Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: McVitty, Albert E. (Albert Elliott), 1876-1948

titleAlbert E. McVitty papers concerning McVitty's art collection, 1902-1971.
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionLetters from Mary Cassatt, Winslow Homer, Mrs. John Twachtman, J. Alden Weir, art dealers and others; photographs of works of art; writings and notes including 4 catalog notebooks and price lists of works of art in the collection; business records; a scrapbook containing photographs of works of art in the collection; exhibition catalogs and clippings, and other printed material.
extent0.4 linear ft. (on 1 microfilm reel). reel 2520
formatsCorrespondence Photographs Catalogs Business Records Ephemera
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record linkn/a
record source
acquisition informationDonated by Mrs. Elsie Regan Kerney, friend of McVitty's son, Albert E. McVitty, Jr.
updated06/08/2023 16:42:08

titleCorrespondence with Carl Zigrosser, 1918-1946.
repositoryUniversity of Pennsylvania
descriptionContained in: Carl Zigrosser Papers, ca. 1891-1971. Folder 1060.

Albert E. McVitty was a collector of prints who wrote to Carl Zigrosser for his advice on purchases.

Location: Rare Book & Ms Library Manuscripts
Call Number: Ms. Coll. 6
extent21 items (21 leaves).
accessIn general, the Carl Zigrosser Papers may be examined by qualified researchers in the reading room of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania. Photocopying of Zigrosser materials is at the discretion of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The receipt of photocopies does not grant publication rights without the written permission of the University of Pennsylvania and the literary executors of the authors in question.
record source
finding aidAvailable in electronic form and in repository.
acquisition informationGift June 1972
updated11/12/2014 11:29:58

titleAnna Margaretta Archambault selected papers, [ca. 1880-1946].
repositoryArchives of American Art
descriptionCorrespondence and papers relating primarily to Archambault's work in miniatures. Omitted from microfilming are photographs of Archambault's sitters and models.

