward R. Thomas, William H. Vanderbilt, William Van Horne, J. H. Wade, Harris Whittemore and P. A. B. Widener. Also included (reel D126) are photographs of early American wall stencils. Forty-eight unmicrofilmed photographs of works of art are from the Henry C. Frick, William Van Horne, and P. A. B. Widener files.

Legal files include contracts and legal agreements for the August F. Jaccaci Company, as well as legal agreements with John La Farge concerning the research and publication of their joint book. Writings and notes include Jaccaci's lists and notes pertaining to the Noteworthy Paintings project, as well as other miscellaneous notes. Also found are writings by John La Farge that include drafts of a book, lectures, and notes about his artwork. Writings by others in this series also include draft essays by many art historians for Jaccaci's book. For the Noteworthy Paintings project, Jaccaci created numerous research files for American art collections and collectors that would be included. These research files include lists of works of art, essays and other notes about the collection written by prominent art historians. Photographs are of works of art supporting the research files. Also found in this collection are photographs of and notes about New England stencil designs. It is unclear what the connection is between Jaccaci and the stencil designs.

Jaccaci, Augusto Floriano, 1857-1930.
Beaux, Cecilia,; 1855-1942.
Berenson, Bernard,; 1865-1959.
Blumenschein, Ernest Leonard,; 1874-1960.
Bode, Wilhelm von,; 1845-1929.
Boutet de Monvel, Louis-Maurice,; 1851-1913.
Britton, James,; 1878-1936.
Brush, George de Forest,; 1855-1941.
Burroughs, Bryson,; 1869-1934.
Caffin, Charles Henry,; 1854-1918.
Carrel, Alexis,; 1873-1944.
Cassatt, Mary,; 1844-1926.
Cather, Willa,; 1873-1947.
Chapman, John Jay,; 1862-1933.
Conway, William Martin,; Sir,; 1856-1937.
Cox, Kenyon,; 1856-1919.
Crowe, Eyre,; Sir,; 1864-1925.
De Wolfe, Elsie,; 1865-1950.
Downes, William Howe,; 1854-1941.
Freer, Charles Lang,; 1856-1919.
French, Daniel Chester,; 1850-1931.
Friedländer, Max J.,; 1867-1958.
Fry, Roger Eliot,; 1866-1934.
Gardner, Isabella Stewart,; 1840-1924.
Guiffrey, Jules,; 1840-1918.
Hambidge, Jay,; 1867-1924.
Hart, Charles Henry,; 1847-1918.
Hill, James Jerome,; 1838-1916.
Hind, C. Lewis; 1862-1927. ; (Charles Lewis),
Holmes, C. J.; 1868-1936. ; (Charles John),
Hubbard, Elbert,; 1856-1915.
Huneker, James,; 1857-1921.
Isham, Samuel,; 1855-1914.
Jaccaci, Thayer.
Johnson, Bettina Eastman.
La Farge, John,; 1835-1910.
La Farge, Oliver,; 1901-1963.
Lawson, Ernest,; 1873-1939.
Low, Will Hicok,; 1853-1932.
Mather, Frank Jewett,; 1868-1953.
McCarter, Henry,; 1866-1942.
McClure, S. S.; 1857-1949. ; (Samuel Sidney),
Millet, Francis Davis,; 1846-1912.
More, Paul Elmer,; 1864-1937.
Of, George F.; b. 1876. ; (George Ferdinand),
Olinsky, Ivan G.; 1878-1962. ; (Ivan Gregorewitch),
Pach, Walter,; 1883-1958.
Peixotto, Ernest,; b. 1869.
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins,; 1855-1936.
Pupin, Michael Idvorsky,; 1858-1935.
Raffaëlli, Jean François,; 1850-1924.
Reinach, Salomon,; 1858-1932.
Reuterdahl, Henry,; 1871-1925.
Ricci, Corrado,; 1858-1934.
Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta,; 1882-1972.
Richter, Jean Paul,; 1847-1937.
Sherman, Frederic Fairchild,; 1874-1940.
Sickert, Bernard,; 1862-1932.
Sirén, Osvald,; 1879-
Steffens, Lincoln,; 1866-1936.
Tarbell, Ida M.; 1857-1944. ; (Ida Minerva),
Taylor, Anne.
Taylor, Carl.
Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander,; 1865-1921.
Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold,; 1880-1958.
Van Dyke, John Charles,; 1856-1932.
Venturi, Adolfo,; 1856-1941.
Weir, Julian Alden,; 1852-1919.
Weir, John F.; b. 1841. ; (John Ferguson),
White, William Allen,; 1868-1944.
Whitney, Helen Hay,; 1875-1944.
Zogbaum, Rufus F.,; 1849-1925.
Adams, Samuel Hopkins,; 1871-1958.
Angus, R. B.
Armstrong, Walter,; Sir,; 1850-1918.
Beatty, John W.; 1851-1924. ; (John Wesley)

