Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Field, William B. Osgood
William Bradhurst Osgood Field (1870-1949) and his family were prominent...

1870-1949 New York City NY Collector
Fifth Avenue Art Galleries (New York, N.Y.)
New York art gallery operating out of 546 Fifth Avenue...

1894-1906 New York City NY Auction_House
Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms
New York auction house located at 341 Fourth Avenue...

New York City NY Auction_House
Fifth Avenue Gallery
Art gallery; Fort Worth, Texas. Founded in 1960 by Pauline...

1960-1966 Fort Worth TX Dealer/Gallery
Findlay, Wally, 1903–1996
Walstein "Wally" Chester Findlay, Jr. was a New York City...

1903-1996 Palm Beach FL Dealer/Gallery
Fine Arts Associates
Otto Gerson (1902-1962) and Ilse Goehler (m. 1939), New York...

1933-1980 New York City NY Dealer/Gallery
Firma D. Sala & Zoonen
Frame maker and dealer, established 1825 in Leiden. At the...

1825-1935 Leiden Dealer/Gallery
Fischbach Gallery
Art gallery, New York, N.Y. Operated by Aladar Marberger. Founded...

1954-1978 New York City NY Dealer/Gallery
Fischbach, Marilyn
Art dealer, founded the Manhattan Gallery on Madison Avenue at...

1931-2003 New York City NY Dealer/Gallery
Fish, Stuyvesant, 1851-1923
Collector, railroad president and businessman. The Fish collection included tapestries...

1851-1923 New York City NY Collector
Fisher, Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes Fisher collected Dutch and Flemish masterworks from the...

1867-1955 Los Angeles CA Collector
Fitzgerald Gallery (New York, N.Y.)
Art gallery; New York, N.Y. Owned by Edward Fitzgerald. Located...

1960-1966 New York City NY Dealer/Gallery
Fitzgerald, Desmond, 1846-1926
Art patron, art collector, and engineer; Brookline, Mass. Served on...

1846-1926 Brookline MA Collector Patron
Flagler, Henry Morrison, 1830-1913
Henry Morrison Flagler was a collector, patron, financier and owner...

1830-1913 St. Augustine FL Collector
Flandin, Pierre
Pierre Flandin was a New York Nineteenth Century art dealer...

1781-1863 New York City NY Dealer/Gallery
Fleischman, Barbara
Barbara G. Fleischman is a collector, art dealer, and philanthropist...

1924- New York City NY Collector
Fleischman, Lawrence A. (Lawrence Arthur), 1925-1997
Born in Detroit, MI, Lawrence Fleischman was an art collector...

1925-1997 New York City NY Dealer/Gallery Collector
Fleming, T. R.
T. R. Fleming was an exporter and a member of...

Long Beach CA Collector
Fletcher, Isaac Dudley, 1844-1917
President of Barrett Manufacturing Company, Fletcher Isaac Dudley was a...

1844-1917 New York City NY Collector
Flood, James Clair, 1826-1888
James Clair Flood was an art collector and merchant (saloon...

1826-1889 San Francisco CA Collector
Florsheim, Harold M.
Collector, businessman and heir to the Florsheim Shoe Company, Chicago...

1900-1987 Chicago IL Collector Patron
Florsheim, Sarabel
Sarabel "Sue" Browarsky Florsheim was a collector, philanthropist and the...

1913-2004 Chicago IL Collector
Flynt, Henry Needham , 1893-1970
In 1920, Henry Needham Flynt married Helen Margaret Geier (1895-1986...

1893-1970 Deerfield MA Collector
Focus Gallery
Photography gallery; San Francisco, Calif., founded by Helen Johnston in...

1966-1985 San Francisco CA Dealer/Gallery
Folsom Galleries
The Folsom Gallery, aka Bauer-Folsom Galleries (1908–1909), was...

1911-1921 New York City NY Dealer/Gallery
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