Correspondents include: W. Osler Abbott, M.D., Yarnall Abbott, Wayman Adams, A. J. Arnold, the Arts Club of Washington, D.C., Emily H. Bache, William Jacob Baer, W. Pope Barney, Katherine Carter Barrows, Julia H. Bartholomew, Alice C. Bartram, Walter Emerson Baum, Martha Wheeler Baxter, Eulabee Dix Becker, B. Bennet-Alder, Edward Biddle, Gertrude Bosler Biddle, James Biddle, Nicholas Biddle, Winthrop L. Biddle, Sally Cross Bill, Horace Binney, John S. Bioren, Ellen M. Bishop, Clarence Wyatt Bispham, Edwin H. Blashfield, Mrs. W. S. Blight, Johanna Magdelene Boericke, Henry Harrick Bond, E. Boner, Elizabeth Fearne Bonsall, Mary Waterman Bonsall, Katharine K. Borda, Alexander Bower, Ralph L. Boyer, Hugh H. Breckenridge, Edith W. Bridy, R. S. Brock, Emily Hall Brown, Ella Shepard Bush, Margaret Lesley Bush-Brown, Alfreda F. Butler, Joseph G. Butler, Jr., Mary Butler, Sophia Cadwalader, Alexander S. Calder, Alexander M. Calder, James Campbell, Emma Ratcliffe Caperton, Horace T. Carpenter, Henry Sparks Cattell, Orville T. Chamberlain, William M. Chase, Elizabeth Wiltbank Clark, Mary M. Clawson, Katherine M. Cohen, Calvin Coolidge, Dr. Cooper, Emma Lampert Cooper, Dorothea Coulomb, Elizabeth K. Coyne, James Craig, Thomas Bigelow Craig, Edith I. Crary, Colonel A. C. Cron, Nina Nash Cron, Mrs. Cunningham, J. E. B. Cunningham, Charles Edmund Dana, Thomas B. Davies, George Walter Dawson, Blanche Dillaye, Eulabee Dix, ? Drayton, Abby Dreer, Mary S. Drexel, John J. Dull, Alice Belin Du Pont, Pierre Samuel Du Pont, Helen Winslow Durkee, H. M. Eberhard, Jacob Eichholtz, Elizabeth Shippen Elliott, Hannah Elliott, Margaret Ellwarger, Edith Emerson, Lydia F. Emmet, Margaret Evans, Ludwig E. Faber, Fairmount Park Art Association, William H. Falkner, Brigitta Moran Farmer, Katherine Levin Farrell, Lillian Wood Febiger, Mark Fenderson, Mantle Fielding, Riter Fitzgerald, Samuel S. Fleisher, Charlotte Fowler, W. H. Fox, Benjamin Franklin, John Frazer, Florence W. Fulton, Caroline M. Fryberger, John P. Garber, Horatio Gates, George Gibbs, William Wallace Gilchrist, Jr., Pemberton Ginther, John H. Ginvin, George W. Goethals, Charles A. Grafly, Frederick C. Gruber, Benjamin Barton Gumpert, Walter C. Hager, William Maclay Hall, Esq., Samuel Hambleton, Ralph T. Hanson, Florence Kling Harding, George Harding, Warren G. Harding, Laura Harlan, Evelyn Shaylor Harmon, Marian Dunlap Harper, Alexandrina Robertson Harris, Lowell Birge Harrison, Thomas Alexander Harrison, Charles Henry Hart, John F. Haskins, Malthe M. Hasselriis, Cecelia Haupt, Charles E. Haupt, Herman Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg Haupt, Mary E. Haupt, Paul Haupt, Margaret Foote Hawley, J. Carroll Hayes, John Russell Hayes, Lillian D. Heinsohn, Helen W. Henderson, Robert Henri, George W. Hewitt, Luther E. Hewitt, Mary Baer Hiester, Michael Hillegas, Laura Coombs Hills, Paula B. Himmelsbach, Robert H. Hinckley, Edward Ellsworth Hipsher, William S. Hoerner, W. J. Holland, Louisa Homberg, George Horst, Robert Norman Hudspeth, Romilly F. Humphries, Anna Warren Ingersoll, Henry Inman, Helsey C. Ives, Annie Hulbert Jackson, Harry L. Johnson, Ella Bond Johnston, John W. Jordan, Isaac A. Josephi, Susette S. Kedst, Margaret Kendall, William Sergeant Kendall, Mr. Kevorkian, Fiske Kimball, Anna Belle Wing Kindlund, Jeannette Klauder, Mrs. Edward C. Knight, Herman Frederick Krafft, Ebba V. Krebs, Laura D. Stroud Ladd, Mary Laird, John Lambert, William L. Lathrop, Charlotte A. Lea, Henry F. Lee, Harry Leith-Ross, Charles G. Leland, Robert W. Lesley, Lucie Holt Le Son, Edmond L. Levy, John F. Lewis, Francis O. Libby, Robert M. Lindsay, Gertrude L. Little, Mary Wingate Lloyd, A. J. Loos, Stephen B. Luce, Anna Lynch, Nicolas S. Macsoud, Henri Marceau, John Marshall, Samuel W. McCall, Henry McCarter, Judge McCarthy, Mary McClellan, Florence M. McIntyre, Robert Tait McKenzie, Mary McMillan, Ruth Dwight McVitty, Bessie L. Meade, Lelia Mechlin, Lillian B. Meeser, Andrew W. Mellon, Anna Lea Merritt, Cora E. Miller, Leslie William Miller, Francis Davis Millet, M. Reed Minnich, Laura M. D. Mitchell, Sara P. Snowden Mitchell, J. Hampton Moore, Laura Mordecai, Alice Morgan, Edward Morrell, Robert Morris, John Ludlow Morton,

(cont.) Stanley Muschamp, John Neagle, Claud P. Newell, Annie Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes Nicholls, George E Nitzsche, William S. Nortenheim, Charlotte Luce Noyes, Imogen Brashear Oakley, Thornton Oakley, Violet Oakley, Charles A. Oliver, Anna W. Olmsted, George L. Omwake, Mary Louise Shook Osborne, Harlan Page, Mary Crozer Page, Lydia Parrish, Elsie Dodge Pattee, Elizabeth R. Pennell, J. H. Penniman, Pennsylvania School of Miniature Painting, Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters, Pennsylvania University Cultural Olympics Gallery, K. W. Penrose, Augusta H. Peoples, Bertha E. Perrie, Harriet Felton Peters, Philadelphia City History Society, Philadelphia the Commercial Museum, Philadelphia Public Art School, Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, Frederic Poole, D. T. Pratt, George R. Prowell, Evelyn Purdie, Edward Willis Redfield, Anne Reilly, John A. Richardson, Helen P. Robinson, J. G. Rosengarten, Albert Rosenthal, J. T. Rothrock, Homer Saint-Gaudens, San Francisco, Panama-Pacific International Exhibition, 1915, Elizabeth de Santa Eulalia, Emily Sartain, Harriet Sartain, Frank R. Savidge, Edith Sawyer, Henry Lyman Sayen, William A. Schaeffer, Julia E. Schelling, Walter E. Schofield, Alice T. Searle, Anne Douglas Sedgwick, Helen Merrick Semple, Sarah Sergeant, Helen Sharpe, Matilda Hast Shelton, Annie W. S. Siebert, Edna H. Simpson, Caroline Sinkler, John Ray Sinnock, A. W. Skibinsky, James L. Slayden, Marianna Sloan, M. E. Smedley, Edgar F. Smith, Georgine Wetherell Smith, Maude H. Smith, Walter H. Smith, William Jones Smith, William Rudolph Smith, Louise H. Snowden, William C. Sproul, St. Louis Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, William H. Staake, Lucy M. Stanton, John B. Stetson, Jr., Louise Stockton, William S. Stockton, Virginia H. Stout, ? Strachey, Maria Judson Strean, Thomas Sully, Frederick Summerhill, Berth Swindell, William H. Taft, Mary H. Tannahill, Emily H. D. Taylor, Frank W. Taylor, Helen I. Taylor, Theodora W. Thayer, Adile Biddle Thomas, George B. Thomas, Henry J. Thouron, Douglas Tilden, Ruel P. Tolman, James B. Townsend, John E. D. Trask, Benjamin Trott, Rachel Bulley Trump, Sarah A. Turle,