Bio / His Notes:
Jaccaci, a mural painter and writer, was born in France and came to the United States in the 1880s. He and painter John La Farge were editors for what they hoped would be a multi-volume series to be called Noteworthy Paintings in Private Collections. The first volume was published in 1907, but with the untimely death of La Farge, Jaccaci abandoned the project.
extent7.2 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 9 reels)
formatsCorrespondence Photographs Research Files Notes Legal Files
accessPatrons must use microfilm copy. Use of unmicrofilmed portion requires an appointment.
record link
record source
finding aidFinding Aid Online
acquisition informationPapers were purchased from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which had acquired them for director Francis Henry Taylor's research for Taste of Angels.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:31

titleMcCormick family photographs and graphic materials, 1842-1966
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionPhotographs and other graphic materials relating to the family of Cyrus Hall McCormick. Included are cartes-de-visite, lithographs, informal photographs, formal studio photographs, tintypes, painted porcelain, daguerreotypes, and photo albums featuring the children and grandchildren of Cyrus Hall McCormick; the Fowler, Spice, and Merrick families; the Robert McCormick family; and friends of the McCormicks. Also included are a number of oversized materials concerning McCormick genealogy and the genealogy of related families. One item of particular note is the 1923 death mask of Nettie Fowler McCormick.

extent14.0 c.f.
formatsPhotographs Prints
accessRestricted: The death mask of Nettie Fowler McCormick is closed to research due to its fragile condition. (10/10/2002 LCG)
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleCyrus Hall McCormick Accounts records, 1859-1896.
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionBusiness, family, and household account books, 1863-1896, kept by Chicago industrialist Cyrus McCormick and his wife, Nettie Fowler McCormick, and bills, receipts, and statements, 1859-1891. The account books contain entries showing speculation in railroads, mineral lands, and other properties. Order stubs for the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company are present for 1880-1884. Check stubs, bills, receipts, and commercial account statements concern chiefly household expenses, clothing, and travel.
extent4.0 c.f. (10 archives boxes)
formatsFinancial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidBox list. Also described in Guide to the McCormick Collection, Margaret R. Hafstad, ed., Madison: 1973 A small percentage of the bills, receipts, and statements in this series are indexed by company name in the card file indexing Series 1A.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleMiscellaneous record books, Cyrus Hall McCormick, 1848-1902
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionA miscellaneous assortment of record books including: address and memo books; extracts of court records in Virginia regarding Robert McCormick, Cyrus McCormick, and McCormick and Black; a Chicago Daily News complaint book, 1872-1874; a Princeton College record book of the Class of 1879 (1886-1887); an 1887 volume on the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the Northwest; a volume on the Paris Exposition of 1900; a Walnut Grove inventory and other information on the Virginia estate, 1886-1888; receipt books; an employee time book, 1883; and a record of tenants and rentals, 1864-1865.
extent1.6 c.f. (4 archives boxes)
formatsEphemera Legal Papers Financial Records Inventories
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidBox list. Also described in Guide to the McCormick Collection, Margaret R. Hafstad, ed., Madison: 1973.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleCorrespondence and subject file, Cyrus Hall McCormick, 1788-1939
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionPapers of McCormick, inventor of the reaper and a Chicago industrialist, comprising correspondence, memoranda, and letterbooks concerning the growth of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company in both the domestic and foreign fields, and dealing with McCormick's many other interests, particularly the Presbyterian Church and several charities; his activities as a member of the state and national Democratic party; and his investments, chiefly in Chicago real estate, railroads, and mines. Also included are deeds, contracts, investment proposals, and other documents. Some of the letters are to or from McCormick's wife Nettie Fowler, their son Cyrus, Jr., and others associated with the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.

The earliest dated items were written or received by Cyrus' father, Robert McCormick, and by other family members. Since McCormick was so often absent from Chicago on business, voluminous correspondence was necessary. He communicated in great detail with company officials William S. McCormick and his successor, Charles A. Spring, Jr., each of whom wrote McCormick concerning personal and business matters, patents, agreements, sales, agents, and investments; while his brother Leander's letters refer to design, operation, and patents.

Other correspondents include foreign agents after 1851; traveling agents who moved throughout the Midwest and the East after 1845; and small-town implement dealers and general agents who came to be the eyes and ears of the company, as well as salesmen for the McCormick machines. With improvements in the reaper and introduction of the mower, self rake, harvester, and binder, patents cases and manufacturing rivalries generated much of the correspondence. Included are letters and agreements relating to patentees and manufacturers, as well as those who advised and represented McCormick in business and legal matters. Presbyterian Church affairs were a dominant personal interest and the correspondence with churchmen reflects growth of several Presbyterian churches in Chicago, church dissension prior to the Civil War, and controversies between conservative and radical theology.

To advance his Old School point of view McCormick endowed the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the Northwest at Chicago, now called the McCormick Theological Seminary; fought to maintain conservative instruction; and contributed to its buildings and operation. Other schools of which he particularly approved were recipients of his support. McCormick corresponded with and supported the evangelism of Dwight L. Moody, and established a family tradition of consistent aid to the Young Men's Christian Association. Appeals for financial assistance increased after the Civil War when a flood of pleas came from their family home state Virginia and the South. McCormick responded to numerous individuals and letters reveal his concern for impoverished churches and the welfare of blacks, with substantial contributions especially to the Southern Aid Society. In politics McCormick was a Democrat, taking an active though somewhat sporadic interest in national conventions and election campaigns. Being opposed to abolition and secession, his correspondence prior to the Civil War emphasizes his hope that both his party and his church could help to prevent a break between the states.

Much of his political correspondence relates to his service as chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee in Illinois. McCormick's investments were varied and included speculation in railroads, mineral lands, and other properties. Correspondents include lawyers and financiers in New York. Major interests include the Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Southern Railroad Association, the Tehuantepec Inter-Ocean Railroad Co., and rail construction in Iowa, Nebraska, and elsewhere. Investments in the Montana Mineral Land and Mining Co. and Arizona properties, and abortive attempts to obtain gold at the Dorn mine in South Carolina and silver at the Little Chief mine in Colorado prompted much correspondence. Other investment was in the Mississippi Valley Society of London formed to encourage European capital and immigrants to seek the Midwest; and foreign interests such as the American Exchange in Europe, Ltd. Personal concerns are documented throughout the collection. Letters with family members and business and investment affairs also include comments on family and social affairs.