(cont.) Helen M. Turner, Charles J. Turrell, U. S. Naval Academy Museum, Moses Veale, Samuel B. Vrooman, J. S. Waln, John Wanamaker, Edward Warwick, Booker T. Washington, Elizabeth Fisher Washington, Marjorie Watmough, Harvey M. Watts, E. A. Weaver, Mabel R. Welch, Samuel P. Wetherill, Candace Wheeler, Janet D. Wheeler, H. C. Whipple, Bishop White, W. G. White, William John Wittemore, Charles F. Wignall, Joseph Willcox, Henry Willet, Alyn Williams, Francis Howard Williams, Mary Rhoads Garrett Williams, Talcott Williams, George Charles Williamson, Sydney E. Wilson, William Powell Wilson, William E. Winner, Frances A. Wister, Jones Wister, Mary C. Wood, J. E. Woodbridge, Charles H. Woodbury, Joseph W. Woods, David H. Wright, Henriette Wyeth, and Elinor Carr Zimmerman.

Historical Notes
Portrait and minature painter, author, educator; Philadelphia, Pa.

extent2 partial microfilm reels.
formatsCorrespondence Photographs Microfilm
accessContact repository for restrictions and policies.
record source
acquisition informationOriginals in: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Anna Margaretta Archambault papers.
updated11/12/2014 11:29:58

titlePapers of William J. Collins, 1902-1958.
repositorySterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
descriptionWilliam J. Collins was brought on as the first curator of prints and drawings in 1958. He had been the head, since 1939, of the Department of Prints at Knoedler & Co. in New York City, where the Clarks purchased many of their artworks. Collins passed away unexpectedly in 1960.

This collection consists of a number of different types of items. A three-ring binder documents sales of prints, drawings, and etchings to such major early-20th century collectors as Henry Clay Frick, Andrew W. Mellon, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Joseph Widener, and Blanche Adler. Sales date back as early as 1902, so the binder probably belonged to Collins's predecessor at Knoedler's, Norman F. Wells, or perhaps even Wells's predecessor.

Collins kept a number of loose letters and ephemera stored inside its covers. There is also a small bound leather book divided into alphabetically tabbed sections. Most of the pages are blank, but some contain more lists in the same handwriting as the binder. They may also be prints and drawings bought or sold by Knoedler, but the annotations use abbreviations and numbers that are indecipherable.

An A-Z accordion file contained items relating to both the life and work of Collins, including a letter to his father composed after his brother was killed in battle during World War I; a letter from RSC, along with Collins's responses, regarding some prints RSC was hoping to buy; photographs of works Collins was buying or selling; ephemera relating to art shows; and other correspondence.

A black spring binder contains notebook pages with writing in pencil. There are passages that relate to the Bible and to art history. There is some translation from German. There is nothing conclusively identifying this object with Collins and its purpose remains unclear. The remaining items were found in Collins's room at the Williams Inn after he died. These include catalogs and other publications; several small oil paintings perhaps done by Collins; ephemera such as his credit card and Catholic holy cards; and additional correspondence and documents. One folder of materials is labeled James F. Drake, Inc. and contains correspondence between Collins and the rare book dealer regarding obtaining a number of art books for the Clark.

extent.8 linear ft.
formatsPhotographs Correspondence Ephemera Inventories Financial Records
accessContact the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library for further details.
record source
finding aidAvailable online and at the repository (Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. Library).
acquisition informationThe binder and the book were acquisitioned in early 2007 after being removed from a collection of items that eventually made up the Realia and the Personal series of the Sterling and Francine Clark Papers. The A to Z file and personal items were accessioned in October 2007, along with records pertaining to the Prints and Drawings Collection.
updated11/12/2014 11:30:10