After McCormick's death, the papers chiefly concern the trusts created by his will and the administration of his estate.
extentWisconsin Historical Society Archives
formatsCorrespondence Ephemera Business Papers Personal Papers
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidOrganization: Organized in four series: 1A consists of correspondence received, 1788-1939; 2A consists of a subject file, 1811-1884; 3A consists of letterpress copy books, 1867-1884, focusing on business matters; and 4A consists of letterpress copy books, 1869-1882, focusing on politics, religion, and mining. In Series 1A, the correspondence is chronological by year, and thereunder alphabetical by correspondent. Series 2A is in two parts: Part I is chronological by year (1811-1884) and thereunder alphabetical by author or subject; Part II (1851-1884) is alphabetical by subject./ Series 3A and 4A are each in overlapping chronological sequences. Box list. Also described in Guide to the McCormick Collection, Margar et R. Hafstad, ed., Madison: 1973. A card index to portions of Series 1A, 2A, and 3A is filed with Series 1A (Box 126-175). For Series 1A, most of the individual volumes include an index./ For Series 4A, most of the individual volumes include an index. Only a few of the letters are indexed in the card file covering Series 1A and 3A.
acquisition informationForms part of the McCormick Collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleLegal documents, Cyrus Hall McCormick, 1860-1890
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionLegal papers of Chicago industrialist McCormick consisting of land titles, mortgages, leases, legal correspondence, land tax records, and sales records of reapers and mowing machines.
extent1.6 c.f.
formatsLegal Papers
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidBox list. Also described in Guide to the McCormick Collection, Margaret R. Hafstad, ed., Madison: 1973.
acquisition informationForms part of the McCormick Collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleJohn M Palmer Papers, 1811-1906
repositoryAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
descriptionCorrespondence, letterpress copies, legal and business papers, speeches, reports, clippings, Civil War maps, endorsements and draft of autobiography Personal Recollections. The earliest papers in the collection are the legal and personal papers of Thomas Rafferty.

Palmer's papers concern his legal practice in Carlinville and Springfield, Illinois; correspondence between Palmer and his wife Malinda Ann Neely Palmer during the Civil War, revealing both Palmer's experiences at war, including the battles of Chickamauga and Murfreesboro, and the Atlanta Campaign; and his wife's experiences at home. Political topics include the formation of the Republican party, and Palmer's presidential candidacy for the National Democratic Party. Correspondence from his tenure as Governor of Illinois include his handling of the aftermath of the Chicago Fire (1871) and a bound volume of endorsements which includes financial details of the construction of the new State House at Springfield. Correspondents include Lyman Trumbull, Cyrus H. McCormick and John Mayo Palmer.

Lawyer, U. S. Army officer, U.S. Senator (1891-1897) and Governor of Illinois (1869-1873). Initially a colonel of the 14th Illinois Infantry, Palmer lead the first division of the Army of the Mississippi and the XIV Corps during the Civil War and later became major-general in charge of the military district of Kentucky.
extent4.2 linear ft. (10 boxes)
formatsCorrespondence Business Papers Lithographs Ephemera Writings
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record link
record source
acquisition informationOriginal or duplicate materials: Illinois State Historical Library, Old State Capitol, Springfield IL 62701Inventory available in library: folder level control
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleCyrus Hall McCormick biographical material, 1890
repositoryUniversity of California, Berkeley
descriptionBoyhood in Virginia; early inventions, including the McCormick reaper; growth of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company.
extent4 items.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationForms part of the Hubert Howe Bancroft Collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleJohn Milton Hay Papers, 1829-1916
repositoryBrown University, John Hay Archives
descriptionHay's correspondence with his family and with literary, diplomatic, and political contemporaries; Civil War diaries and those kept by Hay as Secretary of the Legations in Paris, Vienna, and Madrid, 1866-1870; manuscript poems; galley proofs; personal letterpress copy books. Subjects include: Civil War; Lincoln and his administration; Reconstruction; court life in Paris; Hay's choice of careers; the bi-metal monetary standard; the Canadian boundary settlement; the fur seal question; Japanese naval activity; British politics; American political affairs, etc.

Brown class of 1858. Secretary to Abraham Lincoln; Ambassador to Court of St. James; Secretary of State; author
extentOver 9100 items
formatsCorrespondence Manuscript Diaries
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidTypescript inventory available for small portion of collection. Items individually cataloged in Manuscript Card Catalog
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleCyrus Hall McCormick Papers, 1855-1861
repositoryDuke University Library
descriptionBusiness correspondence pertaining to the sale of reapers invented by McCormick, and a personal letter.

Inventor, from Chicago, Ill.
extent8 items.
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleJohn T. McCutcheon papers, 1834-1996, bulk 1889-1950.
repositoryNewberry Library
descriptionEditorial cartoons and drawings, literary works, correspondence, scrapbooks, clippings, photographs, personal records, and family records documenting the life of John Tinney McCutcheon, primarily from his college days at Purdue University through the time of his death in 1949.

Artist, illustrator, reporter, editorial cartoonist, and adventurer.
extent87 cubic ft
formatsDrawings Correspondence Scrapbooks Clippings Photographs
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies
record link
record source
finding aidInventory available in the library and online
acquisition informationForms part of the Midwest Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library)
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleAdditional papers of the Randolph family of Edgehill, 1784-1975
repositoryUniversity of Virginia Library
descriptionPapers of the Randolph Family consists primarily of letters written by the Randolph grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great granchildren of Thomas Jefferson.

The letters convey family news and discuss health, finances, and daily activities. Of interest are a letter, 1784, Thomas Mann Randolph to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., and William Randolph concerning school in Edinburgh; a letter, 1785, from Martha Jefferson to her father Thomas Jefferson about studies in Paris; an account of the death of George Wythe Randolph by Sarah Nicholas Randolph; a slave receipt for "Suchy"; a letter from Joseph Coolidge to Martha Jefferson Randloph on the publication of "Jefferson's Works"; and a letter by George Wythe Randolph about the fugitive slave law. There is also correspondence of Dabney Carr and of Wilson Cary Nicholas together with a farm journal of Nicholas; a memoir about Edmund Randolph and letters from Randolph to James Monroe concerning debts of Wilson Cary Nicholas; an article about a dispute between Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr. and John Randolph of Roanoke; and a journal of Cornelia Taylor describing life during Reconstruction and the burning of Lego. Miscellaneous items include drawings of coats of arms for the Kirk, Page and Randolph families. Papers of Randolph cousins in the [Francis] Asbury Dickins Family contain letters discussing social events and fashions with some refereces to the Civil War and the Confederacy, together with love letters of Theodora Wight Keim and John Keim, and some photographs. The collection also contains documents signed by Thomas Jeffersn, James Monroe and Andrew Jackson; a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson Randolph; a letter from Richard Bayard to Samuel Smith; 1808 and a pair of coral earrings that belonged to Mrs. William Wirt. Papers of John Sinclair and Sue Taylor Blackburn include a manuscript "Diary of a guerilla"; genealogies of the BUchanan, Lucky, Page, Rolfe and Taylor families; and miscellaneous deeds and legal papers including an indenture of Cyrus McCormick.
extentca. 1002 items.
formatsCorrespondence Clippings Ephemera
accessThere are no restrictions.
record link
record source
finding aidOrganization: I. Randolph Family of Edgehill. -- II. Dickins Family Papers. -- III. Documents of Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and Andrew Jackson. -- IV. Blackburn and other related families. -- V. Portraits
acquisition informationThis collection was loaned to the Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library by Stevens M. Moyer, 751 Seneca Parkway, Rochester, New York 14613, on May 3, 2003.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleMcCormick Biographical Association Records, 1896-1912.
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionCorrespondence and records of the McCormick Biographical Association, formed after the death of Cyrus Hall McCormick by his widow and children to insure and perpetuate his role in industrial and agricultural history.

Secretaries collected and cataloged publications and manuscripts; replied to numerous genealogical inquiries; provided information to authors such as McCormick's earliest biographer, Herbert N. Casson; helped arrange for a monograph on McCormick by Reuben Gold Thwaites; gathered evidence to present to the New York University Hall of Fame; and supervised a McCormick display at the Jamestown Exposition of 1907. In 1912, this association was succeeded by the McCormick Historical Association.
extent1.8 c.f. (5 archives boxes)
formatsAdministrative Records Correspondence
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies
record source
finding aidBox list. Also described in Guide to the McCormick Collection, Margaret R. Hafstad, ed., Madison: 1973.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleMcCormick Estates Records, 1841-1969.
repositoryWisconsin Historical Society
descriptionRecords of the office which handled the interests of descendants of Chicago industrialist Cyrus H. McCormick, Sr. The office dealt with business and legal matters for the family; managed their many income-producing properties; reported on all financial transactions in behalf of the two incompetent children, Mary Virginia and Stanley; did the bookkeeping for a variety of trusts and syndicates set up by the McCormicks; handled securities in the form of stocks and bonds; gave accountings of notes and loans; and frequently rendered aid to family members regarding private matters.
After the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company’s merger into the International Harvester Company in 1902, the McCormick Estates office took on further responsibilities. Although all manufacturing was taken over by International Harvester, the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company under its own name continued to receive payments for products previously purchased on credit (until 1910) and to administer a pension system for employees (until 1922). McCormick Estates staff served as advisors and accountants for the Company in these interests as well as for individual members of the McCormick family.
extent99.0 c.f.
formatsLegal Papers Financial Records
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
finding aidRegister.
acquisition informationForms part of the McCormick Collection.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:35

titleThe Fototeca Berenson (Villa I Tatti Photo Archives)
repositoryBiblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti
descriptionThe collection contains about 300,000 photographs, many of them collected by Berenson himself from the 1880s until the time of his death in 1959. Many have notes on the back in his handwriting. Many show works of art before restoration, and others show images since destroyed.

An important section, "Homeless paintings", contains photographs of works whose current location is unknown. The photographs are almost exclusively black and white in a variety of photographic media, such as albumen, gelatine, or carbon.

About 3000 large-format photographs are stored separately. In addition, there is a considerable amount of documentary material in the form of clippings, notes and printed reproductions.

The photographs are arranged according to Berenson's original scheme, by school: Florence, Siena, Central Italy, Northern Italy, Lombardy, Venice, Southern Italy. Within each school they are arranged by artist, then by topography, followed by homeless. Paintings and drawings are arranged separately.

The main focus of the collection is on Italian painting and drawing from the mid-thirteenth to the mid-sixteenth centuries. This part of the collection continues to be developed through the acquisition of new materials and through photographic campaigns. Later periods are also represented but in smaller scale, without systematic updating.

There is also material on medieval painting, arranged topographically; manuscript illumination, arranged according to present location; archeology; Byzantine art and architecture, arranged both by artist and by location; and non-Italian art, arranged by country. Finally a section of 8000 photographs is devoted to the art of the Far East, India and Islam.

In addition to the original Berenson nucleus, collections of prints, glass plates, negatives and transparencies have entered the Fototeca.

These include the collections of Emilio Marcucci (nineteenth-century projects for the completion of various Florentine monuments), George Kaftal (representations of saints in Italian painting of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries), Henry Clifford (painting thirtheenth to seventeenth centuries), Giorgio Castelfranco (Italian art thirteenth to twentieth centuries), Giannino Marchig (restoration), Frederick Hartt (Michelangelo, Giulio Romano), Giuseppe Marchini (Italian art and stained glass), and Craig H. Smyth (Renaissance painting and drawing).

There is a small collection of micropublications and microfiche (162,386 frames): L=index photographique de l'art en France (95,648); Sotheby's Pictorial Archive - Old Master Paintings (45,472); Christie's Pictorial Archive Italian School (9,898); Christie's Pictorial Archive - New York 1977-95 Old Master Paintings & Drawings (11,368). The microfilm of the Bartsch Corpus comprises about 42,000 frames.

Most photographers not identified.

extent300,000 + photographs
formatsPhotographs Reproductions Microfilm Artist Files
accessContact Ilaria Della Monica the archivist at the Berenson Library for restrictions and appointments.
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record source
finding aidCurrently, there is no catalog of the photographs at Villa I Tatti. In some cases, Artist Files, can be found school (i.e. Venetian, Lombard, Northern Italy, Central Italy, etc. . .) and some are cataloged in Harvard's online catalog, HOLLIS.
acquisition informationOriginally formed by Bernard Berenson the Library continues to add to the file.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:44